Sunday, February 26, 2012

Thanks for Bringing Sexy BACK?!

I am linking up with Cielo at House in the Roses. Go there to view the other participants for Show Off Your Cottage Monday.


A few weeks ago when Fashion Week in New York was happening, I saw one woman's comment on one designer's line. The comment was: Thank heaven sexy is back. I was floored by that remark, especially when I saw that designer's line by clicking on her website. The designer was Tory Burch if you care to go look at her designs. They were gorgeous and modest! All the dresses came to the knee and were just utterly feminine and classy. So tell me, what did sexy have to do with it?! I thought the newer definition of sexy was to have it all hanging out there for everyone to see and the more hanging out the better. No mystique for the men anymore.
The informal definition of sexy can be exciting and/or appealing, and I think that's what the commenter must have meant because the design line was exciting and appealing.

I'm like a lot of people I know who are fed up with the attire of today of most teenagers, mothers and even grandmothers. I redesigned my wardrobe about 20 years ago but I didn't have to redesign it much because I was, and am by nature, a modest person. Sure, I wore mini skirts, but the other day we were visiting with a couple when we were talking about my wardrobe of the late 60s and 70s, my hubby said something about my skirts being very short and I just about fell off my chair! Au contraire, Love Bunny! Luckily, I had my iPod with me and a picture of me in what he described as mini. Here's a photo of it. Now, this is the photo he was talking about so I proved him wrong. I did, however, have a few skirts that were a tad shorter than this, but not anywhere near what you see today. So don't ever let me hear I was immodest. Big hair, yes; immodest, never!

Rant over. Let's visit some absolutely delightful and darling photos of gorgeous rooms and ideas.

Cute, cozy, small and homey.

I think this kitchen is just warm and cozy and loved it.

Now, I've seen these slipcovers for sale and they're pretty cheap but look how cute they are on this sofa and really just make this room adorable.

Pink holder and blue pencils and scissors always did go together, right? ;-)

This looks to me like an English kitchen. Look how the lighting is put in. I'm wondering if it would even pass code in most states.

I have decorated some of these papier machĂȘ letters. I love doing them and placing them around the house in different areas.

Here are some in my laundry room I did. And for those of you who have never visited my blog before, yes, my walls are pink. That is not a camera malfunction; all the walls in my house are pink except for Love Bunny's office and it's a beautiful pale blue/green.

Charming shabby vignette of different feminine articles.

A few days ago I was cleaning out my closet here in my office. I cannot tell you how much of it I am donating to a thrift store but I kept several things. One of them was a clipboard and am I glad I did. I'm going to set my craft room back up after clearing it out for my granddaughter and her hubby and my great granddaughter when they visited here last summer. (Yes, last summer!) I want to get back to crafting once again. I've missed it. I have more ideas in my mind and one idea involves this clipboard. There will even be a giveaway of something utterly fantastic. ;-)

Just a sweet vignette I thought you'd like to see also.

My kind of room! I love this adorable sunny breakfast room.

I wonder how I could imitate this idea in my home. I mean the hanging flower jars. I do like the burlap curtains for the cabinets though.

A darling camper. If mine were this cute I might like camping. Aaaarrrrgh. I can't believe I said that: like and camping in the same sentence.

Our dream patio, chicks. Sigh...

I just hope my luncheon I'm giving soon will look like this. I'm certainly going to try and replicate this look and feel.

Yummy yellow and pink kitchen. My favorite color combo is pink and yellow.

This is a brave homeowner to do this but I really like it.

Yes, I know. And sympathize with each of you lusting to have this little shed in your own backyard.

I also think this is one of the coziest rooms I've ever seen.

Little children are still the symbol of the eternal marriage between love and duty.


  1. Love the pictures! I love the picture of you with your Mini!!!!! That is about the shortest skirt I would have worn.


  2. I love every picture but the one with the bright green she and colorful garden is so gorgeous. I am with you. Styles need to change. My husband says these women all have no shame in their game letting everything good bad or otherwise all hang out.

  3. So many YUMMY pictures of fabulous inspiration!
    Mary Alice

  4. Such gorgeous rooms! All like candy, how could you ever be in a bad mood when you have a room like any of those! Sally xx

  5. Love that vintage picture of you...the hair and dress are fantastic! Now all those gorgeous pictures you posted are just making me drool! Love the sun room, shed and patio! Sigh!!!!
    Miss Bloomers

  6. Thanks for all the wonderful pics. So many great ideas.

  7. Loved looking at the pictures. Wishing my house looked like some. Oh, and that garden shed, I really want. Thanks for sharing. Karie

  8. I found you on House in Roses. I loved seeing your photos, especially those crafty things you did with buttons and "jewels." I have a lot of my mother's old buttons, many quite old, now I suppose, and I think I feel inspired to do something with them now.

    I am now following your blog. Follow me too?

  9. I like most of these rooms...thanks for all the eye candy.
    Those slipcovers.....they look really great until people actually live on them...this one sure looks awesome.
    xo bj

  10. I came to your blog from House in the Roses. I had to smile at your post about short skirts. You're right. The dress you are wearing in your photo is very modest. I love the images you've posted here. The kitchens are wonderful. The patio garden sublime. Would love to have you visit my newest blog: I've got an artwork giveaway in process, and I think you would enjoy looking at the cottages I have posted there. Blessings.

  11. Oh yeah, and I'm also your newest follower. :)


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.