This will be a long blog about what is happening in my life recently.
The short story is I now have interstitial lung disease. The long story is coming to grips with it for the last six months.
It began last October or November with a dry cough. After 3 visits to the QuickCare in our area and a visit to my doctor and prescriptions with each visit nothing helped with the cough. My primary physician told me to go to the ER if my oxygen levels went under 90. They are better equipped to handle this problem than a doctor’s office. So one day I made a visit to ER as my O2 levels were dropping fast. Just couldn’t get enough air into my lungs. It went to 70 at the ER and my fingers and toes were turning blue. They admitted me that day.
Then they called a pulmonologist in to help me. He is a very kind man. After spending the night at the hospital I was released and set to a pulmonologist. After a consultation we determined I had interstitial lung disease. There are more questions about it than not. Not many cures even if they do find the root cause. In other words too many questions and not many answers. I just live with it and hope it doesn’t get worse. I never smoked more than the one or two cigarettes in high school to show me it wasn’t something I’d want to pursue.
I’ve had 3 biopsies in my right lung and they hurt a lot, mostly when I breathed. We’ll have the results of the biopsies in about another week. There may be nothing to do with it. I refuse to read the statistics about it as I don’t want to know any more than absolutely necessary. I’m in counseling with it and like the progress we’re making, like my counselor and all that kind of stuff. My only problem is I’m short of breath and tethered to air hoses for the rest of my life and I’m actually okay with that. Another great granddaughter is due in October and that brings incredible joy to my life at this time. I’ve always loved and wanted as many grands kids or great grand kids as possible. I love them immensely and they bring great joy to me and my hubby. And my current 3 grand boys and 2, soon-to-be-3, great grand girls keep us loved and entertained well.
We know where we’re going as we’re religious and there isn’t enough “convincing” in the world to convince our family otherwise. We’re fun-loving Mormons.
I now await the final results on this disease. I live normally, just more oxygen flows though tubes in my nose. I still go out with friends for lunches and sit around and hoot when they show up concerned about me. I have the best friends anyone could hope for in this life. I also have that new Lexus hubby bought me as a total shock but a great one for me. I’m still very humorous and cute and lovable. Nothing has changed about me except my lungs are compromised.
The day I returned from the hospital I called a friend and asked if she could secure an angel food cake for me. She was over in 20 minutes with an angel food cake, strawberry glaze, fresh strawberries and whipped cream. She came in. I tucked a towel under my chin while laying in bed. She fed me slowly and stayed and talked to me for a couple of hours. What I didn't know until after she sat there, fed me and kept me company was that she had a family of 8 in our ward over for dinner that night. When I called all whispery-voiced, she dropped everything and told them: "Gotta go. It's Connie." And then she headed to the WalMart store and then my house. I was stunned when she told me she left them all there, her hubby and 3 kids and the family of 8 to fend for themselves when I called. I knew then why I loved that woman so much. I'm 30 years older than she is, but her physical problems, in all their immenseness, have yet to be determined and she's a young-ish mom of 3 teens and in worse health than I am, compromised lungs and all.
Then the next day, a friend came over, crawled into bed with me and we talked for a couple of hours. Her kids call me Miss Connie and my hubby Mr. Connie. I call them Miss Lainey, Miss Emma, Miss Sadie and Miss Avery. The darling boys are Mr. Miles and Mr. Graham. She's from California and her hubby is from this area and decided to set up his practice here, which is good since she's become so special to me. She's also a super person.
My first shower a week after the surgery put me in a very deep sleep for a couple of hours. It was that taxing. Hubby takes care of most chores now. We'll see how it goes when I get the results back from the doctor in a few days.
I am going to continue posting, just not on a regular basis. I love doing this. It gets my brain functioning, keeps me young and gives me something I can do at home. Another dear friend has other things for me to do from home also. I'll do what I can. I'll work around the lungs, lunches and visits from kids and grand kids. I cannot just do nothing. I have to stay somewhat active, as much as is possible. I'll turn the dirty chores over to th' Man! He can handle it and he CAN handle it.
It began last October or November with a dry cough. After 3 visits to the QuickCare in our area and a visit to my doctor and prescriptions with each visit nothing helped with the cough. My primary physician told me to go to the ER if my oxygen levels went under 90. They are better equipped to handle this problem than a doctor’s office. So one day I made a visit to ER as my O2 levels were dropping fast. Just couldn’t get enough air into my lungs. It went to 70 at the ER and my fingers and toes were turning blue. They admitted me that day.
Then they called a pulmonologist in to help me. He is a very kind man. After spending the night at the hospital I was released and set to a pulmonologist. After a consultation we determined I had interstitial lung disease. There are more questions about it than not. Not many cures even if they do find the root cause. In other words too many questions and not many answers. I just live with it and hope it doesn’t get worse. I never smoked more than the one or two cigarettes in high school to show me it wasn’t something I’d want to pursue.
