Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Back Soon!

I shall be back soon with more photos and a bit of an explanation of my absence.


  1. Hang in there Connie. Things will get better. I have not had your problems, but I do understand how you feel. Sine April, I have not had anything but stress and minor sickness.

  2. Oh Connie, I had that for 2 weeks and went to a chiropractor
    he gave me the needle and it worked. Give it a try.
    Hope you feel better soon.

  3. Hi, Connie...I'm so sorry about all your pain. I know how it feels as I had a round of the same thing. It took awhile for me to get totally rid of it but I haven't had any trouble for years now.
    enjoyed, as always, all your images.
    Feel better, dear one.


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.