It's time for a new meme, chicks! Back on a June post Because Froufrou Counts I mentioned this and at that time received nine emails from women who were interested. I also mentioned that I wouldn't start it until a friday in July. Well, since we only have one more friday—this one—and Love Bunny has dragged me off to the wilds of Idaho and wilds of Oregon for camping and my kids are here at this moment I thought it was time to do it. (I'm composing this on 7/24/10, just so you know.)
With that being said, here are the rules.You post something on a friday that is froufrou or feminine (you decide) and then you have to put this button on your sidebar. Only the original nine will be on there unless you email me when you see the logo on the sidebar. I'll begin a list. I'm not using linky at first, if ever. I'll decide later on. I like the list better. To contact me, check the sidebar for "Email Me" and drop me a line. Easy peasy!

The code is appearing on the sidebar for bloggers wanting to join to snag and put on their sidebar. It must appear on your sidebar. (And I will check.) If you don't know how to do this, email me and I'll help you put the code on. So please put it there to encourage others to share their froufrou.
With that being said, here are the rules.You post something on a friday that is froufrou or feminine (you decide) and then you have to put this button on your sidebar. Only the original nine will be on there unless you email me when you see the logo on the sidebar. I'll begin a list. I'm not using linky at first, if ever. I'll decide later on. I like the list better. To contact me, check the sidebar for "Email Me" and drop me a line. Easy peasy!

The code is appearing on the sidebar for bloggers wanting to join to snag and put on their sidebar. It must appear on your sidebar. (And I will check.) If you don't know how to do this, email me and I'll help you put the code on. So please put it there to encourage others to share their froufrou.
Here is the list so far:
Jenn at Pretty Petals
Sherry at Country Wings in Phoenix
Jil at Say It with Roses
Laura at Decor to Adore
Jillian at Bella Rosa Antiques
Pat at The Urban Chic
Dana at Sinderella Studio
Tina at One Wild Swan
Kirsty at Kirsty Girl 7
So there you have it. Just email me WITH AN EMAIL to respond and put you on my mailing list, which will never, ever be used for spam. I'll ask each week if you are participating or not. You will be on there IF you respond via the email, not by leaving me a comment! Links will be here on this blog on fridays. If I don't hear from you I can't very well include you on the list for that friday. I think it will be fun.