Tuesday, February 28, 2012

A Tip on Posting Blogs

I don't know about anyone else but I spend a fair amount of time on each post. I first add the photos, but I generally wait until something strikes me before I add the text for my posts. I'm very picky about what I blog about. I'm also very, very picky about how my blog appears to people. I want everything just so. I may let it just sit for a few days and sometimes weeks before I publish it. Here's how I do it and if it helps any of you then I'm happy to be of assistance.

I've noticed so many as I'm perusing Google Reader where there are huge gaps between the photos. That's because of people using the New editor on blogger. I would show you but I don't want to embarrass the bloggers who do it. The old editor is much more stable when writing your blog. So, I use the OLD editor.

As I said above, I put all the photos in first and then go back and add any text I might want. Sometimes I'm lazy and don't add much but sometimes I feel like being loquacious. But then I always, and I mean always, go back and check everything several times for typos. However, I still will find a typo even after all that. It can be frustrating sometimes. And I always, always put the text above the photo. I am nothing if not consistent! And the same amount of space between each photo and/or text.

But the very first thing I do is go to the Post Options and put in the last day of the year—12/31/2012 for this year. But if I'm posting in the latter part of this year, I'll put in 12/31/2013. Why? Because I've published a post before I wanted to publish it and once it's published, it's published. I learned that lesson early on when I clicked Publish Post when I meant to click Post Options inadvertently. Nothing like publishing a post meant for a holiday 3 months earlier than I meant to publish it. Generally, the last thing I do is give it a title.

I like Swedish colors and design but it's far from my favorite. It is a pretty design but too minimalistic for my tastes.

Come. Walk with me through this doorway and into a garden. That seems to be what the door is saying.

I absolutely love this effect. I wish I had stairs so I could do it, but maybe I could do it along a walkway or the back yard patio.

Enticing entryway.

I think this could be done for any day of the year, not just Christmas. It's delightful when you use just any kind of white or silver garland with everyday things.

This is a green and fuchsia crewel rug I am thinking of buying at World Market. I'm just not sure if it's feasible as it will be used in my kitchen. It's dry cleanable only. See what I mean. Oooh, my dilemmas. See what I mean. ;-)

What an elegant way to set a party table. You could do this with ribbon or scraps of torn fabrics. I love the look.

See, your laundry room doesn't have to be drab at all. This is quite adorable and very French looking.

This is my laundry room and different from any other in the state of Idaho I'm sure. ;-) I absolutely love going into this room. It's a walk-through from our garage into our hallway.

Charming chair in a charming vignette.

Charming stroll along these paths.

This is a striking example of what small dashes of color can do for a room.

Craft room we all would love to have ours look like.

I never make the mistake of arguing with people for whose opinions I have no respect. This is absolutely true.


  1. Great tips! Thanks. I'm thinking about redoing my blog and deleted the quotations, however, they're so me.
    Have a great day!
    Ladybug Creek

  2. I always LOVE your posts!! And this is no exception.

    I do the same thing - making sure to have pix separated the same distance, having them as large as possible, too. I make sure everything is centered (or not), that there are no typographical errors, wording is correct...always aiming for the best presentation I can get. And I always, always, always go back to my blog to check it presentation. I try all my links in a post and review everything in my post. And if I find something amiss, I go back into it and fix it - and review it once again. Picky, picky, I know...but that's me!!

    I also am very picky about HOW my entire blog looks. First thing is I make sure my BANNER is centered and that the margins on both sides of my blog are as close to being the same as possible. Then, I try to scatter things in the sidebar - print and photos...not having too much text together or too many photos together.

    ♥ Jan

  3. Thanks for the tips. I try to maintain consistency in my blog...hope it shows!

    Gorgeous pictures...I was saying a few audible aahhhs on some of them. Love your pink laundry room!

  4. I love the picture of the craft room. Yes, I would love to have one just like it!!!


  5. Love these photos - especially the pink table setting!

  6. I was thinking of redoing this Blog, better wait till I get some help.

    You are so smart.Great tips.

  7. I was thinking of redoing this Blog, better wait till I get some help.

    You are so smart.Great tips.


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