Monday, November 29, 2010

Just My Thoughts

For eye candy, our little angel face for Thanksgiving in her blessing dress she wore in August. What could be more eye candy than a sweet baby? Forgive me, I'm biased! :-)

Her mummy is behind her nibbling on her heels to make her smile in this one.

I could be organizing my craft room and getting rid of some of the fabric in there, which I started several days ago. I could be sitting in the family reading a book, which I love doing and have read between 25 or 30 these past 8 or 9 weeks. I could be folding a batch of clothing I washed today and have 3 more to do tonight. I could be painting the holes in the kitchen wall where we finally got the cabinet put up after taking it down and relocating it the 2nd time. But I'm not doing any of those things. I'm blogging.

I'm been thinking and rethinking blogging recently. Since I've not blogged very much recently and had the extra time to do things, it was rather freeing. But then I realized how much I'd miss it if I didn't blog anymore.

I have been surfing a tiny bit lately but nothing like I'd been doing. I know "to each his own", but I truly do like large photos when viewing a blog. Oh, it won't stop me but I prefer the ones with larger pictures of their beautiful decorating or crafts. That's why it takes me such a long time to do a blog post: the photos. The scans of the magazine I've done recently—and there are more to come—are the best I can do with those photos but they still take a heap o' fixing, chicks. I prefer my own photos because there is less "middle man" involved in them.

Some bloggers say to turn off your flash, but every single photo I take has my flash on. I'm hesitant to tell anyone how to take photos because it isn't just one thing; it's a lot of things. Familiarization with your camera is essential also. I'm no where near perfect, but I'm well pleased with how most of them turn out. Plus I resize them with my Photoshop to 800 pixels wide for each one so they'll all be uniform. I know, I know, I'd OCD.

Hubs and I had a hunger for BLTs tonight and indulged ourselves. Of course, I had to take pictures of the process since the tomato looked beautiful, actually it look perfect in every way, which just goes to show you beauty is only skin deep because although, it was beautiful, it was not flavorful.

Put it together and what have you got: BLT! Yummy. Yikes! Yeah, I know, I forgot to photograph the bacon, but you can see a bit of it peeking out under the lettuce.

Just a bit of eye candy for you.

Birdhouse sitting on a shelf in my living room.

Roses on my living room lamps.

I just love my Canon Rebel and these closeups I get with it.



  1. Glad to hear you are hopping through blogland again Connie - we've missed your perky and uplifting comments. Today I have enjoyed your eye candy photos... especially your grand baby - she is so photogenic.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  2. Connie, I just love her!! What a beautiful child. Your photos are well done. I agree with you about the flash. I try and try and try again; with, without, near the window, below bright light, but without flash, and at different times of the day. It's fun to learn new ways and to be pleasantly surprized. Enjoy your week. Kathi

  3. She is so, so beautiful, Connie! What an angel.


  4. Hi Connie,
    That little great granddaughter is adorable! I, like you, get posts up slowly when I have pictures to show. My photography is improving since I've been blogging. It's a whole art by itself. I do need to upgrade my camera now that I know a little more of what I'm doing. Your pictures are beautiful.

  5. Even my husband looked over my shoulder and said 'Whose is that lovely baby?'!!

  6. Yoo hoo, it's me. How are ya? I hope you feel better by now. Good to see you do a post, and I tell you that baby is completely adorable. Of course, you knew that already. I always enjoy your posts, I like big pictures, too.
    Come by when you get a chance.
    love ya,

  7. BLTs are some of my favorite sandwiches. She is beautiful! Love the dress.

  8. love the picture of your grandbaby! What an absolute doll she is! My cousin is going to help me decorate the house in the summer this year! i will get my pinks! Love your pictures!

  9. Hi Connie,
    Oh my, your little angel face is adorable! We also call our grand daughter angel face.
    She has the prettiest blue eyes...
    I bet you love kissing her up...
    Have a sweet day, Elizabeth

  10. Ohhhh my! What a precious living doll!!! Really. I showed her pic to 'Uncle A.' and he said it looks like a doll. :-)

    I've heard of Canon Rebel before and it must be a wonderful camera. Whatever you are doing.. flash or no, you are doing marvelously. And like you say, you need to know how your own camera works and etc.

    I like no flash for showing an ambiance-filled photo of indoors. Soft lighting and candles, etc. And I'd use flash, for a close-up of tomatoes, etc. And come to think of it, I have used flash and gotten a great pic of our newest Grand Gabriel, in all his sweet baby-ness. One of him, in his pumpkin hat, was with flash and it was wonnnnnnnnnnderful. :-) [If I do say so, myself.] :-)

    Then again, I take more than one shot, when trying to get something. And pick the best one. :-)

    Gentle winter hugs...

  11. your grandaughter is absolutely scrumptious!!! the smiling one.;) and you better keep your blt..oh that would hit the spot.;) have a wonderful week ahead chick!!!:>)

  12. How ever you do your pictures, they are great. I am with you I like big type and large pictures (Maybe we're just old!) And your not biased, that baby is beautiful, it looks as if mom is eating her feet on the second picture, not tickling them LOL!


  13. SHE is an absolutely beauty! I am having a reading feast as well! Rachaelxo

  14. What a princess - your great grandbaby is precious!!

    I certainly understand about not blogging as much and having time to get stuff done!! You have to do what feels right!


  15. Good Morning Sweet Connie,

    That little one is a beautiful girl. What a smile she has. I know you must love her dearly.
    Her dress is so lovely, and I happened to notice that there were little pink roses on the front of it.....Hmmm did you get that for her???
    She is just lovely.

    For what it's worth, I do hope that your not considering leaving the world of blogging???? I would miss you soooooo!!! Although, I know all to well how everyone's lives are changing these days, but please know you would be missed ME!

    Thanks for always sharing "eye candy" with us.!!

    Have A Peachy Keen Day!!!

    Love & Prayers,

  16. Oh my.... I can see why you'd have this precious little one at the top of your blog.. She is SOOOOOO BEEEE.U.TI.FUL... She looks like she should grace a magazine cover... Just darling....

    Love your pinks... I think you're as crazy for the color as I am...

    Right click on my pix and they'll enlarge.... Still haven't figure out how to make them bigger... I know you use a mac, so this might now work for you, but if you hold down the control key and scroll your mouse pix will enlarge too... Great for small print as well.

    Having a giveaway sweet chickie!


  17. Gorgeous photos, love love love the PINK background, and thRillEd to find another cute LDS blogger with art, love, and photos abound...
    I am a follower!
    Thanks for stopping by!

    PS- LOVE the Ronald Reagan quote!


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.