Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Another Christmas Story

I've another story to tell you about the Christmas holidays. But first a word from Caroline's great grandmother: ME! She's a very auditory child as stated by her school. That means she rarely forgets things to which we—her family members—can attest. Here's a small video of her and her mummy coming home from school as her mummy is recording her. Bare in mind that this story is made up as they go along. Mummy will say something and Caroline adds to it and then back to mummy and again Caroline adds her part. We think it's hilarious but I am, after all, her great grandma. It's my blog and I can post her video here if I want. You, however, have the option to not view it. ;-) Fair enough!


The night before Christmas eve I chomped down on a candy cane and immediately broke a molar, the last on on the top right side. I hastily stuck my index finger in there to see if it was the candy or tooth as I couldn't tell immediately. I cut my finger big time. So what do I do then? I stuck my left index finger in and immediately cut that but not quite as bad. Hubs tried to get the bleeding to stop on my finger and finally put two bandages on the right and then one on the left. It was late so I took some gauze and wrapped it around the back of my mouth from front to back on that tooth. I finally called my dentist but everyone was on vacation and I didn't get an immediate call back so I called my friend whose hubby is a dentist and asked if he was working this Christmas Eve and she said he'd fix me up immediately. So I met them up at his office, just 2 blocks from our house and he fixed it to get me by the holiday. I've got a temporary crown on it now but let me tell you, the inside of my cheek was raw from that tooth. It was a crown anyway and that substance is hard and very sharp when broken. So I'll spend the next several months paying for this iMac and the new crown. My regular dentist will be surprised when he sees it next month for my regular 6 months cleaning. I love my dentist but the other guy is great also and closer when there's an emergency.

I've fallen in love with little pincushions I've found on the internet.

This one in particular is a dazzler. Red velvet and a gorgeous rhinestone pin to top it off.

My favorite color combo—red and yellow. Nice to know someone else likes it.

Of course this room steals my heart with the pink and white striped sofas and the red toile on that chair. Red touches in the table and a vintage rug just top it off!

Yep, another favorite fabric of mine, red stripes. Actually I love that chair and ottoman. I'm going to purchase another chair later this year. Other things are coming first as you can see from my above story.

I'm on a "red streak" today I think. I love the coziness of this setting with the hearth and the bay window that echoes an inglenook.

What can I say about this room?! I love it. It's gorgeous and I truly love how they have a lot of white paint on the trim and wainscoting. One of the prettiest rooms I've ever seen.

This could be a Charles Faudree room. It looks like something he'd do for an entry room or a mud room.

I'm always enthralled with ribbon work as I love doing it even though I haven't for a long time. But it's one of those heirlooms I like to pass down to my kids and granddaughter. The boy grands couldn't care less about such things though. ;-)

Isn't this beautiful? It's not practical where we live though, too much dust from our farmers swirl around here. I'd be forever cleaning it off and we all know how I feel about work!

Adorable idea for a centerpiece for a dinner or buffet.

Just gorgeous pink eye candy for you.

This is a blogger's craft/sewing room. I'd love to have this much space but I don't do near what this woman does.

An absolutely adorable idea for a birdcage light.

Just because I love pink. This looks like a setting for a wedding or birthday cake.
Linking up with Pink Saturday.  


  1. Sorry to hear about your tooth, these things happen at just the wrong time. Beware of candy canes! Aren't those pincushions pretty? English too, I think.

  2. I love how you post things of the great grands!!! They are so cute!!!! I am glad you choose to put stuff about them. I am sorry to hear about the tooth though. I am glad it got fixed for you! and on Christmas Eve too! ugh! Glad you have connections! I love the rooms you put up. they are so beautiful.



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