Here is the first giveaway. But since I wasn't entirely clear on my last PS post that it would begin with this week, I'm adding the names from then to this week. I also want to say a public thank you to Beverly for helping me get the word out for things I want to giveaway. The decluttering continues in this house.

Simply leave a comment on this post to win this apron. The rest of the aprons will be given away on subsequent Pink Saturdays. With a few thoughts thrown in of course.

Simply leave a comment on this post to win this apron. The rest of the aprons will be given away on subsequent Pink Saturdays. With a few thoughts thrown in of course.

And those of you who have been long time followers know that I sometimes post just random thoughts, things that just pop in and out of my head while driving or just sitting around.
A few months ago I went to a friend's house to watch her bake bread so I could learn how to do it. While there I asked her why she and her hubby built such a large house later in life. They are in their 50s. I told her we scaled DOWN to a smaller house in our 60s (5,000 s.f. to 1800 s.f.) and couldn't imagine trying to keep up with the housework involved. I never again want to clean 4 full bathrooms. Her answer was that the kids get married and return home with all the grandkids. I just looked at her, smiled and said, "That's what hotels are for, sugar." They just sold their house last month within a couple of weeks in this depressing housing market. I think I got through to her!
Another friend told me she was having a man and his wife visit them and was stressed out about fixing them a dinner; at least, they were staying in a motel for the night. This woman confessed to me on the phone that night that she was so tired lately that she just can hardly get her house cleaned: vacuum, rest, back to vacuum, rest, 3rd try at vacuuming, rest. When she told me about dreading fixing a dinner for a stranger and his wife, I said, "That's what Applebee's is for!" I'm dead serious, too. Many times I loiter at the edge of propriety. ;-)
We have our yard sprayed about 5x during the summer season and it pays off in spades. Our yard is the best looking in the neighborhood with hardly a weed daring to poke its head up. Great service. So this week he told us he's offering spider/bug treatments. I told him no as I rarely ever see a spider or bug, which is great. But I can remember when Love Bunny (hubs to the new readers) lived in the Jacaranda motel in Oceanside, CA. waiting for military base housing and had to wrestle the cockroaches into submission for our meals. We've come a long way, baby.
I know there are some of you out there who want to live in "simpler" times. Are you nuts or what?! Give me a Dyson vacuum, flush toilet—preferably one that can flush 10 golf balls, self-clean and freshens the air, a microwave, frost-free freezer and refrigerator, washers and dryers any ole day of the week. I just cannot see dying early from cleaning house! Stymies the heck outta me.
I was in a house recently and it's pretty hard to describe it but I'll try:
The structure looked like the residence of a troll who had grown weary of living under bridges, without amenities, but who had neither the knowledge nor the industry, nor the sense of pride, needed to maintain a house. It was pretty pathetic. That is not a statement on the people living there. They are kind, gentle, loving and spiritual. They just simply have no sense of decorating.
Even moral acts can have dimensions that scar the mind and wound the heart. Take care.
Have you had enough of me today? Until next time.