I started blogging before many of you started reading me so I'm going back in the oldest posts and kind of posting them again. There are several that I believe are worthy of note so today I'll include a few of them and in other posts from here on I just may include one of them at the end of each "regular/daily" posts. I hope you enjoy them because this is absolutely how I live my life!
Being Nice
It's always in good taste to be nice. Seriously, there isn't any reason to not be kind and nice. I try to live like this, but don't always succeed. However, I am never, ever nasty or unkind to the woman who cuts my hair: the best hairdresser in this state!! Remember that because she is the woman who holds the scissors and can ruin your day - or even weeks ahead!!
Beautiful Patio Door Blinds

Being Nice
It's always in good taste to be nice. Seriously, there isn't any reason to not be kind and nice. I try to live like this, but don't always succeed. However, I am never, ever nasty or unkind to the woman who cuts my hair: the best hairdresser in this state!! Remember that because she is the woman who holds the scissors and can ruin your day - or even weeks ahead!!
Beautiful Patio Door Blinds

I detest vertical blinds; however, when we had this house built we had to have them. I scoured the stores and catalogs until I come find one I could live with. My main problem with them is that the "swing" when opening or closing them, thus sometimes causing them to break. I may not have found the "prefect" solution, but they are definitely much, much better the way I bought them: with a sheer curtain over them. Actually the "panels" are inserted into each of the sheer curtain panels. They hardly swing at all and even provide a light filtering privacy that I adore. So you have the ethereal looking privacy; they add to the decor ; and they don't have that "swingy" effect. Very nice indeed. I've tried to capture them in the pictures below.
Reflections from a Mother's Heart
I am not a journal writer; in fact, I find it very hard to put my thoughts on paper. I am trying to write a history for my children and grandchildren, but that is a great undertaking. I may not ever complete it but there are some thoughts I've put to paper. I really do it on the computer though since I'm usually on the computer and love computers! But we really need to write some things down for our posterity that will be handed down to those who come after us. Soooo I bought these little books in a book store several years ago. I bought one for my son and my daughter. I filled the book and then gave it to them as a gift. It's a very handy little tome because it offers questions and suggestions for you. It truly brings memories to mind! Then you just write them down. They don't have to be long rememberances and you may not use every single one but it really is helpful to have the questions and suggestions for you. I think it is a wonderful gift to give your children. They may be purchased at any book store or specialty items type of store. Just my thoughts....................

For me there is nothing better for me to do than "putter" around the house. I love just rearranging knick knacks, bibelots or cleaning out and organizing sock drawers that I haven't gotten to for a long time! I know, I know........most of us hate that kind of thing. But look for the gloriousness of it. You have a "clean" palette to start fresh. Old socks or nylons are thrown out. You see your treasures in a new and different light. And nobody can do it like you can. Just have a glass of ice water or lemonade near for drinking or a cup of your favorite beverage and start in on your task. Putter - one of my favorite words, too. That time is for you because you need to schedule time in your busy schedule for just "YOU"!! You could even rearrange or clean out some of your beautiful boxes. If you don't have any, I suggest you make some or go looking for them. That way your clutter will be in "plain sight" and no one would know it. I've included some more beautiful boxes and magazine holders for you to see. Now you know how beautiful they can look!
Look with a "Different Eye"

This idea came from a friend, Stephanie, who put bunnies in her glasses for the Easter holiday! I thought it was delightful since I have so many stemware glasses. We don't drink any alcohol, but I just love the beauty and gracefulness of stemware and sometimes just use them for water or juices at meals. These are crystal and cost a little more than some can cost, but cheaper ones can be found in department stores when sales are going on or at yard or estate sales. You could think of many different things to do with them, but they always add sparkle to a room. I remember when we were in Ireland at the Waterford Glass works. That showroom simply sparkled so much with all the fabulous glassware and china that it was very difficult to get a picture! It was like living in a castle. Just lovely. So my advice to you today is again: "look at something with a different eye" and see how you can make it into something beautiful for your home.
Reflections from a Mother's Heart
I am not a journal writer; in fact, I find it very hard to put my thoughts on paper. I am trying to write a history for my children and grandchildren, but that is a great undertaking. I may not ever complete it but there are some thoughts I've put to paper. I really do it on the computer though since I'm usually on the computer and love computers! But we really need to write some things down for our posterity that will be handed down to those who come after us. Soooo I bought these little books in a book store several years ago. I bought one for my son and my daughter. I filled the book and then gave it to them as a gift. It's a very handy little tome because it offers questions and suggestions for you. It truly brings memories to mind! Then you just write them down. They don't have to be long rememberances and you may not use every single one but it really is helpful to have the questions and suggestions for you. I think it is a wonderful gift to give your children. They may be purchased at any book store or specialty items type of store. Just my thoughts....................

For me there is nothing better for me to do than "putter" around the house. I love just rearranging knick knacks, bibelots or cleaning out and organizing sock drawers that I haven't gotten to for a long time! I know, I know........most of us hate that kind of thing. But look for the gloriousness of it. You have a "clean" palette to start fresh. Old socks or nylons are thrown out. You see your treasures in a new and different light. And nobody can do it like you can. Just have a glass of ice water or lemonade near for drinking or a cup of your favorite beverage and start in on your task. Putter - one of my favorite words, too. That time is for you because you need to schedule time in your busy schedule for just "YOU"!! You could even rearrange or clean out some of your beautiful boxes. If you don't have any, I suggest you make some or go looking for them. That way your clutter will be in "plain sight" and no one would know it. I've included some more beautiful boxes and magazine holders for you to see. Now you know how beautiful they can look!
Look with a "Different Eye"

This idea came from a friend, Stephanie, who put bunnies in her glasses for the Easter holiday! I thought it was delightful since I have so many stemware glasses. We don't drink any alcohol, but I just love the beauty and gracefulness of stemware and sometimes just use them for water or juices at meals. These are crystal and cost a little more than some can cost, but cheaper ones can be found in department stores when sales are going on or at yard or estate sales. You could think of many different things to do with them, but they always add sparkle to a room. I remember when we were in Ireland at the Waterford Glass works. That showroom simply sparkled so much with all the fabulous glassware and china that it was very difficult to get a picture! It was like living in a castle. Just lovely. So my advice to you today is again: "look at something with a different eye" and see how you can make it into something beautiful for your home.