Friday, December 30, 2011

English Country Rooms

For this Pink Saturday's participants, just click on the logo below and go to Beverly's Blog where you'll see all the participants. It's my favorite thing to do on Saturday, and Beverly is just a sweet person to know.


For Pink Saturday I'm going to show a painting a dear sweet friend of mine painted and I bought a couple of years ago. She has gifted me with several of her beautiful roses paintings also. She does beautiful work. Her name is Lorena. I believe she incorporated pink into the Christmas stocking in a dazzling way. Just love it!


The holiday season is almost over, and it's calmed down here quite a bit, so I'd like to try and get back on track with blogging. I spent the Friday before Christmas in bed and didn't get out until Sunday night when Love Bunny cooked the whole turkey dinner for me. We believe I got food poisoning from a bad jar of salad dressing I used on tuna salad a few days before. I'm fine now though. And his dinner was superb. I did mash the potatoes for him however.

I'm sick to death of food at the moment. I ate my way through about 2 boxes of chocolates, a pumpkin roll a friend surprised me with (DELICIOUS!), numerous Milky Way Simply Caramel bars, cinnamon rolls, a Dutch apple pie, a pumpkin pie, Coldstone Creamery LARGE (Is that one called Gotta Have It?) chocolate ice cream dish, Olive Garden Black Tie Mousse pie, Applebee's Triple Chocolate Overload cake, pumpkin cookies, a popcorn and nut mix with chocolate drizzle, a cake that sent my taste buds into survival mode with all the sugar in the frosting and a Jack in the Box Chocolate overload cake also. My sugar level is right up there with the National Debt, trust me.

So with that being said, let's view some pictures of some English homes I love. I incorporate English, a touch of French, Traditional, Romantic, Shabby, Chic and a bit of ME thrown into the mix in my decorating. I always have thrown in a bit of ME, but certainly over the years my styles have changed. Just view the rooms without me saying too much about them. Pictures speak louder than my words ever could.


And just for your information, I'll have more pictures this week with more thoughts on 24 and Jack Bauer very soon. ;-)


  1. Oh just let me move into any one of them ! and I'm with ya on the sugar overload.
    Wishin' you a great new year (())

  2. What a pretty and pink painting your friend did!! The rooms are lovely! Happy PS and Happy New Year!

  3. Hello Connie, You got sick at the right time. Christmas dinner cooked by your hubs is awesome. However, I am sorry you were not well. Bad food is a real painful experience. I have been there.

    I enjoyed your visit and I too like the Olive Garden. being with friends and having a great time laughing and enjoying each other is a good thing.

    I had to laugh at the eating frenzy you wrote about. I too ate like I was going to die the next day over several days. Now, I am over it!!!
    I hate the d--- word but I have to face the facts. Sigh!!!

    The rooms you shared are lovely. I never tire at looking at a decorated room either.

    Have a happy and healthy New Year my dear blogging friend.
    Jeanne xo

  4. Beautiful rooms and inspiration!

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy New Year!

  5. what great roses. Your friend is very talented.

  6. Happy Pink Saturday and Happy New Year!

  7. I love the painting your friend did! It is simply beautiful! I love the rooms you posted. I could live in any of them.


  8. I'm a follower and love these rooms. Of course the aprons are lovely and the dinner ware is amazing. I will visit again. Happy New Year. Hugs...Lu

  9. I know what you mean Connie~ I am sick of eating so many goodies too. I am actually looking forward to New Year's Day so that I can get back on track! Wishing you and your family a happy, healthy and prosperous New Year!

    Big Hugs,
    Susan and Bentley

  10. I loved looking at the photos of beautiful rooms. Wish I had such taste....along with the beautiful home to execute it!

  11. Your rose painting is just beautiful, lucky you to be the receiptent of a few of them. Your sugar level debt is probably a national problem, mines up there too. Happy New Year.

  12. Happy Pink Saturday and best wishes for a very happy New Year. Thank you for making Pink Saturday special. I count you among my blessings.

    Connie, I moaned just reading about all of those goodies. You must be very, very sweet by now.

    Love all of the rooms. Gorgeous!

  13. very fancy and neat living room. I love it. Hope to see you in my Pink Saturday entries one and two. Happy New Year!


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