Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Picture Arranging

Everyone has their own ideas on arranging pictures. I'm sure there is a proper way according to decorators but the new school of picture arranging says that just about anything goes if you like it. I subscribe to both. I like different arrangements and am somewhat symmetrical for the most part. Pleasing to the eye (MINE) is my main criteria. The other definite absolute I subscribe to is not hanging them too high. I've said this before: most homes I go into have them above my head. The main or one and only picture on the wall. No, no, no!!! They would look better lower than normal than higher than normal. Eye level doesn't mean a 6' 5" person's eyes. It's somewhere around 5'—at the center of the picture—for it to look right. Now, if you have several pictures on the wall that doesn't apply. Go up or down depending. Just do have them up so high that someone has to look UP to see them. Exceptions apply to little children. ;-)

That being said I put some old pictures on the walls and added some I "made." I saw 2 really pretty prints on the internet and printed them out on card stock to put into frames behind the family room sofa. If I knew where to buy the prints I would have but no such luck. Just some lovely prints I wanted to gaze my eyes upon once in a while. I didn't want to go to the expense of having them framed so I took some old frames I had, painted them white and stuck them to the wall with velcro picture mounts. That way I can change them around if necessary. The picture I simply put in the center with fun-tac. Worked well for me and no expense.

You wouldn't believe what is under, behind, on the right and on the left side of that sofa!! Just until I get everything the way I want it, chicks. *Smile*


  1. Hi Connie! I like the way you hung those pictures, they look really nice....Wow, you are so in the decorating mood and everything looks so very warm and welcoming...
    I bought the clips from eclectic pink rose (Teresa) I already used them for some decorating that I'll post sometime this week...Have a super day my friend!!! Hugs, Jennifer : )

  2. Good Morning Sweetie. I can not believe you are still going. I am exhausted just watching you. Where on earth did you find the energy to tackle so much in one summer? You are a busy little bee. Love the pictures behind the couch. The are just beautiful grouped as such. You have done a wonderful job with everything. Just everything Connie. You go girl, but when you are done what will you do for the Winter? Are you going next door? Love you honey. Great post. Country Hugs, Love, Sherry

  3. I just found your blog. It is super. Good tips about hanging pictures. I am short so my pictures are always hung rather low. That is how I like them.
    Thanks for all your ideas, they are great.

  4. What great tips on hanging and arranging pictures. You did a good job in displaying them on your wall. Your room looks inviting to. Have a good day!

  5. You're moving right along in putting the room back together again. Never thought of printing off a pic from the web... I'll have to upgrade my printer someday to make that work, but great idea. Especially if you just want a wee-little one.

    And what is it that you have under, over and to the left and right? lol


  6. Hi Connie,

    Love the post. Hubby needs to read this.... He is 6'5 so we differ on placement.

    You have more energy than the energizer bunny and that's a good thing.


  7. this is so much fun seeing your home Connie. Perfect advice on the pictures but I do have one way up high though but you would have to see it to understand why I put it up that high. Have a sweet week. I hear thunder so I may have to get off this computer soon. xo Lynn

  8. I love picture groupings and totally agree with you that it is just wrong to hang them too high. After all, what's the point if you can't see the picture after it's hung!

    Yep, we're LDS too. I joined when I was 16 but my hubby has deep pioneer roots. We are both Bay Area natives though. My mom retired from Apple as well. She worked in HR here in Cupertino from 1981-1999. Sure miss those family discounts! :)



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