Happy pink saturday to all of you. I've been very neglectful (chalk it up to "old age"!) in linking back to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound. I apologize to her and am remedying the situation now by inviting each of you to click on her link and go see the list of others participating in this event each saturday. It's certainly a lot of fun for me.
Like a lot of you, I've come to the realization that my house will never look like those in the magazines. BUT I can still do things I like to do and it can look similar to those that we like without the fancy prices.
I love the look of old doors, windows, shutters or dividers in my house. I have a trellis divider I've used and recently took it down and stored the 2 pieces behind bedroom doors until I figure out what next I'll do with it. But look at how this homeowner got a gorgeous look using them. Just kinds of separates the entry to an apartment from the living room. I need to do this also since our entry is right into our living room. This would help define it a bit.
Like a lot of you, I've come to the realization that my house will never look like those in the magazines. BUT I can still do things I like to do and it can look similar to those that we like without the fancy prices.
I love the look of old doors, windows, shutters or dividers in my house. I have a trellis divider I've used and recently took it down and stored the 2 pieces behind bedroom doors until I figure out what next I'll do with it. But look at how this homeowner got a gorgeous look using them. Just kinds of separates the entry to an apartment from the living room. I need to do this also since our entry is right into our living room. This would help define it a bit.

A branch with tea lights. How darling. I'm sure they are the battery kind otherwise we'd..........okay, okay, I'd burn down the house. A neat idea for a party or "house warming" though.

If you're like me and have no fireplace you can still have a faux one with a mantel as a focal point in the room instead of those ugly big televisions. These owners used it to hide an old steam radiator. Clever idea!
I was reading a blog recently about a woman who lost her diamond and it reminded me of when my daughter was just over a year old and she lost my engagement ring.
I had gone in to take a shower and left her in the front room watching cartoons. When I got out I noticed my rings weren't in the spot I had left them. I asked her if she did something with them and can't remember what she said but I did find the diamond wedding ring soon. But the engagement ring wasn't so easy. I somehow found out she took it to the play area in the back of our apartment. There were swings out there and we learned she had it out there. So we sifted through the sand with the help of some neighbors and finally found the ring. Needless to say, we were thrilled. I think we had a big party that night to celebrate—on us of course. I was never so glad to find something in my life!!
I am an excellent speller but with the advent of "spell check" I don't worry about it so much but the other day I couldn't figure out how to spell "principle"—the word that means a fundamental quality. I typed principle and then principal and neither looked right. Principal, of course, is the school head. I think I'm relying on "spell check" and my calculator too much. *Sigh*.......
Have you gotten into your car and had an itch on your back and just CANNOT satisfy it? I must look a sight driving down the street or freeway with all the gyrations I'm doing in the seat to get to that itch.
And while driving the other day I heard an ad on the car radio for a nasal spray that had the side effects of "nasal bleeding" and "glaucoma"! Why in the world would someone use it if those were the side effects. I'd rather have a stuffy nose, for heaven sakes!
Recently I was driving the car with hubs in the passenger seat and was trying to turn off the "change lane/turn" signal. The windshield wiper kept coming on. After about 4 or 5 times of this happening I turned to him and said, "Something's wrong with the car; I can't turn the signal off." He looked over at me and said, "Try the other one; you're trying to turn it off with the windshield wipers." Another DUH moment in the life of Connie. I truly was clueless........uhhhh, just for the moment though. ^—^
Why do ads always come out on sunday instead of saturday or monday? We don't shop on sunday and sometimes when I get to the store on mondays the item I'm looking for is gone. I think they should change their starting days for the ads or put some back for those of us who honor sabbath and don't shop that day.
Recently I was driving the car with hubs in the passenger seat and was trying to turn off the "change lane/turn" signal. The windshield wiper kept coming on. After about 4 or 5 times of this happening I turned to him and said, "Something's wrong with the car; I can't turn the signal off." He looked over at me and said, "Try the other one; you're trying to turn it off with the windshield wipers." Another DUH moment in the life of Connie. I truly was clueless........uhhhh, just for the moment though. ^—^
Why do ads always come out on sunday instead of saturday or monday? We don't shop on sunday and sometimes when I get to the store on mondays the item I'm looking for is gone. I think they should change their starting days for the ads or put some back for those of us who honor sabbath and don't shop that day.