Monday, September 26, 2011

The Case for Giving and My Crummy Mood

Have you ever had "one-of-those-days"? That was just a rhetorical question. Silly me, of course, you have. Sunday was one of those days for me.

It was Fast and Testimony Sunday for our church. We fast for 24 hours —I'm horrid at it!—and then give what we would spend on a restaurant for those 3 meals and give to our bishop to help the needy families in our ward. We also bear our testimonies that day. I broke down. I couldn't stop crying from the very first man who spoke. Then a few kids got up and one young man who sobbed the entire time. That didn't help me.

Then in Sunday School I was handed a slip of paper with a scripture to read when the teacher got to that part. He must have given 2 slips of paper because another woman read the one I had. I'm still trying to get used to my iPod and the scriptures on it so I was flummoxed. It didn't get any better. Just one of those days when all goes wrong or the Lord is calling you (ME!) to repentance for thoughts during the week. Oh, who am I kidding? My thoughts in general my whole life! I skipped the 3rd hour, Relief Society, the women's hour at our church on Sunday. I couldn't take the chance that a thunderbolt wouldn't come down, zap me into the next century and the lucky person sitting next to me getting scorched for MY problem. I came home and picked up a book I've been reading. The photo below was a mistake pointing the camera up at the sky when I was taking photos but it pretty much sums up my mood today.

It is said that when we serve others we're happiest. So I'm serving you today. I've decided that I need to give something away to serve y'all. This little bag I made. If I make someone happy with this then I'll be happy. I can always make another one for me. Just drop a comment here and next Saturday when I give away one of the aprons I'll draw another name for this little tote bag. If you don't want it, don't comment here. It's that simple. Remember though that this was a prototype and ain't perfect, chicks. ;-)

P.S. Please do not tell me to be happy; let me wallow in self-pity for a few days at least, for Pete's sake.



  1. Hey sweet friend!!!
    Been missing you and the gang.

    I know we all have those kind of days and your heart is right...when you give to others it is so amazing how much better you feel. I have so many pretties from you so no need to enter me but i knew i just needed to stop by and say i miss you and love you sweet friend!!!

    Be blessed!

  2. So very true giving to others is what makes us feel good.I have those kind of days myself I think we all do.As my motherinlaw used to say "this too shall pass" and it does and we move on.Its actually not til we look back can we see how sometimes things werent as bad as they seem.

    Please count me in for the giveaway,Im in the one for the apron though, I love the second bag too cute!

    Take care.Have a lovely rest of the week!

  3. Here I am - just a friendly soul willing to give a gal a lift,

    Interesting post today, Connie.

    And, yes, I DO LOVE THIS BAG. And will wear it proudly.


  4. Yes, yes, and yes! Enter me in your give away!

    I have had days that would go from bad to worse. Fortunately those are few and far between.


  5. I saw your blog listed on another one. I'm sorry you had a bad day - that happens to us all, sometimes more than others. Hope you are feeling much better.
    I absolutely love your little tote bag! It is beautiful - I love roses anyway! Thank you for having a giveaway. God bless you!

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. Go ahead, you are absolutely entitled to wallow in self pity. I'm doing that today, as well, as everything to do with my parents is getting much worse. We have a leak in our roof, need a new hot water heater, blah, blah, blah, and don't have the money for any of it!!

    I feel better writing that. I'm sending you my love and positive thoughts, my friend.


  8. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  9. Hi Connie, I guess having a bad day now and than makes us appeciate the really good days! It's wonderful you give to people in need. It surely will make their day a bright one!
    Take care,


    PS Please put my name in for the giveaway!

  10. Hi..I follow your blog daily, and you make me laugh, which is good, because sometimes I have "bad mood"
    days, too, and you perk me up!! I think wallowing until you get it out of your system is good!!!
    I would love it if you added my name for your pretty purse and for one of those gorgeous aprons you are giving away....
    Don't kid are a very generous person!!! And so much talent...
    Have a happy weekend, Hugs, Francy

  11. Hi Sweet Connie. Go ahead and stay in your "self pity". It usually makes us stronger after we had enough, so enjoy it and remember God has a purpose for all things.

    I for one would be honered to win the purse. I love it. I didn't enter the apron giveaway, but guess I should. Hopefully, I can win something-lol.
    Stay sweet my friend. I did enjoy reading your post about your church. We are the kind that gives directly to a person in need, because it's just money we might have squandered anyway and making some else happy is a gift. Love ya

  12. This is totally adorable--and I agree with, when I give, I feel so much happier too!!!


  13. Hope all is well and you are feeling better! I left a comment on the very first post for the apron giveaway but I see the date was changed and you did pick a winner. I guess I got confused as I have no idea if the comment counted but no problem sweets I'll just try for the next apron, lol. Count me in for the bag giveaway as I must of missed that one in my confusion. You are one talented seamstress and I would love to win any of them. Hugs and Blessings sent your way! Marilou

  14. Dear Connie
    It sounds horrid to tell you to roll around in self-pity...if we had a pity party...what would the flowers look like and what would we serve to
    It would make me soooo very happy.
    I pray all is better now
    Bless you

  15. I hope you are feeling better now. We all have those kinds of days where it seems like everything goes wrong. This is such a cute bag and love it in pink. You're a sweetie pie Connie!

  16. Oh that is so beautiful!! Please enter me in the giveaway!!!!

  17. Ahhh, sweet lady...we ALL have "thunderstorm" days...even when the sun is shinning bright. Usually on those days, I start out dropping things...then, it's all downhill from there. Many times, I pile up in bed with snacks, drinks and watch movies all day. :))

    I love your bags but I am holding out for an apron and don't want to seem ....well...greedy. :)
    xo bj

  18. That bag is one of the prettiest things I've ever seen. Oh, and by the way, I have lots of "those days." Hope you're having a good one today.

  19. Hi there,

    Oh yes -- those days... I hope you are in a much better mood now! :)

    I would love to raise the winning odds of Susan@Blackberry Creek just because she seems to be a nice lady, has lots of "those days" and thus deserves a treat, and really loves your pretty bag. Maybe Fortuna will now choose her.

    Greetings from Germany,

  20. That bag is gorgeous. I hope you've gotten in a good wallow this week! :)

    HaPpY pInK sAtUrDaY!

  21. Love the beautiful bag!! and hey we all wallow every now and then :) have a good old wallow!


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.