Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Porches #3

Ooooohmygosh, how cute is this in white and blue with pink impatiens hanging from the porch.

Stark coastline again with the sun casting a perfect glow on the home and porch. It almost looks like it could fall into the ocean. I adore that huge wraparound porch.

Could be somewhere on the east coast. Lovely white porch swing to view the sail boats and swimmers.

This is a huge porch with a cathedral ceiling with a fantastic view of the ocean and neighboring yards.

I've never been to the Adirondacks but I imagine it would look something like this. A cottage with lots of scrolly fretwork and a very inviting entrance.

This one looks more like a log home or lodge on a lake in the woods somewhere.


  1. I would kill for a big porch where I can curl up in a blanket and watch the sunset.

  2. Hi Connie

    I could easily live in any one of those!!

    Thanks for sharing

  3. Oh my each and everyone is just gorgeous. Love the architecture of the blue and white. Views are absolutely spectacular! Thanks for bring the best stuff for us to look at.

    Hugs and nite-nite...Tracy :)

  4. Thanks for the tour! I am a porch freak. I love my porch, it's more comfy than my living room!

  5. I'm in heaven.......lovely post. I am off to sit on my little porch and have my morning coffee. Thanks for a great start to my day.

  6. I love the one with all the fretwork. That is my favorite kind of cottage - I dream of living in one some day!


  7. Connie ~
    Those are just beautiful
    porches ~
    I especially love the ones
    overlooking the water
    because that is where
    I feel peaceful ~


  8. What beautiful front porch views! I've enjoyed my visit to each one. Wouldn't it be fun to see the views from our blog-friends' front porches? Maybe you should have a front porch party. I'll come if you do. :)

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  9. I just stumbled on your blog and was delighted to see those lovely Gothic Revival houses! It's so hard to find here in the Midwest....where were those photos take?

  10. Good morning Connie. Love the gorgeous porches. The log one appeals to me right now. In the past I would have gone for the frilly wood porches in white. Funny how our tastes change huh?

    I also have to mention your ruffles from your previous post. The new look is very pretty. I love white on white too and especially polka dots. I am looking forward to seeing the new cover for your couch. It will complete your look nicely.

    Enjoy your day my friend,

  11. Connie, what breathtaking photographs, each and everyone one is just fabulous! Thank you for the awesome tour!!


  12. love the porches. I could live in the houses attached to any of them. I would love a little cottage like house with a nice wrap around porch somewhere near the water would be best! Beautiful pictures.

  13. Oh Porch love! I have held this belief for a long time, that America changed when they stopped putting porches on house. it good to see that new houses are getting back to front porches and screened porches on the back. A deck is just not the same as a porch!

  14. I'd be perfectly happy and content with anyone of those amazing porches...
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  15. Don't they all make you want to sit and sip iced tea! Love the lst pic!
    Beautiful places!

  16. "LOVE those porches"... A little helpful hint; Bugs, Spiders, etc,and birds will NOT nest, etc on blue, so if you paint the ceilings blue(I use a faint Wedgwood color) it keeps them away. GREAT when you have high ceilings. and YES this works(oh you have an occasional "probably COLORblind" subject BUT, "It Does Work"!!! I just thought I'd share this with you... HUGS, Donna...


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