Friday, March 25, 2011

Pink Saturday 3/26/2011

Happy Pink Saturday to all of you. To view the other participants, please click on Beverly's logo below and you can see all the pinkness your eyes can stand!

The story began yesterday when hubs was out of town for the day and I got the bug to "fluff up" again. It wasn't so much "fluff up" as it was clearing space on the walls. I wanted more of the pink walls to show through to give the eye a rest. I'd been thinking about this for a long time. (Okay, you know where this is leading, right? More stuff to get rid of of course!) I put one of the pictures out in the garage for hubs to put in the garbage but he thought it should go to Goodwill or D.I. I hadn't thought of it but he was right. Someone else might love having it. Plus we'll get the tax deduction.

I love this limited edition print, which is my favorite one, so it went back into the family room. Originally, I worried about the southern sun coming in and deteriorating it but if I can't enjoy it where I want then why have it? I moved a little footstool next to a big one for my family's or guest's comfort. The big one can be used as a table for snacks also.

All the artwork came off the wall and is now on the floor to the right of the sofa awaiting my decision on what to do with it as you can see partially in this photo and in the one above. Sell, give it to charity or keep? I don't know yet. Big sigh. That bookcase on the left is going into my office as soon as I get rid of another old bookcase in there. Hubs likes this one better than the gold wrought iron one in there now and it's at least 35 years old. Craigslist? Probably.

So here is the living room so far. More tweaking will be required as I want to get rid of some of the birdhouses or find another use for them somewhere else.

Next week the new solar tubes go in so I can get the lighting on this room better. I can hardly wait!

Yep, a stack on old magazines I plan on giving to a friend and then selling some of the very old ones on ebay.

The coffee table sits with much I have taken off the sofa table on the wall and will determine what to do with it at a later date. My mind is frazzled at this point.

These little blocks I bought a few years ago, painted and decaled and put up there. Just needed something above the archway and I didn't want something that might fall off on someone's head—namely mine.

Something's missing from my "C" but I have no clue where it went. You'd have thought it would be on the floor somewhere but I haven't found it yet. The little cottage sign just changed its place on that wall by a few feet.

Some lucky little girl is getting this lamp that was on the sofa table. ;-)

Another view of the wall. I put my original wedding bouquet (filled in with paper roses) on the wall and a little shelf from the family room was brought in to this wall to hold our wedding cake toppers. They are the originals from the 2 receptions we had so that'd make them 50 years old. I'd say that's vintage, wouldn't you?

Ohmygosh, how did Caroline get in here? :-) I love the fact that she just loves wearing her sunglasses like the rest of the women in this family.


  1. Good luck with the continued clear out. I always find that to be rather tough - do I keep it just in case, do I give it away, etc.? Your magazine stack looks like mine. :) I just love the ticking on your couch and I'm swooning over your lamp - it is so fabulous!
    Please stop by for a visit when you get a chance. I have a new home:

  2. Hi Connie~
    Such wonderful pink treasures!! I love visiting Goodwill and others so that I can gather more pink goodies too. Loved your magazines - reminded me of me - I have a hard time getting rid of them....they have so many wonderful ideas.
    Happy Pink Saturday!

  3. Love your living room!!! You have some very nice things!! Love that you preserved your wedding bouquet. And I especially like your last picture of the sweet treasure you have :)
    Enjoy your weekend!
    Suzann ~xoxo~

  4. OMGoodness you have a lot of energy! When I do what you are doing, it takes me a while as I remove things and then I put some things back I can't part with..back and is a very long process! lol!
    You sure have a lot of pretty things....why not box up your favorites and store them and then bring them out another time...rotate them is what I am trying to say.
    It did not make it to 30 today and it is now snowing agin! Feels more like January than almost April!

  5. I love your pink ottoman! And I see you have quite a stack of great magazines. I could pile up for a while with those!
    Happy PS!

  6. Hi Connie, You have so many beautiful things! I love changing things up too, but this frazzled mind has to do it in stages anymore! I really like the color of the wall. It's so soft it can almost be a neutral. Happy pink week.

  7. Love the ottoman and the lamp! Lots of pink here! Happy Pink Saturday!


  8. Love the picture over the couch and the other picture of the front door. Love the matting on that one also. Compliments your walls. Hope they stay. I collect Romantic Country, I would love to see if you have any I don't, I would buy anything ones I don't have from you. Blessings.

  9. LOVE your lamp! Your whole room is so soothing and cheery. I am following you!!(on this blog, not in a stalker way-heehee) :)

  10. What a cool lamp! Happy Pink Saturday!

  11. Hi Connie, boy, have you been busy. You are wearing me out with all that you have been up too. So many pretty things and lots of reorganizing going on. I am sure when it's complete you and hubs will love the new look.
    Happy Pink Saturday, please be sure to share with us when you are done, Char

  12. Love your ottoman!

    Happy Pink Saturday sweet Connie!


  13. I enjoyed the peek into your beautiful home and that little one sure gave me a smile too. Love those sunglasses. Hope you have a great Pink Saturday!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  14. You certainly have a lot of lovely things. I am sure when you are finished, it will look great. I think the little birdhouses are cute. Find some place to enjoy them.

