Thursday, September 13, 2012

My Experience at Costco

Okay, this is a long story and I'm not about to make it short! I need to vent!! You've been warned, chicks.

But first. ;-) I've been workin' th' roses a bit—it seems I've lost my touch a bit so struggling to get back. Also, I've been having an issue with my newer sewing machine. The tension was off. When that tension is off, my tension is aggravated! So after a fruitless call to where I purchased it and didn't get much help, I called my friend, S.G., who rushed over and solved my problem—I didn't properly load the bobbin. Aaarrghhh. I can be so clueless sometimes, but the frustration of trying to do 3 projects at once was getting me down...big time. Plus the craft room is in such a shambles, it's a wonder I can even walk around in there. I know, I know. I should stop and clean it up a bit, but when I'm on a roll, nothing interferes, even dinner.

Anyway, S.G. asked if she could do a folded rose since all my practice roses were sitting there and I, of course, said, "Be my guest, but if your rose looks good, you'll have to make 5 of them." ;-) She just started rolling a length of wired ribbon, kept "picking" at it and came up with a great idea. I worked it some more when she ran off to get her youngest child from school. I'm starting to get th' groove back. But here's what we both worked on to settle my nerves from the sewing machine caper.

Last night. Same ribbons, different light. Hers is on the left and mine is on the right in all photos. I need to pluck and tuck at it a bit more. I really want to get it right as they'll be glued on to the chandelier shades.

This morning.

The final result of the one on the right. These aren't hard to do so I'll probably be taking several apart in the next few days and redoing them. I don't want to waste the ribbon. And please bear in mind that this ribbon does not photograph well. ;-) Well, it might if a pro did it but I'm not a pro and didn't take the time to set up a light box. I'll get right on that! Yep, right on it. ;-)

A couple of weeks ago, I went shopping by myself in Boise. I had several stops to make and hubs didn't particularly want to go. That was fine with me. I didn't realize at the time I was almost on empty. Now, I'm a chick who never lets my gas gauge go—at the most—below 3/4 of gas. Why? Well, many years ago, a comment was made by someone and it stuck with me. What if in the middle of the night you had an emergency and had to drive a bit of a distance and were almost on empty. Getting gas may not register immediately on your mind. Made sense to me so after that I keep my tank at least between half and three quarters full but being below half is unusual for me. Hubs goes on fumes a great deal of the time! He and I differ on a LOT of things, trust me.

Anyway, I asked him to go get me some gas. He called me from Costco and said the car wouldn't start. What?! I didn't have any problems at all that day and made several stops and not once did it act up. But he said he couldn't get it started and in our car it won't budge from park if it's not started. Two men, a customer and an employee, tried to help him as I made my way over in his truck, which I rarely ever drive and couldn't find the lever to adjust it forward and since he's 6'2" and I'm 5'4", I was driving with the tips of my toes on the gas pedal. It's about an 8-10 minute drive over to Costco. When I arrived I was happy to see he wasn't holding up any lines. We tried jumping it with the cables in his truck but to no avail. Nothing. The little light on the battery itself was glowing green. A good sign. Well, there was no way I was leaving my car for 2 days in the store parking lot because hubs had to teach a class the next day so it would have been 2 days before we could get back to get it.

So we drove to a friend's house and asked if her hubby could at least help us tow it to our house. He's a mechanic and we thought he'd possibly have something that could tow a car. She got him on the phone and he told her it was the battery. They had a similar occurrence that she'd forgotten about. Something about if it's below a certain percentage it won't start. So back to Costco after a stop at the house to get some tools. (Hubs is prepared for anything with all the tools he has! Sigh...) Anyway, I ran in to Costco, bought a battery as he's taking the old one out in the parking lot. I put it in a cart and pushed it out the door without stopping as I was in no mood to stop in 100° heat and wouldn't ya know the Costco "police" ran out and stopped me wanting to see my sales receipt! I hate having to get in a line for them to check my receipt! Plus the look on my face didn't exactly endear me to anyone that day. I have pity for whose who have to do that job. Bless their hearts.

