Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pink Saturday 10/30/2010

Welcome once again to Pink Saturday. Please visit with Beverly of How Sweet the Sound for more participants.


And Happy Halloween, all your spookie chicks! I made this a couple of years ago and it still sits on my front porch all year round. I just wiped it down and added the sign for this weekend. I told you I don't "do orange" so this is my contribution to the autumn season.


It's been a rough week for me. I'm always smiling and a truly upbeat person, but when I laid this body down on my masseuse's table on Wednesday I just lost it. I'm glad I was face down because the tears started falling the second Maria put her hands on my body. She's a very, very caring person, and I'm just glad she couldn't see the tears flowing. Just her touch relieved a lot of stress in this old body. And trust me, this has been very stressful trying to get relief from the fall I took.

Anyway, I thought I'd just ramble a bit today. The earth is taking making its autumnal glory for the year and that perhaps is one of the things that can depress the human spirit, realizing I'm in the autumnal period of my life.

Our last 2 tomatoes from the garden and the last gardenias from the plant. You can't believe how fragrant these smell. Beautiful.


Random Thoughts:

I read recently where the schools are providing DINNERS for school children! My parents would have been appalled at this. Where in the world are their parents? We're paying for this with our tax dollars. I find this appalling that anyone even thought of this. Parents are stewards of their children, not anyone else. I fed my kids when they were home. I never let them starve. Just boggles my mind.

Did you know that P&G uses supercomputers to make sure that Pringles go into cans without breaking? I just love high tech stuff!

Why do models stand with hands on their hips in those photos of them attending events? Do they realize how stupid they look? Standard pose: Hand on hip, looking over their shoulder, one leg crossed over the other. As I said, stupid looking!

AND some of them have such huge breast proportions that I'm wondering if the world is facing a serious silicone shortage!

I love all the pictures I see of the English, Italian and French countryside but it's always perplexed me why they build them on hills or steep windy roads. Sheesh, there seems to be flat land around them. Why make it hard to build and to go to and from the grocers? Weird. Beautiful, but still weird.

My friend and I usually announce the end of our phone calls by asking each other if we've solved all the world's problems lately. We generally answer each other with this statement: No, but we haven't created any world problems lately either! Gives ME hope. ;-)

Until next time, my sweet chicks.


  1. hope you have a great halloween..I love your random thoughts.;)

  2. I hope each day you feel a little better Connie. As we get older it takes longer to get over illnesses so just take it easy don't worry about blogging. We won't forget you if you don't post as much or comment either.

  3. Your pumpkin is so much prettier than the orange ones!
    French towns were often built on hills to be secure from marauders, and I guess the towns just grew around the hill.

  4. Yep, your White pumpkin Scared me, but not like my Pink Pumpkin & Eyeball scared you...right? right! I hope you are feeling better...sometimes a good cry helps! As far as I know I haven't created any world problems either. Happy Pink Saturday...Sue

  5. Hi Connie ~
    I am sorry you have not been
    feeling well ~
    Thank goodness for a
    good massage !
    Your pumpkin is so cute !!


  6. May I please jump in here and ask you to please come over and give a "Thumbs Up" to my Sat. post ,-) I know I'm a bit *frank,* but... Difficult times call for unique measures. ,-)

    Gentle hugs...

  7. Hi Connie, you are a fabulous person, my best wishes for you! Love your cute pumpkin!

    Happy Pink Saturday and Happy Halloween!

  8. You're rambling - just like me! Happy PS, Connie. That is the prettiest pumpkin I've ever seen!


  9. Hahaha Connie,
    Your post reminds me of a female Andy Rooney... only much cuter! (and younger too!)
    I love the white and pink punkin, and oh gosh- I can smell those gardenias from here!
    Have a Happy Halloween sweet chicky!
    Sparkly Hugs,
    Tobi and the Pixies

  10. Happy Pink Saturday, dear Connie. I hate that you are having a hard time. Crying is just what I need sometime. Hang in there!

    Your pink decorated pumpkin and your ramblings gave me a big smile.

  11. Happy Halloween Connie, Love your random thoughts, feel better soon, Halloween Hugs Marilou

  12. Hello dear Connie, I did not know you fell. I missed that post. I am so sorry and I hope you will feel better soon. A massage is a good thing. We all need a good cry to clear the air sometimes. I think it is therapeutic.

    Your white pumpkins just look so pretty. Your tomatoes and flowers are nice too. I bet that will be the last of them. Sigh. Ready or not, life goes on...

