Friday, August 1, 2008

Remodel Day #5

Day 4 wasn't as bad as I had anticipated, but tonight will be with all the sanding. I've covered the living room with plastic drop cloths because tonight it's sand, sand, sand the walls and then apply more "mud" and sand again. So the next 2 days will be the worst in terms of "sanding dust", which I am NOT looking forward to! Here's what it looks like this morning.

My sweet long time friend, Steph, has awarded me yet another blog award. I love Steph dearly and her mum is my adopted mum. Just how lucky can one chick get, I ask you???!!! She's a true southern lady. :-)

Here are the rules~~~~~~
1. Link this back to the person that tagged you.
2. Post these rules in your blog.
3. Share 6 unimportant things about yourself.
4. Tag people at the end of your entry.
So here are six unimportant things about me~~~~~

I love going barefoot. Hubs is always telling me it'll ruin my feet and it causes them to get "tough" on the bottom (his are as soft as a baby's bottom!) but I hate wearing shoes unless I go out somewhere. I am sitting here typing this with my pink "crocs" on though because of the mess in this house at the moment. Nails, staples, wood parts and chunks of sheetrock are everywhere!

I'm a list maker. I can't live without my lists - from grocery lists to to-do daily lists, it's what I have to do to accomplish things.

I'm not fond of the daily routine of cooking. But sometimes I like to try gourmet recipes and love that. If I was rich I'd have a cook, masseuse and a gardener!

I am NOT a social animal. I hate parties and if you asked me to play a silly game I'd probably refuse. Hubs, however, is a party animal! I only go to functions I absolutely have to go to and that's very few. I love staying at home. Plus I loathe having my picture taken. That's a very personal thing to me so you'd better ask before you take one. I am not a "star" type person and would much rather go through life as a small fish in a big pond instead of a big fish in a small pond. Toooooo much responsibility, chicks!

I cannot stand disorder whether it's in my house, car, garage, yard or head, there has to be order and not chaos for me. I don't function well if it's not. I know, I know, I have a serious problem, you say. SOOOOO WHAT?!?!!!! It won't kill ya, right???

I love Toyota Camrys. I doubt I'll ever have another car that's not a Camry. It just keeps on trucking along no matter what.

Now, for the people I'm supposed to tag. Well, I wanna tell ya something, sweet blogging chicks, I've seen this go around to many of the more "popular" chicks' blogs and some never get tagged. How sad, because there are some lovely bloggers out there that I'd absolutely love to get to know better. I especially like to know what state and town they are in. I truly do! So what I would like to happen is that for anyone and everyone reading this to take the rules and answer with the 6 unimportant things about yourself and pass it on. I do this NOT to get out of tagging someone but because I truly do want to learn more about all of you.

I've seen some, for lack of a better word, "selectiveness" in some blogs. I've NOT selective; I love hearing from and learning about each and everyone of you. So please, please give it a go, my sweet friends. We're all here blogging to have a good time so let's HAVE a good time!!!!!

Yesterday while surfing some of the blogs I remembered an incident that happened in Mexico - Puerto Vallarta, I think - many years ago now and thought I'd tell you the story today on here.

We were in the condo just coming in from the pool and I was just changing from my bathing suit into some clothes. There was a knock at the door. The young men always bring big fresh bottles of water for the "north americans" every day in those Culligan-type 5 gallon containers which are quite heavy because our tummies just cannot adjust to their water for the short period we vacation there.

Anyway, there was a knock and I couldn't get to it in time. The mirror was on the side of the bathroom where the door was visible when I was looking in the mirror. So after a wait of several seconds because I was "in the middle" of changing (read here as stark n*ked!), I heard the key in the door and the door opening. There stood a very shocked young mexican guy who froze! I looked at him and he was getting an "eyeful" of this gorgeous hot bod!! Riiiiiiiight!!!! LOL He realized I was in the condo at that point but after not answering right away decided to just use the staff key to come in and leave the water. As I said, he froze and I froze and then he backed out, Jack rushed to the door from the living room and opened the door and got the water. It was quite a shock. Ooooh, and we never saw that guy again. I suspect his eyes are still "glazed over" and he's still in rehab from that incident!!! Pray for him; he needs it!!!


  1. ROFL, you're so funny! I would have been mortified!!!

    Enjoy your weekend, sanding and all;)


  2. OMGosh!! You're hilarious!!!

    I just love reading your updates! It looks like the re-model is coming along nicely...I do LOVE the arch!!!


