Happy Pink Saturday, sweet bloggers. Once again visit with Beverly for more pink in your life and beautiful things to see.

Since I'm confined to home pretty much for the next 5 weeks and can't even get into my yard easily I thought I'd look around and try to capture some photos in my books and on the internet for Pink Saturday.
I came across this darling little cottage for rent in France and wanted to share its charm with you. I'm not particularly one of those people who are dying to go to France but this would be an ideal vacation spot for some of you. ;-)

My dream living room. Well, one of my dream living rooms anyway.

Since I'm confined to home pretty much for the next 5 weeks and can't even get into my yard easily I thought I'd look around and try to capture some photos in my books and on the internet for Pink Saturday.
I came across this darling little cottage for rent in France and wanted to share its charm with you. I'm not particularly one of those people who are dying to go to France but this would be an ideal vacation spot for some of you. ;-)

My dream living room. Well, one of my dream living rooms anyway.

It's in the northwest part of France and looks to be near the ocean, just how far I'm not sure, but very close.

This is not part of the house but I thought I'd share the lovely living room with you anyway. Another dream room of mine.

I also came across these little storage buckets and just thought I'd need to buy them but I don't need anymore storage bins or boxes with what I have now. But aren't they just gorgeous?! And I love pink stripes.