Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Finding My Own "Voice"

"Voice" in this instance means my "water seeking its own level" or my own abilities, such as they are.

There has been a group of women on ebay—who have been with me from the beginning of the odyssey (yes, an odyssey) to learn how to paint. I've accepted that I'll never be "great" at it and will have to skate by with "mildly adequate" at painting a rose. I truly have no natural ability for it. If by some chance I get better it will be by sheer luck (and I'm really not into "luck") or tenacity and/or lessons from a professional painter.

But every once in a while around the ol' homestead here I'll pick up a brush and practice or just do something that pleases me in regards to painting. That's what I did recently. I had a little jar that I wanted to froufrou up to hold some creams I had.

I cannot seem to capture the one-stroke form of painting so I just do what I can and not stress about it. If it makes me happy and Love Bunny think it's great, then so be it.

Here is my latest attempt on a cream jar. This is the beginning of the front.........

and this is the beginning of the back.

And this is the finished product. I spray painted the lid a vivid glossy pink. This is the front.....................

and this is the back. I accept applause and kudos, chicks!

Random Thought

When purchasing a new ironing board cover and taking it out of the heavy plastic wrapper, do NOT toss it on the floor beneath your stockinged feet. You could slip and fall on your b*tt easily if the ironing board wasn't sturdy enough to stop the descent to the floor. Personal experience from this past week!


  1. Connie - your cream jar painting is beautiful!!! You did a fantastic job! You are not merely "adequate". You are phenomenal!!! I've never tried painting like that but I love the look. I may have to try that one day, but I'm not thinking that is my forte.

    You're always into something! That's such fun!!

  2. Applauding you on the cream jar! Wonderful job.

    Hugs from Marian

  3. Connie!
    I LOVE your spirit and the fact the you do what pleases you! That's the most important thing I keep telling myself. just crack me up..I hope nothing was hurt..but maybe your pride, just a little..hehehe!

    Love ya...Lorena

  4. Connie,

    I think you did a fabulous job!! It turned out so lovely. I would be proud to put cream in that jar.

    You can too paint! I, on the other hand can only paint stick people or so that is what my hubby says when I draw anything. Quote: "Kris, everything you draw looks stick people." HAHAHAHA

    Stop by my blog for my 100th post giveway. I'm giving away three items.


  5. nice job on the painting..and I hope you have enough cush on the tush that your butt isn't bruised just your ego..okay now for the comment part left on my blog...who didn't get that latest joke with the skull....hhhmmm....:)have a wonderful evening...I have tried the onestroke painting at Joanns when I worked there...some teachers can teach you anything and one of em did..but it isn't as easy at it looks unless you are a natural..some things were easier than others..but still difficult...:)

  6. Thanks for stopping by and entering my giveaway! I am so excited about the barbie t! And yes I know houses are getting cheaper over there, i'd say maybe 4 or 5 months! We are looking to buy near meridian!! Te he!

  7. This is me giving you a round of applause! ****** ***** **** ****** *** ****!

    I suppose I need to add painting to the list as well. Is it nap time yet?



Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.