I’ve had 3 biopsies in my right lung and they hurt a lot, mostly when I breathed. We’ll have the results of the biopsies in about another week. There may be nothing to do with it. I refuse to read the statistics about it as I don’t want to know any more than absolutely necessary. I’m in counseling with it and like the progress we’re making, like my counselor and all that kind of stuff. My only problem is I’m short of breath and tethered to air hoses for the rest of my life and I’m actually okay with that. Another great granddaughter is due in October and that brings incredible joy to my life at this time. I’ve always loved and wanted as many grands kids or great grand kids as possible. I love them immensely and they bring great joy to me and my hubby. And my current 3 grand boys and 2, soon-to-be-3, great grand girls keep us loved and entertained well.
We know where we’re going as we’re religious and there isn’t enough “convincing” in the world to convince our family otherwise. We’re fun-loving Mormons.
I now await the final results on this disease. I live normally, just more oxygen flows though tubes in my nose. I still go out with friends for lunches and sit around and hoot when they show up concerned about me. I have the best friends anyone could hope for in this life. I also have that new Lexus hubby bought me as a total shock but a great one for me. I’m still very humorous and cute and lovable. Nothing has changed about me except my lungs are compromised.
The day I returned from the hospital I called a friend and asked if she could secure an angel food cake for me. She was over in 20 minutes with an angel food cake, strawberry glaze, fresh strawberries and whipped cream. She came in. I tucked a towel under my chin while laying in bed. She fed me slowly and stayed and talked to me for a couple of hours. What I didn't know until after she sat there, fed me and kept me company was that she had a family of 8 in our ward over for dinner that night. When I called all whispery-voiced, she dropped everything and told them: "Gotta go. It's Connie." And then she headed to the WalMart store and then my house. I was stunned when she told me she left them all there, her hubby and 3 kids and the family of 8 to fend for themselves when I called. I knew then why I loved that woman so much. I'm 30 years older than she is, but her physical problems, in all their immenseness, have yet to be determined and she's a young-ish mom of 3 teens and in worse health than I am, compromised lungs and all.
Then the next day, a friend came over, crawled into bed with me and we talked for a couple of hours. Her kids call me Miss Connie and my hubby Mr. Connie. I call them Miss Lainey, Miss Emma, Miss Sadie and Miss Avery. The darling boys are Mr. Miles and Mr. Graham. She's from California and her hubby is from this area and decided to set up his practice here, which is good since she's become so special to me. She's also a super person.
My first shower a week after the surgery put me in a very deep sleep for a couple of hours. It was that taxing. Hubby takes care of most chores now. We'll see how it goes when I get the results back from the doctor in a few days.
I am going to continue posting, just not on a regular basis. I love doing this. It gets my brain functioning, keeps me young and gives me something I can do at home. Another dear friend has other things for me to do from home also. I'll do what I can. I'll work around the lungs, lunches and visits from kids and grand kids. I cannot just do nothing. I have to stay somewhat active, as much as is possible. I'll turn the dirty chores over to th' Man! He can handle it and he CAN handle it.
This is one of my favorite designs for a house. I loved everything about this home when I first saw the photo—furniture, floors, sunlight streaming in, kitchen, chandelier, just everything.
Nothing picks me up like colorful flowers.
And, yes, this would be fun to have in my home also.
Thinking of making some pretty pillowcases. Yes, seriously, I am! Just want to do something around here lately.
This is adorable but just too intense for me to make right now. I'll be doing simpler things from now on. I have a request if someone can help me. I want a pillow made from a drop cloth with stenciling on it and a self ruffle. Does anyone know who might be able to make me a pillow for a living room chair with my requests? I do NOT want to do it myself. Recommendations will be greatly considered.
One of the most vibrant bedrooms I've ever seen. All bright reds and comfy chairs. Love the drapes especially. Very cozy room.
I have never seen a blue and white kitchen I like more than this one. It is just gorgeous!
The top pillow is what I'm requesting earlier in this post.
And this tassel? Oooh, be still my heart. It's so adorable. Now I'll probably be on a quest for tassels also.
The black flowery fabric on the bed is so beautiful paired with the other elements in this room.
What a great bench for an entry way. Hmmmm, I actually just had an epiphany looking at this photo.
Love this chair and its fabrics. Look at the drape pulled together also. Beautiful.
Another room that speaks to the aesthetics in my heart. Love the pink French wicker chair, pink and green drapes.
What a great entrance! Says it all in understated terms. Gorgeous.

See what you can do so easily to add a bit of drama and flair to a room. Just put tiny cups in a glass jar. I'll get on that within the hour, trust me.
Too tired to proof this. If there are any mistakes I'll correct them later.
Too tired to proof this. If there are any mistakes I'll correct them later.