But he put it in and the car started right up. I got in my car and he got in his truck. I turned on the a/c and it blew hot air all the way home. When we arrived in our garage, I told him the a/c doesn't work now. Okay, here's where I show my anger when he does this: he starts to get in the car to check if I'm accurate. He does this just about all the time. I calmly with an acid look in my eyes tell him to give me some credit in knowing if hot air is blowing out of the a/c. There, I haven't killed him yet. Breathe, Connie, breathe. He looks under the hood as I scream sweetly say it could just be something jiggled loose. Th' man has the patience of Job. So, he then gets in the car, thinking enough time has passed and I won't totally freak out now. He gets out and says, "The a/c wasn't turned on." He turned it on. I almost apologized but then remember HE probably turned it off when he was trying to start the car. I never turn it off in the summer. Never. So I didn't think about checking to see if it was on. So this was his fault, right? If you don't agree, don't you dare tell me or I'll put a hex on you!

Such a light-filled bedroom. Lovely.

This has to be one of those houses on Nantucket. It looks like a seaside home with its weathered shingles and roses growing up the roof, which, by the way, is a terrible idea. That roof will rot in no time being by the sea and the roses climbing up it.

Just colorful eye candy for you.

Darling mudroom. I think those hooks on the high shelf are a fantastic idea. I might try that in our laundry. Hub has so many coats and hats I can't find room for my everyday coats in winter.

What a lovely kitchen with that beautiful rose rug and those white floors and windows overlooking a lake.

Aaaaah, my kind of room.

Cute paint job on those stairs. I almost thought it was carpet, but I don't think so now.

Beautiful fabrics.

Just thought these two windows were cute overlooking their waterway. Venice, perhaps?

And I thought my living room was bad. At least it's not a narrow hallway.

How sweet someone made this clock.

Copper pots and hyacinths. Beautiful kitchen.

Fabric rose pillow.

An elegant and eye-catching way to put your dainty exquisite laces.

Very unusual but elegant living room. Love the colors but I'd need more light.


  1. I'm so sorry, you must have had a very harrowing day,but I laughed all the way through your post about the car. It's just the way you explain things.:)
    Then the next thing I'm oohing and ahing at the beautiful pics. Love that rose cushion. Instead of unpicking your roses you could put them on a cushion like that. They would look really nice clustered together. x

  2. My hubby and I have VASTLY different ways of driving~ mirrors, radio among other things. When I drive his truck, which is rare, I try very hard to return everything to his factory settings. But when he drives my car, which is more often, all bets are off. :)

    Love those roses!

  3. I'm sorry you had such a bad time. However, it is nice he was the one who couldn't start the car. Frustrating...but glad it turned out.

    I happened to be in Boise last weekend for a was H-O-T!!!!

  4. Connie, you tell the story so well, and had me in gales of laughter! Men!
    I too love the rose cushion, maybe you could start making them....?

  5. I chuckled at the story of your car. At first, I thought maybe the car was out of gas, but no. I love the roses. they are so pretty. I like the cottage too.


  6. I was so sorry to hear about your day yesterday. On days like that I either, go back to bed after I've picked up the house. (not literally) Or I put on my earphones with my ipod and go for a 1 mile hike in the hills around my house.
    And why can't our husbands understand that we know our cars better than them?
    Like the new roses, they seem more full. Hope you have a happy day today. Yesterday was just one of those days.
    xo Paula

  7. Loved, loved, loved your Costco story! Laughed out loud even as I read it to my hubby! He laughed too. Thanks for the chuckle.

    Love your dainty lace box! Would make a nice gift.
    Cindie B

  8. You always bring a smile & a chuckle Connie ... in every write. I guess I would have to say my hubby is not good at returning ANYTHING he touches back to where it came from. Your roses are wonderful.

    Been too long & have missed you.
    Have a lovely weekend ~
    TTFN ~

  9. I have had so many days like that! At least you keep your sense of humor and you certainly made me laugh! Hubby came running to see what all the ruckus was about! I read your post to him and had him laughing as he left the room!
    I wish I could retell some of my days and make it as humorous as you do!
    ♥ Jil

  10. Is it rotten that your story of car woes made me smile a little? Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things hop. Your participation helps make it a success.I'm sorry I am slow to visit this week as I am fighting a nasty head cold and my time on the computer has been limited.Wishing you a beautiful day . xo

  11. Drat those car troubles! Glad it all worked out and you were right! We women are always right! My hubby and oldest son will work on Hannah's car tomorrow! Some silly part that requires removing the back seat! Joy of joys!
    You spin a terrific story chick!


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