  3. Connie, you ought to stop it! That Mexico story was a hoot! Connie! I'm loving the remodel more and more each day. What are you going to put on the wall over the sink? I suggest a mirror, then each morning you can chant, "Mirror, Mirror, On The Wall, Who's The Fairest Of Them All?" and of course the mirror would answer back, "Ask the Mexican guy! LOL!!! Deb

  4. Oh Connie! You always make me smile! I hate wearing shoes too! But I love my pink crocs!

  5. Hi Connie, you silly little goose!! What a funny story! I'm surprised the guy didn't keep coming back!! :0)

    I love your "unimportant" things about yourself. No wonder I love ya so much ~ we are SOOO much alike!

    I'm sending you an email in a bit about the decals!

    Mom says "Hi!".

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  6. I agree, the worst part about remodelling is the sanding dust. I swear, I still have some in my bra from June. If you hug me too fast, it goes up *poof* in your face.

  7. Saucy, ummmm, having it in your bra is better than the place I had it when a wave caught me off the coast of IXTAPA/ZIHUATANEJO in Mexico!!! I got sand out of "that area" (use imagination here!) for WEEKS! But at least it didn't come out in "puffs", sweetpea!!! Hah!! You're too cute, my chickadee........

  8. That remodel is coming along so well. What do you think you'll hang on the wall in the kitchen? Any ideas or will you go out seeking new treasures? OMG, I was LOL when I read your Mexico Story. Still chuckling.

  9. Connie, I love to read your posts. Your sense of humor is a hoot. Your unimportant list sounds important to me. smile. However, your other story was hysterical to say the least.

    Your re-model is at the worst stage. You are going to hate the word SAND from now on. I know it will all be worth it in the end. Have some wine and get out of the house. I really do not think anything will help though. I am just so full of good cheer!

    Love Ya , Jeanne

  10. Connie...I am laughin so hard here at work, people are startin to wonder!!! You are a riot!

    The arch is looking great!


  11. I bet that you're glad you never saw the Mexican guy again. Your story is hilarious. Also, I love the arch and enjoy your remodeling updates. I really enjoy your sense of humor and can tell that you have loads of empathy towards others.

  12. Sand? SAND? You're complaining to ME about SAND? ROTLF! Well, just for that, go to my blog right now Miss Connie for a special something just for you!

    If you get sand on it though you're in big trouble cuz that guy w/the key? I know him. I'll send him right over.

  13. Hi Connie,
    Loved your tag items. I too love to be home - not the social butterfly type.

    You cracked me up and now I don't have any more time for small talk, chick - I need to go pray for that man in Puerto Vallarta right away. Thank you for having such a terrific sense of humor ;)

  14. Isn't the sanding part the worst?!! We redid our attic a few years back and we had drywall dust everywhere.

    I'm not a social person either. I hate parties and silly party games too(not virtual ones though). =) Blessings... Polly

  15. Congrats on your award.

    What a week you have had with your re-model. I can't wait to see the finished project.


  16. The work is coming along nicely! But that sanding dust , as you know, can be a killer. But remember, you can't photograph dust as you say! LOL.

  17. Hey there,
    I know exactly what you are dealing with because we have just been drywalling in our family room, hubby keeps saying "one more coat of mud" LOL!!! Did you get your pillow yet? And guess what I drive a Toyota Camry too. It's light blue. Have a wonderful weekend.


  18. your story was too funny. you and I have alot in common..reading your 6 things...more then you think sista...
    have a good made me smile....:)

  19. Connie you really made my night, with that funny and shocking story. I would just have melted into the floor. I hope your sanding goes well, and wear a mask Chickie. Have a good weekend.

    ps; love the six things now I know you a little better. that is a good thing by the way. hehe

  20. Thaaaaaaanks Mom! That's a visual I won't be able to get out of my head!

  21. hehehehe.. this is so funny.. btw, thanks for coming to my page.. and am so touched for your concern. not to worry, am doing good.. just busy juggling office work, house work and sick parents. have a great weekend! take care huneybee! xoxoxo


  22. Hello chickee poo..I'm with ya on the
    #3 hired cook and massage every day!
    You certainly need that after all your renovations and washing of the deck! Love your curtains out there..I can just see them gently swaying in the summer breezes as you lay on your
    special table having your daily massage! ahhh...enjoy your day! :)NG


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.