Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Remodel Day #4

Day 4 began in a whirl for me. I had a massage scheduled for 2 pm, we were scheduled to feed 2 missionaries, hubs was teaching a real estate class until 5 and was at least 1/2 hour away and missionaries were to eat from 5 - 6 and be on their way. I had steaks to cook out and I have no clue how to use the BBQ! I mean I can move it around the patio but turning on the gas tank and the actual igniting of the fire is beyond this chick's scope! Besides, like they always tell you: If you learn how to "do it" (whatever it is), then you "own it." Welllll, this gal ain't "owning" cooking out! I barely want to "own" cooking in! As my friend, Bertie, says the only reason I have a kitchen is it came with the house! I adore fast food resturants, ordering in and nice restaurants too. I've cooked for 47 years and hubs deserves to take this "hot grandma chick" out on his arm - "arm candy"!! me, that ain't so and Sophia Loren has nothing to worry about! But I digress.

The missionaries ended up grilling the angus steaks I had and Love Bunny missed a fiiiiiiine meal, let me tell ya. Steak, potatoes, salad from our garden, corn on the cob and watermelon. Ooooh, let me correct that; he missed a fiiiiiiiiine HOT meal! Missionaries were gone before he even got home!

All this going on while Contractor Bob is measuring, cutting and hammering away. (Oh, an aside here.....some of you sweet little chickadees think hubs is doing the remodel; Love Bunny is NOT doing the construction; we hired a contractor we know personally. I wouldn't trust hubs to be diligent in getting it done in a timely manner, which in actuality means he won't listen to my nagging to "get this job done!" Remember, we're married - annnnd want to STAY married. Need I say more?!?!?!)

You've seen this house before so I won't add descriptions, just use your imagination as to what is happening to the living room/kitchen/dining area wall to enclose it and "define" the rooms a bit better. It's also providing wall space on which I'll hang more "fluff", move our grandfather clock into the LR and can then get a non-working fireplace/mantle in our family room. That'll be "eye candy" also. Squeeeeeeeallll!!!!

Earlier in the morning I decided to wash off the patio from the grease drippings and bird droppings. I moved all the chairs, pots, the grill and the infamous bicycle of hubs that he insists sits out there till he finds time to clear enough room in his shed to hang it in there. Well, 2012 is just too far away for me so I put it in the yard and when the sprinklers came on last night it got wet. I thought he was going to keel over. Now, don't those guys doing the Tour de France cycle in rain?!?! Yep, so what's the fuss all about?!?! It's wet; deal with it, guy! *Sigh*.........................

Then after hosing down and scrubbing the patio, I turned the hose on the window and surrounding areas of the house washing the spiders and earwigs outta their little hidey places. Whoooooooa, chicks, it was fearsome, let me tell ya!! Then I "attacked" the window, which in reality is a breeze because....................... of these 2 little items below. That's a window squeegee and a lambs wool window cleaner. Washing a window with these 2 little things is not only the fastest, easiest way to do it, it is actually fun. You dip the wool washer in plain water from the bucket, swish it over the whole window QUICKLY and then take the squeegee and wipe the water off. I've never had to do a window 2 times and they're clean with absolutely no film on them. It does it all efficiently and quickly. I absolutely love these 2 little items!! They're supposed to have been made in Italy but the handle says made in Oakland, Ca. and it's called Ettore, as you can see on one of the closeups, with a very specific little "aviator wings" logo. They're the absolutely, unequivocally best thing I think you'd ever find for cleaning windows - nothing but water and they're squeaky clean. A bit pricier than most but I've had these for maybe 8 years and it shows no signs of use or abuse. You can get them at commercial cleaning supply companies. Well worth it in the time it saves you.


  1. you are too funny, but the house is looking just lovely! I can't wait to see the finished masterpiece! xoxo, rachel (:

  2. I can't believe how FAST this is happening. What a change in a few short (probably a lot longer for YOU) days! This is going to be fabulous, Connie!!

    Aunt May's Cottage

  3. WOW!! I LOVE the arch entrance. It is going to be so pretty. It is so hard to work on the outside and the inside all at once. I have been gardening for about 12 years and it still looks like a yard rather than a garden. I hope that will change someday.

  4. Well, that wall is really coming along! I know you are excited. I'll be over to sit on the patio ,now that you have it all spiffy clean!

  5. I love the arch entryway! It is so hard to do the the outside of the home and the inside all at the same time. I wish I could be a stay at home gardener.
    Take care my friend,

  6. Hi Connie , I really like your shears you have hanging on your porch . While I was sitting on the porch having my lunch just a little while ago , I was trying to imagine how they would look around my porch . The only thing is I live on top of a mountain and it gets so windy here sometimes that shears might not do to well for me, I bet they would get tangled up in all the flower pots I have sitting around the porch .
    Your remodel is looking good !

  7. Oh! Your room is looking great! I'll bet you'll be glad when it's done. More wall space is a good thing! I'm going to have to go search for that window washer. That just sounds too easy!

