Friday, August 3, 2012

Post-op Visit

I had my post-op appointment with my ob/gyn doctor early in the morning a few days ago and we just chatted. I doubt I could have stood him viewing his handiwork anyway. The day after surgery was his planned vacation to the East Coast. He had given me his cell phone number before he left with specific instructions that I was to call him if any problem arose but I wasn't about to interrupt his vacation. When I went into ER, that doctor had no such compunctions, however. She was a feisty little thing and I immediately liked her.

Anyway, she caught him in a cooking class in North Carolina. I think his wife planned this event for him. Initially, he didn't want to go but then he was glad because he learned how to make the perfect pie crust. He likes to bake and Tomato Pie was something he wanted to try.

His lesson taught him to use high protein flour—cake flour—and lard. Butter has too low a melting point but lard/Crisco shortening doesn't so it gives the pie its flakiness without melding the layers together. Interesting conversation. I really like him. I did tell him I'd want a piece of a pie he baked however.

I told him my family history about not liking to take pain killers and he said he and I had similar histories in regards to them but he told me I definitely needed to keep taking them. So I'm on my third week of pain killers as I write this. I'm pretty loopy most of the time. I write down every single time I take a pill so I won't forget but hubs takes good care of me since he's home with me all the time. (A positive side of being retired!)

But that day since we were already out, I told him let's pop over to WM and get a few things. After several minutes in the store I started getting woozy and nauseous and informed hubs he'd better get me out asap. He did. I went home, took a pain pill, parked my hiney on the living room sofa and stayed there for a couple of hours.

Then towards the afternoon I asked him to take me to Joanns Fabrics as I hadn't been there in months and had some ideas rolling around in my head that needed a visit to Joanns to set my plans in motion. I'll post pictures of what I got and what I'm doing with some of it very soon. He did and I was fine. I do think I was a bit too aggressive with the activity that day, however.

Another exquisitely and stunning white bedroom.

A small balcony made gorgeous with flowers and pillows. I really do like this inviting space.

I have wanted one of these carpet bags for about a year now but just cannot bring myself to pay the prices they want for these. This one is one of my favorites though.

A cute vintage and rustic Hoosier cabinet.

Beautiful blues along with pink and a rosie red rug.

Collection of vintage china. I'd take any one of those plates and be happy!

Some tulip eye candy for you.

Just a beautiful old building somewhere in Europe from the looks of it.

A coffee grinder made glam.

A table setting to colorful to pass up.

Simple white canvas with splashes of pink color. Delightful.

I don't know why this little cottage intrigued me but it did. Just quaint, neat, colorful and delightful to look at.

I wouldn't mind doing dishes in this charming kitchen.

Azaleas and rhododendrons always remind me of Virginia. They don't grow especially well here in the deserts but I'd love to be able to have some here. Too dry.

Stunning arches with ivy trim.
Linking with The Dedicated House.


  1. I do so love to read your blogs. Your honesty, wit, and sense of humor bring me back for more.

  2. I like the sound of your doctor too! Best of luck with everything. (Urgh, the things we women have to go through - I had a hysterectomy at age 37). You'll be FINE and you'll feel so much better once it's all over. TAKE THE PAINKILLERS.

    I want that Hoosier cabinet for my craft room. What are the odds on finding one in the UK? NIL? Yes, I thought so...

    RE the bag - I wonder if the visit to Joanne's Fabrics was somehow linked? I think you could make that bag with one hand tied behind your back! You know I have total faith in your sewing skills.

    Hugs, Susie

  3. Any doctor who gives out his phone number and says call me, even if I'm on vacation is a rare breed! Lucky you to have found one. Sounds like you are coming along just fine, and I'm sure you'll be off the pills in no time. You sure did a great job on this post while your still loopy from the pills. I hate to think what I would have posted!!! Like I said, great pics. I will be back to pin some of them. Continue to get plenty of rest and take care. Happy Pink Saturday…….

    The French Hutch


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