I have been so neglectful with answering this one award. I received it while away in California and apologize to Gina for not catching it in a respectful time frame. Please go over to her blog and register for her Giveaway, chicks! You don't have much time so goooooo!!!! Gina and I are kindred "spirits" and only she knows what I mean.
Now to the award.

I am giving this award to all the sweet bloggers! I've given it much thought and am just so simply stunned that I've gotten any award from anyone! My heart is full with the love I've received from all of you who've left comments. Each one of you deserve an award. I've seen all kinds of blogs: creative, beautiful, shabby, decorating, just plain talking ones, ones from the heart (I've even gotten a "special" invitation from one blogger who wanted me to read a very personal blog which wouldn't let me leave a comment because it wasn't allowed, so I emailed her and asked her if she needed someone to talk to and see if she was "okay"), ones from teens who've said I've made their day(!) if you can imagine that, and then one from her mom who emailed me for giving her such encouragement, blogs where personal feelings are shared, our "arts" are shared, ones that break my heart, ones that lift me up, ones where we learn how to do different skills, even one man left me a comment about wanting his wife to read my blog(!). They've all left me stunned with the sweetness and heart-feltness (Is that a word? If not, I'm making it one!) So my heart is full and I'm truly blessed in more than one way for knowing y'all chicks! Now, go visit my friend, Gina........