Thursday, April 2, 2009

My Skill at Baking Bread~

I have never ever professed to be good at baking bread! I've even had a couple of different women in 2 different wards we've lived in try to show me how. I even have tried doing it in the bread maker. I had a box of a wonderful bread I made the other day to eat with some beef stew. (It was canned. Sunday is a day of rest for us so we do really easy meals.) I kept using a flashlight to look into the breadmaker to see how it was doing. I finally told hubs that it wasn't looking very good for my "domestic skill" of baking bread even with the help of an automatic appliance. Could it be that the box had been in food storage since about 2005 and the yeast had "gone bad"??? Below is how it turned out. If you laugh, DO NOT EVER VISIT MY BLOG AGAIN! I've tried and tried and this is what I get. We ate it, which is even sadder! It wasn't too bad just a bit......uuuhhhh, heavy(?). Your monitor is NOT distorted. The bread was about 2" tall! So I ain't Molly Mormon; adjust! *Sigh*........


  1. you know I baked bread about 3 weeks ago and it was flat..came from a box. don't know if it was the yeast of the machine..your's turned out prettier then mine did...:)all two inches of we ate ours too...

  2. Oh Connie, Sorry...I did laugh but not at you...with you, because I did the exact same thing. I used a boxed roll mix and I do think the yeast was bad. Those rolls never did rise. We tried to eat them but NOT..threw them out. I actually did a post about baking bread not too long ago but haven't posted it yet. Some people find kneading dough theraputic...not me...just not my thing. :)

  3. Sweet Dear Connie,

    Your bread did not look bad atall...but when you sliced looked like bread I use to make. HAHAHA I once made homemade biscuits and do you know that they were the size of 50 cent pieces!!! I never saw anything like them. We also ate them...which as you said was even sadder!!!

    Have a great day!


  4. I think I must be a not too good bread baker either because it looked like slices of bread to me. I love the boxes that you throw in the machine and viola... bread! I said I liked Laura Ingalls not that I wanted to be he....smiles.

    I really like you and your blog.

    from Roberta Anne
    The Raggedy Girl

  5. OH, Connieness! It's so good to hear from you! Now I'm not laughing, snickering or anything! I hope you slapped some butter on that bread and went to town on it! ;)
    Oh, it was cold as all get out for us! We left almost 80' weather for the high 30s and 40s. My little tootsies never did thaw out!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  6. Connie,

    I'm sorry, but I am screaming out loud here.

    I use my bread-maker to make homemade cinnamon rolls. Did you use yeast in your recipe? If so did you let it melt in warm water before adding it to the mix?

    If you didn't need to add yeast, did you set the time to let the dough rise before you baked it? That might be the problem. You don't need a flashlight to know its ready, you can see the dough hitting the top of the breadmaker and then the timer goes off.

    O.k. - I am now catching my breath from laughing. Please forgive me, but as soon as you say "Don't laugh" you KNOW everyone is going to start laughing.

    xo Cath

  7. Hi! Don't fret about the bread! Hardly anything comes out right the first time :) I enjoy your blog!

    All the best,

  8. Connie remember yeast is the trick. The yeast in any bread has to be fresh, if it has been left at room temp it "dies". Don't give up.

    I have a wonderful recipe that a homesteader friend worked on for years. Then I adapted it for the breadmaker, and it is wonderful. She named it Abby's Victory Bread cuz she never gave up on it.

    Also, if you happen to be using real actual whole wheat, that acts differently than white flour. It needs more moisture and more time for rising.

  9. Does giggling get me banished! lol

    Mine looks the same so I can sympathize. Hello. My name is NOT Molly.



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