  15. Ohhh Connie, please give me some of your energy! I need to do the same thing. You have lots of lovelies...happy Pink Saturday.

  16. love the new look to the room. I also love the picture of Caroline! What a doll!

  17. I don't know about you but when I start one thing it leads to another and another and another, ha! I spied some pretty clotches I sure would love!

    Happy PS,

  18. Gorgeous clouches! Happy Pink Saturday. Grace xoox

  19. Hello Connie, Happy Pink Saturday! Love your pink post this week. Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Your living room looks so pretty, love all your pretty things. Your granddaughter is getting so big, she is adorable. I loved all your recent posts, the fabrics and trims were fabulous! Those strawberries looked delish!
    Love ya! Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  20. So beautiful place..Happy PS! mine is up.

    Mine is here

  21. Connie that Caroline is a cutie! Love the look of the room. You are a super gal. Enjoy the weekend and HPS! Anne

  22. Happy Pink Saturday!

    I absolutely love all of your pink and the baby!

    I am hosting an auction on my blog of vintage and antique linens ~some are pink! :)

    Come by and take a peek.

  23. Always love coming by your your pretty place Connie! Good for you friend going though things and simplifying a bit. I need to do that!

    I love the pretty vintage tablecloth you have on the little table with the fern!

    bee blessed

  24. It must be that time of year - I'm cleaning, re organizing, giving away, donating, and throwing away too - need more room for more fun goodies!! Thanks for sharing - you've been busy - you have a sweet litte "rose cottage" for sure. Happy Pink Saturday!

  25. God morning Connie, I read a comment you made to some of your race to link friends. Laughing here. I do the same thing and I am not so good at linking fast. Something always goes wrong that takes extra time. I do ok. It is a fun time game. Beverly did not know what she started did she?

    I think your start on clearing the wall looks so nice. I kind of did that when we moved to NC. I was a cover the walls kind of girl and now I keep it less busy. If that is your plan for your whole charming room, you have a lot of decisions to make. It won't be easy because you have a lot of very sweet things to decide on. I think you will love the end result. Dusting has to be a nightmare.
    Oh happy solar light day. I want to do that so badly. It won't be this year. Thank you for the info on them Connie.
    How beautiful is little Caroline in her Sun glasses. Is that your son? He is loving holding Caroline,it is obvious.

    Happy Pink Saturday
    Hugs. Jeanne

  26. I am so happy to see the pink and the most of all the stacks of magazines! Glad to know I am not the only hoarder of beautiful publications!

  27. I am a sucker for ottomans and stools. Just love them...O and magazines.:))
    xo bj

  28. Happy Pink Saturday to you and Mr. Love Bunny my friend. Oh my goodness...sure looks like you been bunny-hoppin'-busy lately! You amaze me!

    Love to you...


  29. Your home is so pretty, and I think you've inspired me to clear off my walls and try something new! I've always wondered about people (my parents) who could live with the same thing on there walls for decades, so I'm going to give this a try and see what happens. Thanks for the inspiration!
    Happy PS!

  30. They are so cute!
    And lovely pinkies around your home.
    Happy Pink Connie. Enjoy springtime.
    " Regina "

  31. Holla Chica,

    I just love the pics of your home. So pretty, so "rosey", so pretty in pink! LUV IT!

    Beautiful little Caroline....LUV those shades!

    How's things in your part of the world? Fab I hope!

    Love & Prayers,

  32. Happy Pink fun to join in all the Pinkness...I pray for God to bless each one of you peace and strength...enjoy the day!

  33. Connie you have alot of beautiful stuff in your room!!

  34. Wow--A lot of pink! You remind me of my mom (who painted her kitchen cabinets pink when all she had left at home was boys).

  35. Look at beautiful Caroline. She's getting so big! Fluffing is always fun, and sometimes we just need to get rid of a few things.

  36. G'eve Connie ~ I've not been blogging much at all, wrote several in advance to post. Have so missed visiting you ...

    My, you have some beautiful creations & artwork ... it has to be hard to decide what you are keeping & passing along. Your pink shades are wonderful.

    Have a beautiful eve, my friend.
    TTFN ~

  37. Happy Pink Saturday Connie Sweetie...
    I love,Love, LOVE this share. So beautiful and so PINK. Love this living room area. You have added so many beautiful touches, it feels like home. Love that arch with the little blocks and your C. Hummmmm. Wonder what fell off of that? Maybe the Borrowers have moved in. (The little mice family that borrow things from us to make their lives more comfortable. Have you seent he movie?)

    Love that lamp shade. Especially the little shoe on it. That is SO cute. Love the bird houses, you are SO good at making them precious.

    Loved seeing your original bouquet and your beautiful cake toppers. I only have my original one, but maybe for the 50th I am thinking. I am coming up on 36, so I am only have a little way to go, right?

    Thank you for popping over and for your kind comments. I have been stung 2 times really hard this week, from the same person, and it just brought it all to a head. I felt it was time to speak. (so to speak) Many hugs and much love, Sherry

  38. Miss C is for sure gonna be a diva ~ it's in her genes!! Love the new look over your sofa table, especially how you added your bridal bouquet and cake toppers!!

    Angelic Accents


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.