Wednesday, May 21, 2014

A Story Today and Another One In A Few More Days.

This sciatica has kept me from blogging much lately. I'm on PT three times a week and started going to a chiropractor because the pain is so bad. Hence, not much is happening in my life. I "ice" my hip, left buttock and legs frequently. So see how exciting my life has been for the past 2 months. Wow, can you stand the excitement? Pain pills figure frequently in my life now but I record every single time I take one, even if it's a quarter, half or the full pill. I hate being on them but it is definitely necessary at the moment. The pain from that nerve can be and is debilitating. So here I am tonight thinking of things to blog about. Give me a little sympathy here, please. ;-)

My great granddaughters, featured in some photos below, are pretty funny. I'm relating a few stories today about them.

They love getting mail. We try to mail them something once a week. I'm not doing very well at the once-a-week thing though but they love getting anything in the mail, even a postcard. Sometimes I'll send them Dollar Store items or candy but most times it's a card or note in an envelope.

But the other day I found a doll's comb when cleaning. It looks to be the comb of the character Ariel that she got while she was over here visiting us last Thanksgiving. I put it in an envelope with a note and sent it to her. I had told her mum and her I was sending it so watch for it.

It arrived last Monday with a note from the postman saying that it exceeded its weight so as a courtesy they were leaving it in the mailbox, but they owed the post office a dollar. I was stymied because I have a digital scale for weight and always look up the postage on line even considering if it's thicker than needed, irregular shape, etc. and add additional postage for that. I'm very particular about things like that. But anyway we laughed about it.

But the rest of the story is that Miss C, the oldest to whom I sent it with the note, looked inside, took out the doll comb and hugged the note I sent to her chest. Her mum said she went on and on about her "letter", slept with it, lost it in her bed during the night and her mum had to come in and find it for her! When my granddaughter told me that we laughed ourselves silly. As I said, she loves getting letters, no matter what I say on the card or letter. Sometimes I write, "You [her mum] tell her a story." She doesn't know the difference yet but I'll have to be more careful when she learns to read well. And her father is the best story teller I've ever heard. He keeps ME enthralled with his stories at dinner or evening bedtime stories.

Here's the baby sister, Miss J with the curly dark hair.

She loves being outside and working in the yard.

That antique trunk is one I gave my granddaughter before the girls were born. I'm going to suggest that she paint it white. That will go more with her new decor she's implementing.

In Washington state one day can be like this, dressed in warm clothes...

And the very next day can be warm, dressed in an elegant chapeau. :-)

You can barely see the new chairs and table they have in kitchen nook in their new house. I'm loving that she's decorating similar to mine!!!!

Miss C is either Huck Finn or a bracero with this hat since she's Hispanic. She loves telling people "I'm an Irish Guacamole", since she can't say Guatemalan yet. It's still a tongue twister for her. She's a quick learner though.

This is Miss J with her pony tails. Her hair is so curly it looks short but it's getting long. The white splotches on the wall are different paint colors they're testing. The blue was on the walls of the family room when they moved in but it's gonna go real soon! The whole house will be painted along with all the woodwork trim and cabinets but it'll take them a couple of years I know because of having little munchkins around.

Her favorite color is purple, next is pink.

I saw this colander on the internet, Amazon I think, but I can't justify spending the money just because it's pink. My old one is about 40 years old and still working great.

I love this setting, especially that lovely room divider. The chairs are lovely and the roses just top it off for me.

Isn't this a unique idea for a home outside wall? I like it and think it's adorable. Love the blues also.

Beautiful, but a bit rich looking for me. I am truly a simple girl. Which reminds me of a saying I saw recently and think it is totally accurate:
Be pretty if you can,
Be witty if you must,
But be gracious if it kills you.
I truly try to live by that creed.

I find this kitchen divine. I like how they have an antique rug in the kitchen. I wish more people put rugs in their kitchen. I have rugs over my vinyl to soften my kitchen. It's a small kitchen but adequate for our needs...if we eat out 3 times a week! Notice the doggie bowls are higher than normal so as to help the dog not to have to bend over as much.

I'm going to be looking for something like this that will fit in our small kitchen. Finding the right dimensions at the right price will be my challenge.

This is designer toilet paper! Can you believe that? I'd buy it but I'm sure it costs a lot more than Cottonelle, which I love, and probably not as soft. It is gorgeous and would be fun to have around, but we go through a LOT of toilet paper.
Linking up with Pink Saturday.  


  1. very sorry to hear you are in such pain, and pray that it will go very soon.
    The photos of the children are so lovely, what pretty little things they are! I can see you in the eldest one.

  2. Hi Connie, Debra from Chandler, AZ here. I'm sorry to hear about your sciatica problem. I hope you get some relief very soon. I want to let you know that I said a prayer for you before I typed this. You share so much beauty with all of us and treat us to the most wonderful eye candy, it's the least I could do. I hope that when I come back to visit I'll find you doing better. Take care and God Bless.

  3. What a delightful post. Loved seeing the precious little ones. Best of all you did a simple act for a special lady that mean more than any money could buy. That is the way things should be done more often. Sorry you are having so much pain. Trust something we turn up to make things better.

  4. Connie, I can look at that beautiful face all day. She's a ray of sunshine.
    I'm stopping by via Beverly's.
    Regarding your sciatica, I experienced it several years ago, terrible pain. Although my ortho recommended PT three times a week, I thought I'd try something different before spending so much on my co-pays. I changed my shoes from flat to supported arch (Sketchers) and always wear them, including open toe flip-flop types at home, took 1200 mgs of Magnesium per day, and lost 10 lbs. Sciatica NEVER came back, and I never went to the PT once.
    I hope this helps.
    Happy pinks!

  5. Happy Pink Saturday, my dear Connie. Thank you for being here to share in our Six Years of Pink Saturday celebration. Pink Saturday isn't the same without you, and I have missed your smiling face.

    Oh, how I do feel for you. I know well the pain. Like Marcia, I had to quit wearing flats and going barefoot - and it did help tremendously. I wear Merrell's only!!! They are not pretty, but anything that helped the pain was worth it.

    Your babies are absolutely gorgeous. I keep going back and looking at those sweet faces. I suspect they inherited those pretty curls from you. What treasures they are in your life.

    I love all the rooms you shared. And, I always do. It seems we are attracted to much of the same decor style.

  6. I enjoyed your post Connie. I sure hope you get to feeling better soon. Your little gals are darling.

  7. Sorry to hear about all of your pain, too! Thankfully we have grandchildren who can take our minds off our old age aches and pain. I guess looking at all of the pink stuff helps, too. Happy Pink Saturday!

  8. The girls are all adorable...
    an d I am lovin' that kitchen.
    So sorry you are having pain...I can cope with just about anything other than pain bad enuf to take pills for. There has been times in my life that I was VERY thankful for pain meds...:)
    Feel better soon..


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