    I always enjoy your random thoughts.
    Warm hugs, Jeanne

  13. G'morn Connie ~ Oh, I am so sorry you are having such a time healing, sweetie. I pray this lifts for you quickly.

    You have us both in stitches, as always. Harold said don't forget the CO2 for those models ...

    Have a BOO-TEA-FUL weekend.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  14. Connie, if I could take some of your pain away, I would happily do it.What's a little more pain. I cried too when I read your post. I know how hard pain can be on the body, but glad you can still smile and post,even if it's just on Saturday. Better to have you healed than lose your posts.I love your white pumpkin. I bougtht a black one for next year to make a Saints arrangement that Micheals had and I know Ican do it cheaper than $59. Oh those tomatoes look so inviting and I can pretend to smell the gardenia. Wishing you well and soon out of pain. Love and hugs, Pat

  15. Hi Connie, Happy Halloween to you, I love your pumpkin, all pink & white-- I'm sorry you are still having a hard time of it. I'm saying a prayer that you will be all better real soon. Take care, Sweetie.

  16. LOVE your pumpkin, Connie! And I'm glad you are getting some pain relief... doesn't it drag you down...

    RE building on hills - don't forget we get a lot more rain, snow etc - so being up high stopped us getting drowned or buried. Also, you could see the Viking hordes coming (rape, pillage, rape, pillage: same old routine) and run down the other side of the hill. And throw in a moat or two. The hills keep you fit! lol lol lol

    Happy PS and Happy Halloween!

  17. I do love girlie things and you pumpkin is right up there my sweet friend.

    Gentle hugs and prayers are coming your way!


  18. Love the pink pumpkin. I want one just like it for next year. maybe then I will like Halloween better. I hope you feel better soon. Glad you are able to get massages to help with the pain. I have been crying a lot lately too because of Mom, and my friends say it is okay, so sometimes a person just needs to shed some tears! Hope you have a good weekend!

  19. Hi Connie,
    I have not been blogging for awhile.I'm so sorry you had a fall.I know what you mean about our bodies though.I wish I had a message.I love your rambelings,because all is so true.And no we did not solve any world problems. I wish we could, but I will not create any either. I frown alike lately.But thats Ok too!!!
    PS, I am having a give away to celebrate my return.
    You have a safe and Happy Halloween
    Hugs and Witchy Kisses
    Marie Antionette

  20. Loved your Pink Halloween Saturday post. Everything was so cute but I'm sorry you've been feeling poorly.

  21. What is it with the aches and pains...I could have handled all this stuff better when I was 35!!! I sure hope you feel better soon, Connie - at least you're getting a massage. {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}} Nancy

  22. Hi Connie, Happy Pink Saturday! Thank you so much for stopping by and leaving a sweet comment. Love your pink post this week! How cute that pumpkin is. Sorry your feelin down and hurting.
    Blessings, Shirl
    Shirls Rose Cottage

  23. Hello my sweetie pie friend! I don't like Halloween anymore, when I was little I thought it was so exciting, now I worry about my little ones letting go of my hand or getting weird candy...not fun like it used to be. It is fun to get them dressed up though. WEll, I am so sad to hear that you cried and your body is in that much pain...YUCK...but that pretty pumpkin made me smile! I pray for healing in your body and your spirits to be young and vibrant just like all of your darling creations! Your are just darling too!
    Squishy Hugs,

  24. Hello Connie,
    sorry you had a bad day and didn't feel well. Hope you're bubbly as usual now... Your white pumpkin is really cute, love the vintage image you glued on that and the polka dot ribbon. What a clever idea!
    Happy belated PS and Happy Halloweeen,

  25. Adorable and so creative! HPS!

  26. Connie, so hope today is better. I do love your white and pink "scary" pumpkin! Pink Saturday tardy, wishing you a Happy Halloween!

  27. Love the first pic with the decoupage rose!!!! Happy Halloween!

  28. Hi Connie,
    this is my first visitt to your adorable blog and I'm so sorry to hear your body is so much in pain and wish you a quick recovery.
    your white and pink pumpkin is just adorable and I've truly enjoyed my visit today.
    Happy Halloween

  29. I do LOVE your white and pink pumpkin - it's absolutely perfect. I hope you are on the mend and feeling better soon!! Happy Halloween!

  30. I feel for you and the pain. I am sitting here at midnight because my back and neck hurt too much to fall asleep. I hate getting old. I have degenerative disk and the work in the yard just about did me in too We bagged 21 large bags of leaves this weekend...uch lots of work but glad it's done. Have a great week. Debbie


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.