Soooooo, I'm sitting here thinking I've forgotten to do something and at 8:30 at night it hits me....Show and Tell Sunday! I'm bored with Love Bunny still in San Diego and not hearing another human voice except for the infrequent phone calls from him and about to go stir crazy with no human being to chatter to..........*Sigh*............ So here we are taking photos of my favorite collection - outside of ROSES, I mean! Now, I'm scurrying around taking pictures at night and hurrying to post them in time for tomorrow. Let's begin......
This is my absolutely favorite pitcher. I actually gasped when I opened the box about 8 years ago. Even hubs said it was beautiful when I showed him that night. I bought it on ebay. Majolica. Gorgeous!!
This is my absolutely favorite pitcher. I actually gasped when I opened the box about 8 years ago. Even hubs said it was beautiful when I showed him that night. I bought it on ebay. Majolica. Gorgeous!!

Not especially pretty but I had to have it. It's quite heavy and filled with liquid I can barely pour out of it so I don't use it very often anymore.

I know, I know, it's blue! But I love the delicate lines of it and the fruit design of it. Very graceful looking.

It's PINK!! What can I say?!?! Well, pink and yellow which is one of my favorite color combinations.

The fact that it has roses on it overshadows the robins egg blue color. I love that color. Heck, I love the name: robins egg blue.

This vase came to me with flowers from my daughter. I kept it because it's purple - her favorite color. You should see her house! BUT surprise, it's plastic! Yep, but I display it and it's so light that I can lift it with liquid in it with no problem.

This is a Lenox china pitcher. Not very big at all. It was a gift to me about 20 years ago from a friend then. Very fragile and delicate also. That's fruit on it. Lovely and elegant looking.

This is kind of weird colors but the price was right at the thrift store. Plus I thought it was cute. The brown flowers are not very pretty but it looked like it needed a good home. :-) It has a good home NOW!