Saturday, September 15, 2012

Being Content

I am a happy girl. I mean that. I am truly happy where I am. I love my town. I love my home. I love my kids, grandkids, great grandkids but especially my eternal companion—Love Bunny. He really is a great man. Oh, we push each other's buttons, but we know each other so well it's uncanny. But he's not the subject of today's post. Contentment is.

Read the message in the picture below. First photo. Read it. Say it. Believe it. Live it. Are you wanting/lusting for something? Is it something that will give you happiness? If not, then stop it. New cottage at the beach? Trip to France or Italy or South America? Luxury car? Boat? Clothes? Are you doing to die if you don't get it? Then be content with what you do have. Be grateful for it. If you're truly grateful, then that is what happiness is. Being happy brings a contentment to one's self.  Confidence. Satisfaction. If you don't have everything you think you want, so what? If you're not happy, it's your fault. You can change this. With your attitude. I think some people might not believe me, but it's absolutely true: I am happy, content and love living where I am. I care absolutely nothing about seeing the rest of the world. I've seen it and it's no better than where I live in Idaho. I'm happy right where I am. This is my world. ;-)

I remember back in the mid eighties when I was in prime condition and going to jazzercise 3-5 times a week. I love the song "New Attitude"! When that song was played during the hour I just jazzed it up even more.

Then one day, my hubby told me something. Oh, I forget exactly what it was but he said I needed to change my attitude. I truly didn't know what he meant or even how I was to do that. It took me many years to realize it. I've changed my attitude about a lot of things. Ooooh, yeah, I still have attitude about some things but not what's terribly important to my happiness. Be good to yourself. Be gentle with yourself. Be happy with what you DO have and you'll be content. Now, that is not to say you can't have something new. After all, I'm getting a new sofa. :-) But truly be grateful for everything in your life. You'll be amazed at how much happier you are. Personal experience.

My motto always. Well, one of them.

Wouldn't this be fun as a birthday gift to a friend who appreciates things like this and the whimsey of such a gift? I'm going to do a couple of these to brighten up some women's day who I know need a bit of this soon.

Another small cottage in Carmel.

What fun colors for the beach.

A few cottages in the English countryside. The Brits do cottages well! ;-)

Darling towels with ruffles.

What a picnic at the beach!

This would look cute in my backyard. I can just hear Love Bunny right now: "You want WHAT?!"

I would rather camp in this than the pop-up trailer. Seriously!

I love this fabric. I wish I had some of it for pillows.

Luscious wisteria drooping down for a beautiful archway to a serene path.

My kind of bedroom. Pink and roses.

Here we go with my favorite color combo: pink and yellow.

Grab a chair, a bucket and a bunch of hydrangeas and stick them in your kitchen! I'm going to do that today. Our hydrangeas are still glorious.

This little idea intrigued me so much that I brought out 4 bottles I have and put some cuffs I made over them. I placed them in my living room and now they don't have to be hidden away in my cupboards.

 And here they are. I don't like photographing glass and these were done early in the morning before the sun even came up so I had to photograph them with the flash on in the house. Ugh. But you get the idea. Kind of French-looking. Romantic French. :-) And I do wear these cuffs to church. I've noticed they're becoming very popular. Haute couture actually.


  1. I am happy :) Happy where I lve now, happy with my brother and brother in law, happy with my home...happy to be where I am in my life. There was a time I was not happy at all but the past 6 months I am happy and contend. Yes I still want things lol...but if not..okay :)


  2. Love your thoughts on contentment, my friend. Gratitude is the key.


  3. Super post Connie. We all need to spend time thinking of what we have got rather than what we havent.

  4. i am a content girl now. It has taken a long journey to get here again after losing my mother but I am back to being happy with what I have and where I am in life. I love the bed outside.


  5. Me too, Connie. I love your thoughts on being content. Being content helps me to live in the moment. I love that gazebo!

    XOXOX Debra

  6. I love y ife! I love the phamily and I try to improve the work quality where I am employed! That is a bunch of tough nuts to crack! I only want things like this: To see my baby boy more often! He is 9 hrs. away and we can't afford those trips every other week to watch him run! So we text and talk and laugh! I am very comfortbale in my life and glad to know someone else who is too!


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.