Monday, July 27, 2009

Mosaic Monday Ribbons 7/27/09

Mary at littleredhouse is having another Mosaic Monday so please go visit her to see the list of bloggers who are sharing their exquisite photos of their "fluff"!!

I have a big hat box full of different ribbons I bought or had scraps that were left over throughout the years. Not one of these ribbons was repeated in the making of this mosaic. Plus I have even more boxes and bags of ribbons. I've got to stop buying them!


  1. No, no.... don't stop Connie. Someone has to be buying beatiful ribbons and why shouldn't that person be you!!
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  2. beautiful mosaic! I love your blog! I'll be back to check out some of your tutorials! for now...some of us still have to work outside the home :)

  3. Ohhhhh, so you're a ribbon addict! Well, you made a beautiful mosaic! I have to admit, I have a stash or two of ribbons myself.

  4. I love ribbon! I have a big sewing basket of it that I dig through for my sewing projects and I'm always looking formore at thrift stores and yard sales:>)

  5. Wow. That's a lot of ribbons. They make an interesting, colorful mosaic.

  6. I love ribbons and trims. Your mosaic makes me want to create something. So lovely, you have quite a collection. I once visited Tinsel and Trading and thought I died and went to heaven.

    Happy Mosaic Monday

  7. suach a cute idea for a mosaic!

  8. I love vintage ribbons, seam binding, pretty ribbons, I love them all. I have so many stored here and there. Love yours as well. Thanks for always stopping in; hope you have an awesome week!

  9. Love your ribbons! I have a small treasure trove of ribbons compared to yours.... Reminds me of my grandmother who bought fabric all the time and would show it to me when I visited. She would talk about what she was going to make, but as she got older, she just continued to collect the fabric without getting all of the clothes made! From her, I inherited a nice stash of buttons. I'm guessing you might have some of those, too?

  10. Oh Connie honey, I hate to tell you, but you have CRA. Cute/colored Ribbon Addiction. It has only been diagnosed since Connie cleaned up her rooms while redecorating, and she says that it really isn't to painful at all. It isn't to costly either. So I guess if you are going to have an addiction this would be a good one. Have a wonderful Monday. Country Hugs, Sherry

  11. looks a lot like my desk...thanks for sharing

  12. Wow, you got to love all those ribbons. Beautiful mosaic it makes too.

  13. That is a lot of pretty ribbons!


  14. Mmmmmmmmmm.........ribbon just makes me happy.... I LOVE it! Just having it makes me happy. Using it makes me happy.....Isn't it just delish?


  15. I love ribbons! They are always so fun.

  16. Connie, thanks for coming by to visit Blueskies! I love your blog and am wondering what you do with all your ribbon?! Lynn

  17. You're a girl after my own heart when it comes to ribbons! I have boxes full! ::Jill

  18. Why is that I buy ribbon? It seems like I should do more shopping at Connie's Co-op! lol


  19. You can say you'll stop all you want but then they call to you when you're not looking. They taunt you with new colors and patterns. Their conspirators have sales that cannot be passed up. And their best friends, The Buttons, are in league with them. So, ribbon away, all is lost and, in the long run, it's such a harmless little addiction.

    BTW - the mosaic is wonderful!!

    Robin@Miscellaneous Thoughts

  20. Your ribbons are all lovely and you showcase them here perfectly! I envy you being able to be a stay at home mom. Still have to work but someday...

  21. Hi Connie...

    Just read your sweet note that you left for friend, it's always such a delight when you visit!!! I love reading your sweet notes!!!

    Girl, I love, love, LOVE your pretty ribbon mosaic!!! It's so bright and colorful...I don't konw if I would have ever thought to do a mosaic with ribbon...I just love it!!! By the way...who doesn't love pretty colorful ribbon? Ohhh...I think you should share the wealth...I'd love some of that pretty ribbon!!! Hehe!!!

    Warmest wishes,

  22. I love youre ribbon mosaic. I collect all kinds of ribbon myself.

  23. I am a ribbon lover....because of my shop, Baskets and Bows, probably have thousands of dollars in ribbons...but i cannot resist beautiful ribbon....That is what my business is known for....

  24. What a beautiful array of ribbons. Hey, a girl cannot have to many ribbons. So go ahead and treat yourself to some more! =)

  25. Hi Connie

    Lovely mosaic! I like your ribbon collection! Sometimes it's fun to just collect even if we don't use.

  26. So many ribbons and what a wonderfully original mosiac.

  27. Oh my goodness, as soon as I see all those ribbons, my creative juices start flowing! What a pretty collection, Connie. Thanks so much for joining the fun at Mosaic Monday. :)


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.