Monday, August 9, 2010

Come and Gone!

I suppose you know what I've been doing for the past couple of days since the kids and grandkids left.


Clothes were soaked for stains.

Table leaves were taken out and stored back up in the garage attic.

Sheets and towels had to be washed as they used every single towel they could find. Luckily I had some stashed away they couldn't find. Hah, fooled them...

Things left behind. Pair of undies for grandson-in-law, mashed potatoes granddaughter wanted desperately to take home and forgot in the fridge—she loooooves my mashed potatoes—and this shirt for Lè Bèbè, plus a pile of clothes I got here and gave to my new great granddaughter but they forgot! I'll be taking them over in september I suppose.

More towels and rugs to be washed.

Pillows put away in the attic for next time and sleeping bags folded.

Futon put away. Spilled soda wiped up from the carpet that I just had cleaned the week before they came............and..........put carpet protection spray on. Squeeeeeeeal, am I glad I asked for that extra service. Whew!!!

Two air beds deflated and packed away.

Dirty tablecloths thrown on floor for washing.


  1. How sad and forlorn the towels & sheets look now that the family have gone home. I hope you're not feeling the same way, roll on September when you'll see them again.

  2. Visitors are lovely...but there is always plenty to do when they have gone!

  3. So that is what I forward to look at when my children come down. Thank goodness I have plenty of large fluffy towels put away and extra pillows. Well at least I know what to expect-that's a lot of washing to do. Hope you have music in the adorable washroom you have. Love and hugs, Pat

  4. Oh my do you have your work cut out for you! I imagine that the visit itself though was delightful and the happy memories that were made are keeping you company as you do those endless loads of laundry.

  5. A woman's work is never done. Just remember the fun you had with your family while you do the laundry and it'll get done much happier!

    Sherry @ A Happy Valentine

  6. Whew, I'm pooped just looking at it all! But I know it was GREAT FUN having them all with you! :0)

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents

    My word verification is "obsess" ~ how weird is that?!?! LOL

  7. Sounds divine! Cleaning up and taking care of family - there's nothing like it. Enjoy the memories!


  8. Hi Connie,
    Aw the joys of being a Grandma!. I always have the landry too after the kids and Grands leave. Oh well,but we sure do miss them after there gone..
    Have a sweet day, and go get some rest!
    Big hugs, Elizabeth

  9. Yep, I'm still here wandering around, peeking in on what I've missed. Things get so quiet when they leave, don't they. You miss them but miss having your home orderly too. Lots of work cut for the lady of the house for sure.

    Have a fun weekend...T.


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