Friday, December 23, 2011

Roses and Fancy Plates for Pink Saturday 12/24/2011

Welcome to Pink Saturday just before Christmas 2011. It's a special time of year because we celebrate the birth of our Savior and I love watching the hustle and bustle of it even though we've given up on gift giving except for the 2 youngest grandsons and our sweet Miss Caroline, our first great grandchild. We'll see her in about a month when we go over to visit with our little munchkin for a week. Here is a picture of her with her mummy, her aunt and new cousin, Ethan. They actually have the same hairline but different color. He sure is a doll. His mummy is the prettiest physician I've ever seen. Isn't she lovely?

But as always, I thank Beverly for each Pink Saturday and her sweet willingness to help me give away 12 aprons because we are trying to get rid of unnecessary stuff. Thank you again, Beverly. She is one of the sweetest and kindest bloggers I know.


I decided recently to bite the bullet and get rid of some china plates I've collected over the years. Let me assure you this was no easy decision. I absolutely adore these plates but it's time to get rid of them. Now, I've thought of taking them to the thrift store or giving them to my daughter to do mosaics with them (She's insistent that I give them to her) but before I do that I'd like to see if someone else who won't cut them up would like to have them. I won't give these away but if you see any plate or set of plates you'd like, email me and I'll give you the thrift store price, but you must consider the cost of mailing them to you. That can be more than the actual plate. If there is no interest, they go to California with us this spring for my daughter to cut up. I don't plan on being around when she does it as I can't watch it; I'll cry. :-(











Butter pat plates.


I love this plate and will find it hard to get rid of if someone wants it.

A rose covered honey pot. Not many of these around.


Love Bunny bought this for me at an estate sale as a surprise but I don't use it.



Anything you see ABOVE this picture is available, not anything below here. I'm keeping just enough plates to furnish a table for my family. And if we have any more great grandkids then they get the Melmac plates. :-) I refuse to hold onto stuff anymore. Letting go and getting rid of so much "fluff" is more important. Both my kids and granddaughter have more than I do and don't want any more stuff. It goes!

Just a few crystal stemware for us to entertain "lightly".

enough dishes to do the same.

These are the dishes I had crammed into that china cabinet.



  1. Merry Christmas my sweet friend! How i miss you!
    Oh my gosh..i so wish i lived closer id snatch those beauties right up.
    Wishing you and your family the best CHRISTmas ever!

    Hugs Lorena

  2. Oh, Connie!! These dishes are SO gorgeous!! I love them! The pink ones especially!!
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Oh wow! This really is a lot of 'stuff' - I know it'll feel weird gifting it away, but you really will feel freer and lighter. And at least you know it's all going to people who will love and treasure it. Good for you!

    Wishing you and Love Bunny a wonderfully fabulous pink Happy Christmas from me and Himself!

  4. they are all so pretty! I wish I had room for them all, but sadly, I don't. I do hope you and Love Bunny have a wonderful, Merry Christmas!


  5. Your plates are gorgeous. Well, everything here is wonderful! I love that little ohney pot. Years ago Princess House had a sweet little hand blown honey pot with matching stir straw. I sold it to someone in weak moment. I was so sad. I really loved that little pot. Reminds me of Winnie the Pooh. That floral plate is dvine! Merry Christmas to you and yours! Anne

  6. So pretty!

    My Entry, happy pink Christmas from my family to yours!

  7. What beautiful young women and babies..and those dishes are all gorgeous!
    Merry Christmas! It's been a great year of blogging!

  8. Oh No-No!!
    Please not the hand painted plate with 2 roses. I use to do China painting, it is a dying art..
    I see limoge also..
    Merry Christmas Connie. Just save a few, please...

  9. The dishes are lovely, Connie. I know it must be hard to give them up.

    Merry Christmas, my friend. I hope your holidays are filled with peace and joy.


  10. Hello Connie, What a lovely photo to share. I agree there is beauty and love in that darling photo.
    I too collected plates forever. I have given them away or sold them. I still cleaning out too.
    Merry Christmas to you and your wonderful family.
    Blessings and love, Jeanne

  11. I've never seen so many plates!!!!!!

  12. Dear Sis, hope you and your precious family had a terrific Christmas. We've still got one more "tree" to go with the wee ones, then we're done and I'll be packing it away. Love the pic of Ethan and Miss C! Such pretty mommies, too. Miss you and love you!


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.