Wednesday, September 1, 2010

White Roses

Hubby was pruning the roses recently and this is what he brought in. He loves them as much as I do and he's the gardener in our family. Many have emailed asking how I do it. I tell them I don't. His thumb is green and mine is pink. He just listens to our local nurserymen after much nagging from yours truly and they blossom out like this. The white one below actually starts out pink, then gets paler until it's almost white, but the scent is a citrus-y rose scent. Most wonderful, I assure you.

I was cutting some limbs from our dead pear tree to use for a project and cut off the leaves here on this table. I thought they would make a good prop for a photoshoot for this bouquet of roses.

Now, what could I be going to do with these things?



  1. I could sure use some of that delicious smell in here!

  2. Your roses are gorgeous!! I can smell them from here!! My father in law has roses all around his property. His family is all still back in Ireland so he has a rose bush planted for each of his sisters and one for every member of his family that passes away. He planted one for his son (my first husband). It has yellow roses which is what he used to give me on special occasions before he passed. Every year it looks so pretty but the first year after it was planted a rose bloomed so beautifully after all the other bushes in the yard had long since stopped blooming for the season. Very, very special!!

    ~ Wendy

  3. one creative lady you are ...

    we have too many beetles ... they devour!!!!


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