Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Expectations for 2011

The blogs have been very quiet for the past few weeks so I'm giving a heads-up to some of you who haven't checked out the giveaway here. You probably won't want to miss it. ;-)

I am not a goal setter in the formal sense of the word. It's too hard for me to figure out goals. I more or less have certain expectations for myself. Call it what you want but I call them expectations. I don't believe in resolutions set for a New Year because the average length of such resolutions is perhaps maybe 2 weeks. I'm no different from the rest of the world; I get distracted by things going on around me in life. So I never set lofty expectations because I'm realistic and also because I'm pretty simple in what makes me happy: a loving relationship with my hubby and the Lord. (I'm working on both, by the way!) But I'll tell you about some things I believe are important—at least for me in this coming year.

But first, I thought these vintage roosters/chickens were just adorable and wanted to share them with you. Like me, a lot of you are fans of majestic roosters/chickens and these are certainly majestic in my opinion.

I'll do my best to view things differently than I have before, like looking through this archway and seeing things I may not have caught on first glimpse. I must have looked at this picture and those chairs 5 times before I noticed they had straw seats. I only noticed the cushions. And then while composing this post I noticed light casting its rays on the back wall. Then the enfilade of this home.

To see things to use in a different way from their original purpose.

To write more letters to some people I admire. This is a very high priority for me to do this year as I've found some wonderful people I admire. Some new authors especially have brought me much pleasure from their books.

To look out the windows more often and take walks on the greenbelt near our home.

To be of more service to people who need me and help my community more. To be more patriotic and encourage others to be more patriotic also.

To eat on our back patio more this year and enjoy being outside. This is truly a great pleasure.

To spend more time on my front porch reading than sitting in my home reading. I think the fresh air is important!

To take even more pleasure in the simple things around me. I know, I know, we all say that, but I truly mean it. It isn't the grand stuff for which I lust, it's simple things. I don't need a lot of money or things to be happy. That's an illusion most people fall into I think. But also to get rid of even more clutter in my home. Last year was a good start but it's not over yet. I'm not going to turn into a minimalist but I sure am going to get rid of a lot of stuff around here. It just isn't necessary to make me happy anymore.

To be more proactive in our garden this year. I'm a horrid gardener. I'll try to improve on that.

To spend more time with hubby without nagging him. This is a huge challenge for me. I am by nature a nagger.

To bring more roses to the world. By this I mean being cheerier and glowing and being a good example to others. I am also judgmental by nature. I'll pray for help and guidance to see the hearts of people, not just their actions and outward appearance and to love them much more than I do now. This is the biggest challenge for me.

And if more roses just happen to fine their way into my home so much the better. ;-)

Happy New Year to all of you and may your year be as blessed as last year was for us. I am truly a blessed chick!


  1. Such pretty pic's in your post.. I want to eat outside more, read outside more, walk more, declutter, and view things differently, too!! Let's get busy! :o)

  2. Hey Sweets!
    Very well said! I too am not a resolution maker but work on myself all year long!

    Love you!

  3. Connie what a great resoluction and one I think I could carry off. I will start in March when it warms up and start off by sorting things into boxes, Goodwill, garage sale, giveaway, and trash. I have a friend who will help me because I have begun to look like a pack rat in my craft room, so out with the old and sticking with the new that I just got. I am a simple person by nature but with all the things I obtained from my mother, it is just too much. I will keep the lace, material, and porcelan angels I got and make them pretty. Wishing you a very Happy and Blessed New Year. Hugs, Pat

  4. Happy New Year Connie,
    Your little miss Caroline is so sweet in her long pretty dress. What a blessing..

  5. I hope you achieve what you want for 2011. I am not sure what my goals are for 2011 except I do need to simplify my stuff. I have way too much and it is all clutter. I will work on this for the year. Other than that, I don't have any other real goals at this point.

  6. LOVE the expectations you have set for yourself. Shoot, I may even borrow a few of them for me, your younger sister! Lol

    Seriously, I do not think of you as a nagger, tho! And seriously, I can NOT imagine you working in a garden!! Sipping tea there, yes. Toiling in the earth, no! :0)

    Love you,
    Angelic Accents

  7. Your pictures are beautiful! I don't do resolutions, too much pressure, but I do try to constantly improve myself and my outlook. And I try to look out for others who may need my help. I hope your New Year is going well so far. I am having a giveaway, come on over and join in the fun!

  8. What a great Post and it sure reminded me of just what is important. I want to make an effort to enjoy each and every day, and try real hard not to let the struggles get me in a negative place. Happy New Year! Hugs, Diane


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