Monday, August 30, 2010


I'm doing something just a tad different in our family room entrance so I brought a mosaic from the entrance to the family room to the entrance to the house. Ever changing, as I've said before.

I had to show you the hydrangeas and roses once more. I thought they had finished blooming but not so. They were planted a couple of years ago and didn't really take off well until this year. Each year they keep getting bigger and bigger like those we had in California. They struggle but I do believe they'll bloom in abundance in the next couple of years. Isn't this bloom gorgeous?

This one on the other side of the plant is withering slowly—playing out its existence for the year.

See how much thicker it's getting.

Again, the opposite side is dying its natural death.

And the roses. I didn't think this bush had that much left in it after Love Bunny's severe pruning thinking that the season was over for it, but I was wrong. (Yeah, let LB know I was wrong! He'd croak for sure.) :-)

Another bush has burst forth in all its glory also. We are truly blessed this year with roses.

And the hostas and day lily are flowering also.

Would you just look at how wonderful God is to bless us so abundantly with this marvelous garden area.


  1. Your hydrangeas are so lovely. Ours have suffered greatly from the lack of rain and the flowers are very small....nothing like yours.

  2. Love your hydrangeas, roses, hostas and daylilies! A good pruning can help some roses have a second flush of color. Also, one thing I learned a while back when planting: first year slow- 2nd year grow and third year show - You'll be reaping the benefit of these wonderful plants - God is so marvelous to give us so many things to enjoy here on earth! The best is the friendship of those who love Him- His love comes through like sunshine!
    I see that in you!
    Hope you have a terrific day,

  3. Good Morning Sweet Connie

    Great minds think a like - although my hydrangeas are dried. You are right - God is great!


  4. G'morn, sweet Connie ~
    Oh, how pretty your lovelies ... a little pruning did wonders! They are exquisite in profusion.

    Have a beautiful summer's day ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  5. I would love to see your place in person. I think I would spend hours just looking around at all the pretty things. It's like one of those shops where there are so many great things you could get lost just walking around enjoying everything around you.

  6. your garden is beautiful..we have to little hydrangeas blooming right now..and love your mosaic welcome sign too..did you or your daughter make that?

  7. Connie, your flowers and plants are gorgeous. I love where you put the mosiac plaque. Some of my plants are still blooming but we live in the deep south, so we have lots of blooming going on, even in the dead of winter. My Confederate vine has grown into the grapefruit tree, so at the top , all you see is little white flowers and I hate to pull them down, but it could hurt the tree and it's loaded with grapefruit this year. It will have so many, we will be giving away grapefruit for a lont time this year. Might have to try pruning my rose bush to see if it will bloom again. Love and hugs, Pat

  8. GORgeous...flower pics..the hydrangeas are beautiful...when I grow up, I want to garden, just like you...

  9. Hi Connie,
    Your hydrangeas are doing so well and still giving you blooms! That's amazing. I love a garden full of pretty flowers. I think all us girls do!. My goodness I loved your post of porches. My favorite was the white house with the red door and lacy wood trim, this home really captured my heart.
    I want to live in it....
    Have a very sweet day~just like you~Big hugs Elizabeth

  10. If you saw my flowers you might faint. My hubby and I worked in our flower beds on Saturday. We ended up having to prune back tons of dead foliage and even shrubs. They were heavily scorched by the heat here in Oklahoma and looked terrible.

    God has given you a pretty green thumb my talented friend. Your blooms are gorgeous!

    Love to you~


  11. love the Welcome sign and the flowers. the one thing I miss the most with mom and Alzheimer's is her beautiful roses. We used to have the most beautiful roses all around the house. Now we have 1 plant of carpet roses left and the rest of the gardens are weeds. I, naturally, did NOT inherit the green thumb, I can kill a plant just by looking at it. I have a great appreciation of gardens though and love yours.

  12. The hydrangeas are my favorite. The more rain they get the bigger they grow also they bloom more with lots of rain. I have watered mine all summer plus the rain and they have been beautiful.Lots of blooms. I am sure yours will keep growing and blooming also. I have enjoyed seeing your plants today.


  13. Those flowers are still so beautiful! Enjoy them while you can! Do you ever dry the hydrangeas? I like them dried as well.



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