  8. wow that guy is moving like grease lightening...looks really good..looks like he will have it done in no time...which is oh so are a nut with reading your blog..have a good one...glad the missionaries came through for you...:)

  9. Hi Connie, I really love how everything is turning out! I really need to hire your contractor,he is bout it. I want to put in one of those round decorative windows in my kitchen to let in more light, it doesn't have to open or anything. Your progress is seriously moving along. Deb

  10. WOW Connie..your remodel is comming along nicely...LOVE the arched look too. What a busy gal you have been!

    Love ya...Lorena

  11. I have one of those window cleaning thingys, I dont know where it is...and if I do find it, that means I have to use, I'm not going to look for! Cant wait till you unvail the completion!! Thanks for visiting me while I was away...and after my return...isnt that chandalier a hoot!! Laurie

  12. Your remodeling is coming along great, I wish I was that far ahead. Thanks for the tip on the window cleaners too.

  13. You WASH windows ?????? Hmmmmm, I thought the rain was supposed to do that !! lol !!!

  14. I love that you are getting rid of the open spaces. Our house is small and I think smaller rooms are cozier. Can't wait to see it all completed.


  15. Hey, want to come to my house and use your little tools over here? I hate doing windows. In fact so much so that we hire someone to come wash them.

    Your place is coming along great. Love the arched door way.

  16. wow! Your a super busy! I know my windows need to be done ~ i think you need some pink lemonade after all this is done!I love your patio!

  17. Afternoon, Connieness! My what a busy gal you''ve been. You are truly the funniest one. I just love to read your blog. I sure couldn't have used some of that steak...yum, your lunch sounded so good. Your remodeling is looking great and that guy is super fast! Now, Connieness, any man would proudly have you as his 'eye candy' - you're one beautiful gal!!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  18. Connie,
    I need some of that energy you've got today (maybe I'll have another diet Coke). You reminded me I need to clean out spider webs, etc. on my porch!
    The remodel is going so well and SO fast.

  19. Oooh, wish I could have been there for a steak with you out on that heavenly back patio!

    Love how the transformation is coming along inside, too!!

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

  20. Your house is coming along great!! Now, here is my big question. How in the world do you keep those beautiful outdoor curtains white???? They look amazing around your patio!

  21. I found your blog through Theresa @ Sentimental Journey. Your blog is just the cutest thing! I can tell you have a great sense of humor. Good luck on the remodel!!

    The Rustic Cottage

  22. Connie you always make me laugh. The redo is going great, and it is looking good. I can't wait to see it when it is done. Love your patio.


  23. I can't believe how quickly the remodel is coming along. It looks great! You are just the funniest, Connie! Loved the cooking in and cooking out! How funny!

    Here's one for you, Connie. My Skywatch picture is up and it enlarges!!!!! I used Rachel's camera and put her SD card in my laptop and voila! So, it's gotta be something with my camera. Interesting, don't ya think?

    We would've come for that lucious meal you had! I could sit right out there in your yard and chat your little ear off. Maybe next time.

  24. ohhhh, i love that arch! that reminds me of my Gram's house! it seems like it is moving along nicely. and the work looks good!


  25. Connie - I love love love your's adorable!

    Your archway is lookin mighty fine...I can't wait to see when it's finished!


  26. Looks great Connie, I love the arch! Patio looks so pretty and I love the window cleaners. I will have to keep my eye out for one.
    Love You,

  27. Sounds like you are having fun with the remodelling. Looks like a big job. Can't wait to see it finished.

  28. Your room is looking very good Connie, and going so quickly! I have a feeling that you will be lining things up to put them on that new wall very soon!

  29. Everything seems to be shaping up.Beautifully in fact.You had me laughing the whole time i read this post.what a joy.Hows the bike? Did it suffer any ill effects, from the sprinker? lol hugs Marie Antionette

  30. Keep twirling whirlwind . It's going to be SO worth it!!
    Have a great Day #5

  31. Do they say you're a 'work of art', or..... 'a piece of work'????

    Isn't this just the WORST season for earwigs?! I hate the little slimy boogers with a passion. Unfortunately, the wet spring that gave us such a beautiful green summer has also bestowed upon us a bumper crop of earwigs.

    Today is E-Day -- I know where they're hiding, so late this afternoon while they're all resting up for their own twilight assault, I'm going to ATTACK them with a five gallon bucket of half water half dish soap. TAKE THAT STRAIGHT TO EARWIG HE** ye lil monsters.

    They're so disgusting.

    Did I mention I hate earwigs?

  32. Hi Connie,
    You are so funny! I just loved reading your blog! Thank you for visiting me via Penny! I am trying to catch up with answering, so as you can see I am really behind!! Even though this is late in comming, thank you for your sweet comments! I wish I had more time to spend on all but am working 24/7 as my hubby is out of work! Looks like you have been very busy with your home!!! Love the archway! I know what you mean about having hubbies do soemthing in a timely manner. I am living in my house 12 years and am still waiting for a long list of projects!!!
    Well, back to work!
    I will be adding you to my favorites!

  33. Oh, I just love it here...looks like my place sure to check out my blog pick of the week.


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.