I spent all last week moving furniture, wall "fluff" and clothing out of rooms that were to be painted. Each morning we'd haul stuff out that we didn't get the night before AFTER we hauled stuff back in. Now I'm sure you understood that! Even I don't get it but just let me say that we were "hauling"!! Room to room. Everything came off walls into other rooms till that room was painted and each night we'd haul it back in and start on the next room. It went on for 5 nights. Craig, the painter, would paint the master walk-in closet we emptied in the morning on to the bed and we'd put it back in that evening before we could even FIND the bed. I didn't get photos of it but you get the picture. I still have stuff in the family room to put back or not put back. I have this sinking feeling I'm going to get rid of a lot more stuff that was on the walls. I love the pink so much that I don't think I'll put everything back on the walls. (Let me say here that this is a tremendous relief to Love Bunny.)

Love Bunny's arm as he's hauling stuff out of laundry room to kitchen while waiting for Craig to finish our master bathroom. Pillows from bedroom are in living room also. Don't even ask me why!

Our bedroom with the newly painted coats of pink paint. Not yet decided what to put back up but you'll see it sometime this week.

We had a bit of "touchy moments" that almost ended up on Judge Judy's Divorce Court (since we don't watch tv I'm just imaging what it is like). Hubs didn't want me to touch his office. Now, I have this vision (because I already have the fabrics) of black and white toile and checks in his room with red accents so the pink walls would have looked good. Nuuuuuuuu, he had other ideas. I'm the "decorator" here but he said I only gave him 2 choices: pink or white. Sooooooo, rather than make my children orphans, I hauled his sweet backside to Home Depot and said, "Here are several thousand colors; pick one." He gravitated to a pretty pale green called Topical Dream. Sort of minty green. Okay, that's doable, just have to change the accent colors is all. I might even try to find a toile and check to match the green color instead of using the black and white I already have. *Sigh*.............

You do get the picture here, right. This is the "before" while he's cleaning it up today. We don't work or shop on sundays but he wants to get this mess straightened up soon because I promised him one of those desk units if he let me paint the room something other than beige. I do not like beige and don't feel good around it. Beige does NOT bother him. He couldn't care any less so I finally talked him into another color if he chose it as described above. *Sigh*............. I do think it's the promise of a new desk with a wrap-around for the printer and files and such. Men can be so obstinate, but as my friend, Sherilynn, said to me recently, "You've always said your aim in life is to make him happy", I have to admit she's right. A man's home is his castle and he has no problem at all letting me paint it pink, just don't touch his private space! When I snapped this photo he laughingly asked me what I was doing - the before photo for the "before and after" photos. I just smiled...........*Wink*