Thursday, December 6, 2012

Making Room In This House

Okay, getting the new sofa has put us in a tizzy around here trying to figure out how to do the family room with 2 sofas in it. Our granddaughter can't come get it at the moment and we can't go over there right now. We have to go through 2 ranges of mountains to get to Washington, the Blues and Snoqualmie. It usually snows in both this time of year. So, we're stuck with 2 sofas until the weather is good or February when we go over there for a model train convention that hubby is participating in. Even then the weather is iffy.

Here's what the family room looks like after I spent 2-3 days "thinking" about what I wanted to do. Thinking actually could be ruminating here! And, yes, that's Love Bunny reading a book. There is still much to do in that room. As you can see, there is still stuff in the dining area to do something with. And this is after moving stuff around for 2 days! Sigh...

Now, as I said, it's after cleaning out a lot of stuff, which is now sitting in the garage to be given to the thrift store or a friend who is coming over to take some stuff I'm giving her since her tastes and mine run along very similar lines.

A lot more things have got to go. We cannot live with so much "stuff" any longer. I certainly wish some of you like-minded bloggers who like the same style lived closer to me. I'd give it to you in a heart beat. More later.

Isn't this a beautiful street? Reminds me of a street in Ireland hubs and I walked down.

Beautiful vignette.

If I've shown this before, forgive me. It's still joyful!

This is one of those white rooms I love.

A gorgeous pink and yellow bedroom.

My dining room furniture isn't even this beautiful. :-)

Coast of Italy. Okay, go ahead, swoon!

Pretty containers full of posies.

Okay, it's pretty, but think of the walk to the grocery store and back. Whew!

I. Love. This. Chair. I shall never have it though. :-(

Isn't this adorable? Notice my pink and white striped taffeta curtains. They have excellent taste! ;-)

Clever idea.

You can actually make this pink candy if you'd like. White almond bark and pink coloring.

I have no idea where this house is but I think it's lovely, especially with the pink clematis.

Sorry this is so small but I thought you'd like to see it no matter how small.


  1. Poor Connie! I feel for you. I suppose you'll just have to get rid of as much stuff as you need to and just live with all the sofas until you can bring them to your granddaughter. I mean, what else can you do? Anyways, you have lovely things and your house looks very cheerful and uplifting. At least, you have this consolation!

    That chair that you like but say you will never get. You could make one. Just get a similar chair and fix it up to look like this one. Just shop around for the right fabric and you'll have your chair. You might even end up liking it better than the one on the photo. It could be a future project.

    That walk to the grocery store? I'm wondering if they have any senior citizens there! It's not necessarily the distance but the stairs. Beautiful but a nightmare to deal with them on a daily basis.

  2. It is difficult to get things just right, but it will work out, Connie, especially when one sofa has gone.

  3. your house looks so cozy!!! I like the living room. That chair that your love bunny is reading in looks awfully comfortable. I can't use the family right now because it is so cold downstairs. We don't have a basement so the lowest level (I have a tri-level) is very cold. I do have gas logs but they haven't been turned on in about 7 or 8 years so I would need to have a person come and check for any gas leaks. They would also need to light the pilot light and show me how to do it. My living room is filled with 2 pianos (I teach so that is why I have two) and that is where I go to read. I am sure that with your creativity you will have the room looking really cozy and nice.


  4. It never seems to work out that we get the big pieces swapped out smoothly. lol I do love that yellow and pink bedroom. Have always loved a yellow kitchen, just never thought about yellow for the bedroom.


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