I've had so many questions about photos and the New editor that was introduced many months ago, that I've done a tutorial on it. It's not a comprehensive tutorial but may give a bit of help to some of you who are struggling with photos on your blog. Just go here or click on the tutorial above under my banner/logo.
Recently I celebrated another birthday. Now, I've admitted the only thing I ever ask for is my dinner out. I'm not good at remembering or celebrating my birthdays and have even been known to forget our anniversary or kids'/grandkids' birthdays. Birthdays are just not high on my list of priorities—mine or anyone else's. So that being said, I have this little story to tell you.
As you may know since I've mentioned it before, I've had an eBay group for over 4 years now. We chat about our lives and decorating and crafting and we've all grown very close and on occasions some of the group have met each other in person. But they treat me royally. I truly do love each of those women.
But a few days after my birthday I received an email from a member who quit—although we still keep in touch via emails—asking me if I checked my mail that day. I confirmed that I had, thinking she meant email, and thanked her for the e-card she sent. She emailed back quickly saying it wasn't email/e-card, but the regular postal service. I had grabbed the mail from the box on my way in from a bit of shopping and told her that yes, I had in fact checked my mail box. She quickly emailed back that she sent something and her confirmation slip said it arrived today. All of a sudden I looked up at my video cam that monitors my front porch and saw a package out there that must have been left while I was out and I had forgotten to check the front porch. Our mail lady leaves packages on the porch for me.
So I quickly ran to the door and opened the package and this is what I found inside—this gorgeous watercolor painting from her! I gasped and was so astounded that she would be so kind as to gift me with such a lovely watercolor. And she even matted it for me. I don't have a frame that it will fit snugly in, but I love using old frames I have painted. I just can't throw them away and mats are so expensive, I have to be creative so this is what I've done.

Isn't it just beautiful? I truly and thrilled and in awe of her talent.
Recently I celebrated another birthday. Now, I've admitted the only thing I ever ask for is my dinner out. I'm not good at remembering or celebrating my birthdays and have even been known to forget our anniversary or kids'/grandkids' birthdays. Birthdays are just not high on my list of priorities—mine or anyone else's. So that being said, I have this little story to tell you.
As you may know since I've mentioned it before, I've had an eBay group for over 4 years now. We chat about our lives and decorating and crafting and we've all grown very close and on occasions some of the group have met each other in person. But they treat me royally. I truly do love each of those women.
But a few days after my birthday I received an email from a member who quit—although we still keep in touch via emails—asking me if I checked my mail that day. I confirmed that I had, thinking she meant email, and thanked her for the e-card she sent. She emailed back quickly saying it wasn't email/e-card, but the regular postal service. I had grabbed the mail from the box on my way in from a bit of shopping and told her that yes, I had in fact checked my mail box. She quickly emailed back that she sent something and her confirmation slip said it arrived today. All of a sudden I looked up at my video cam that monitors my front porch and saw a package out there that must have been left while I was out and I had forgotten to check the front porch. Our mail lady leaves packages on the porch for me.
So I quickly ran to the door and opened the package and this is what I found inside—this gorgeous watercolor painting from her! I gasped and was so astounded that she would be so kind as to gift me with such a lovely watercolor. And she even matted it for me. I don't have a frame that it will fit snugly in, but I love using old frames I have painted. I just can't throw them away and mats are so expensive, I have to be creative so this is what I've done.

Isn't it just beautiful? I truly and thrilled and in awe of her talent.