Saturday, July 14, 2012

Rambling 7/14/2012

First of all, a heads-up to Schnookums, who has no blog, website or email with which to communicate. I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for those kind words, Sugar. And you are truly beautiful also. Truly! Thanks.

I'm gonna just ramble this morning, just feel like it. It's my blog and I can ramble if I want. Of course, Love Bunny says I ramble most of the time anyway and I probably do, but such is life, right?

I started first grade in Philadelphia. For the life of me I can't remember why we were there except for the fact that my father was a Navy man. But we were in an apartment there when the time came for me to start school.

The only, and I mean only, thing I remember about that particular year was an incident that took place one day. (Oh, besides my first year school pix that I cannot find and lucky for you and me. I had a dutch boy haircut and absolutely hated it! Very dorky.)

Anyway, one day I was sitting at the table with one leg under me and as I stretched up to get my leg out from under me, the teacher thought I was talking to another student across the table. (We sat at long rectangular tables then and don't know why.) She told me to go stand in the hall. I tried to explain I wasn't talking and I truly wasn't. She didn't believe me and made me stand out in the hall. I was absolutely devastated. One for being made a spectacle by standing in the hall and two for not being believed. I don't think I would have even thought of lying. I was only 5 or 6 remember, a good kid and didn't lie. I remember that teacher was a first-year teacher, very young, pretty and wore saddle shoes. (If you're too young to remember them, then Google them and you'll see what I mean.) But then the principal came by and saw me and I remember telling her or him (cannot remember whether it was a man or woman even) that I didn't do what I was accused of. Didn't matter. I stood in that hall for a bit. Lying has been a sore spot with me ever since then. I hate being called a liar. It just brings back those terrible memories of being accused of something that simply was not true. I think we all have something that hits our hot spot though. Lying is my biggest hot spot.

Oh, and there will be a giveaway soon, not yet, but soon, so stay tuned, chicks! I think you'll like it. :-)

I found this bedroom unusual as it actually looks like she began with desert colored walls in a bronze texture and then added romantic shabby chic accessories. But it’s pretty.

This looks like the outside of a home or at least the porch area of a home. Cute idea though.

That wallpaper is absolutely gorgeous!

Sweet birdcage and roses vignette

This homeowner did a fantastic job on that wall. The blue color is vibrant and lovely.

My kind of organization. I have way more stuff in my kitchen pantry but this is really neat and pretty.

Sweet yellow canning jars spray painted to match the flowers.

This has to be Southern California! ;-) We lived in bungalows like that when we were young and first married.

I knew many of you were going to love this old farmhouse and wraparound porch, so here it is.

If this doesn’t say “girly” than what does?

A small cabin in the woods for you.

Or maybe you’d prefer this cabin instead.

Feminine pink and apple green bedroom.

Lacy and feminine bedroom.

I actually like this green patio set. Fits right in with the greenery.

But I’d prefer this little small set for me and th’ hubs. Isn’t it sweet?


  1. My grandmother always wanted a house with a wrap-around porch. I would love to have one also!

  2. I know what you mean about being accused of something we never did. Some things we never forget. So many lovely photos again. I love that pantry. How I wish I had room for one. The many beds you are showing are exquisite. Very inspiring! I love that green patio set but then I love green. Those two cottages are so inviting surrounded by all that lush greenery. Thanks again, Connie, for the eye candy. Take care!

  3. My middle wants a wrap porch on her home! I love them too! I just saw a T.V. program and they did a segment on treehouses! Wow! Different from when I was a kid! I love that cabin and all these photos you share.

    I too dislike lying intensely! I was raised in a good Christian home, would never tell a lie! I think sometime teachers, even today, overstep their boundaries. I think you should always give a kid a chance to explain themselves. It is sad to have such a sad memory in your mind! I remember lending my first grade teacher my older sisters hole punch! She never returned it and I was the one who got into the worst trouble even though that teacher was the thief!

    I never learned to sew properly because as a high school freshman that teacher called me "stupid"! It stings even today! But my auntie was a dream with the sewing machine and she helped me get through my first and only sewing project. That teacher favored a girl I know today, Rhonda, who is a terrible alcoholic with four marriages behind her! Go figure! That teacher was not a good judge of character. She liked that Rhonda's dad was a prominent business man! My dad was a steel worker and he worked for 47 years! Today I am still very proud of my roots and my heritage! In fact, my older brother cleebrated 49 years of marriage on Friday! :)


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.