Happy Pink Saturday and thank you to Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for hosting this event. I visited with Suzanne of Shabby Chicks, Jamie at Him, Me and Our Three, and Spindle Cottage.
The subtitle to this post could also be "Shopping th' House" also. You'll see when you get to the bottom photos.
Remember these little pink things I showed you the other day? Well, I had an idea in mind that I've seen a couple of other places, probably a LOT of other places, but I've only seen them in one other blog and they were done up in tissue paper or old dress pattern paper or something like that. I decided to dye coffee filters and put them up in the living room. I almost killed myself! Love Bunny was teaching a class that day and not around so I went ahead and did it myself.
First off, I strung a couple of hundred of them on a long string of yarn. I think I'll do more soon so they'll probably show at the very end of this post. Being too lazy to go grab a ladder, I climbed onto this feather-filled sofa. (Have you ever tried to walk on a soft feather sofa? Do NOT try this at home!)
Too droopy for me so I had to tighten up the yarn. I'd forgotten how forgiving yarn is.
The subtitle to this post could also be "Shopping th' House" also. You'll see when you get to the bottom photos.
Remember these little pink things I showed you the other day? Well, I had an idea in mind that I've seen a couple of other places, probably a LOT of other places, but I've only seen them in one other blog and they were done up in tissue paper or old dress pattern paper or something like that. I decided to dye coffee filters and put them up in the living room. I almost killed myself! Love Bunny was teaching a class that day and not around so I went ahead and did it myself.
First off, I strung a couple of hundred of them on a long string of yarn. I think I'll do more soon so they'll probably show at the very end of this post. Being too lazy to go grab a ladder, I climbed onto this feather-filled sofa. (Have you ever tried to walk on a soft feather sofa? Do NOT try this at home!)

Too droopy for me so I had to tighten up the yarn. I'd forgotten how forgiving yarn is.

Then little Miss Priss here decided to stand on the arm with one foot and on the back of the sofa with the other foot. Read the last sentence above the first photo. *Wink*

One side of the yarn wrapped around one foot and the other side wrapped around the table leg below. Read the last sentence above the first photo again.

I didn't end up on the floor on my back only because my guardian angel was watching over me. Okay, so I tightened it up a bit but think I need a tighter grip on the yarn.

And no matter how red it looks to you here, I can assure you the color is definitely pink!

Okay, fast forward to the next day and here I am but with a ladder this time. I dyed more coffee filters. You'll have to trust me when I say that in the house you can see very, very little difference in the new ones I dyed last night and put up on the left. I have no idea why they look red in this photograph. But I did, however, spend the evening dyeing about 200 more of them. After drying overnight and a bit more in the sun this morning, I hung them up.

I then went along and scrunched them with my hands, just grabbed several at a time and scrunched good and tight. I like that look much better. They don't look so much like a disker that the farmers around here use. ;-)

View from left.

I like the little taste of pizzazz it adds to the area.

Then after risking life and limb hanging the garland, I decided to shop the house again and switch out some pillows. These were in the family room. My rooms are ever evolving/changing. Now, remember that I have new white duck slipcovers coming! That will make a huge difference in this room I think.

I still haven't redone the coffee table. That will come soon.

I love the look of these pillows and with the new slipcovers even more so.

I've been thinking: Should I paint the lamps white? What do you chicks think? And I apologize for so many photos but I just wanted you all to see them well enough that you might want to do it somewhere in your little cottages.