My life is to make everything around me beautiful.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Friend's Home Tour #1

I have a woman in our ward who thinks like I do in many things, but decorating is the part that touches my heart the most I think. It's been very hard to find women around here who decorate similar to me in any way. Phyllis does! And what a sweetheart she is. Mother of 11, yessss, 11 children! You would not believe this if you saw her, trust me. She's very young looking, a sweet, kind loving mom/woman and just so patient.

Anyway, I asked her if I could photograph her home to show you another chick here in Idaho who loves the froufrou style of decorating while making her hubby comfortable in their romantic home. I have 50 photos to share after editing so I'm going to make this a series of five blog posts. I have a feeling you're going to love her home.

She lives up the road from me. I live on the very edge of the county/city line. Looking at the house here, I would have my back to my own home. So I live on the edge of the farmers and ranchers area.

This is the front of the home and I got my car in the foreground. As you can see, there are 2 front entries. This house sits on a sloping hill. The hubby built the small kiddies a playground under the deck that could only be for little munchkins as adults would be too tall to stand under there but the little children fit nicely—swings, teeter totter and such under there. Snug in all kinds of weather.

Her hubby built a little "cottage" out there on the side of the house but the cottage is for HIM!! LOL It's his office, but Jack would have to fight me for that little place if I lived there. *Smiling*...........

Walking up to the front entry.

Stepping into the front entry puts us right into the formal dining. White painted chairs, pink candles and pink table runner and a chandelier—one of many in this home. Beautiful roses swag over the windows. (I'm sorry this photo didn't turn out well as the room is lovely and the windows were "fighting" me for light, but I took up a lot of their time the day I photographed the home and didn't want to disturb them again.)

Also her carpet in this area is a floral. Most unusual for this area, but as I said, the woman has taste! It's gorgeous.

Her plate collection. This is also an artistic family. Her hubby paints and some of her children paint or draw also.

This is a painting done by her hubby. You can see a little peek of this lovely lady up in the left hand corner but I've wanted to protect their privacy as much as possible so I won't put their photos of them on here.

A little curio cabinet to the right of the dining room windows. I love the lacy look of it.

A see-through fireplace looks into the kitchen dining area.

This is standing by the dining room windows and looking at the front entry. Stenciling is above the front entry. She has a vintage sewing machine under the mirror on the right side.

That's it for this post but keep in touch to see the rest of the home.

Monday, March 30, 2009

Jazzing Up Old Jackets

A quick fix solution to a problem.

I wear sunglasses if I'm outside—no matter what. If I'm outside I'm wearing my sunglasses. But hooking them into the neckline of my tops or even putting them on top of my head has resulted in broken glasses. I buy good ones at the optometrist. So I finally devised a way to hang them around my neck when shopping and needing my reading glasses to read labels.

I had an extra strap I had once made for a tote but never did make the tote. So I used that to go around my neck and then put 2 buttonholes in it to hold each pair of glasses by the ear piece: sunglasses and reading glasses securely at my neck without them falling out and breaking. Voilà. Here is how it turned out, chicks. Very easy and it just stays in my purse for when I go out. Quick, cheap fix.

I decided the other day to put new buttons on my jackets to jazz them up a bit. They usually come with the standard "el cheapo" kind of button even if it is JJill. I think they all are better looking with "snappier" buttons.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Silk Ribbon Embroidery for Pink Saturday 3/28/09

Just a reminder to one and all that a tutorial on making those pretty ribbon bow clip-ons is now available on the right hand sidebar here. Just find the sassy red pair of shoes with the pink ruffle bow, click on it and it will take you to the tutorial. I want to see your handiwork though, gals! ------------------>

Here is another pair I made recently. I've attached them to my black shoes, they could be attached to white or red just as easily. Does that mean I need to go find a pair of white ones now?!?! Ooooh, hold me back, chicks! But thought I'd show you how you can do this.


Also want to let you know that in another day or so I've got a tour of a friend's log home that she's made shabby chic romantic. You'll love it! I promise you it's gorgeous!!

I've done silk ribbon embroidery for years and just love it. I thought I'd show you some of the photos of a book I have on it. Isn't it lovely?! I've done most of the flowers and leaves in this book. What creations you can do simply with ribbons. Fantastic.

Purse made entirely of ribbons. You can make tablecloths this way also.

A beret with the most exquisite roses I've ever seen.

And another hat with silk roses and leaves. This is really and truly very simple to do.

A bridal bouquet that will last forever with white silk roses.

You can even make a very easy swag to decorate a chair.

An everlasting tiara made of white roses that will last forever for the bride.

Even African violets that will never die.

You can even embroider a ribbon for a special decoration on a pillow or scarf. Very easy!

Another purse or lingerie bag up close.

The actual lingerie or jewelry bag. Stunning!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Trying Out Artful Blogging Again

I have been besieged with women emailing me and asking how to make those clip-ons for shoes. They're asking from as far away as the Netherlands. So I've put together a tutorial with pictures — squeeeeeeeeal(!) — on how to do it. Just click on the sassy pair of red shoes on the right hand side bar and it will take you to the tutorial. And if you do decide to make them, email me and let me know pleeeeeease!!! I'd love to see what you've done with your creativity. My tutorial is very easy, chicks, so go for it. :-)

I seem to have become obsessed recently with doing some artful blogging. I haven't quite figured it out yet, but I've been diligently learning by simply taking pictures. I haven't "mastered" it yet—actually, not even sure I'm DOING blogging artfully! But here's a start. Most people in my church have no clue what I'm talking about but you chicks do so here's another example. Hmmm, I'm sure working on it though. I'm thinking that I need to set the Recording Pixels to its highest setting and then crop "viciously" to get close it on the shot for an "up close and personal" shot. Here I've tried it 2 different ways.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Red Shoes

I finally found a pair of red shoes that weren't too high to walk in. I love the red. They're patent leather and I made the pink clip-ons but aren't they sassy and cute?! Okay, I'm helping the economy. ;-) Yesterday I bought a new blazer, 6 new tops, new purse and this pair of shoes, not to mention a new ironing board cover and 9 new (used) books to read. I'm on a roll now, chicks.

Oooohhh, and yesterday in the mail I received coupons from KFC. They now have "Bailout Buckets"! *Sighhhhh*.............. Sign of the times, huh?

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Family Room Entry Redo

Yep, when hubs leaves town I have to do something to keep busy, and I've had this idea in my head for a long time. Actually, our home in California had this in our living room entry into the dining room also. I've got sooooo many panels of lace that I won't need to shop for the next 20 years anyway, gals. I put these gorgeous lace panels with scalloped edges on my entry into the family room on the dining room side. I put them up with upholstery tacks, screwed cup hooks into the wall on each side, tied the curtains with grosgrain ribbon and hung them. The panels are 95" long so I had to tie them back to get them out of the way a bit. I like the effect. It's a very romantic feel to the area now. I'm never ever done with this home. Sheeeesh......... Don't fret; hubs is used to it now!