Saturday, July 3, 2010

Pink Saturday 7/3/2010

First of all, I have had so many bloggers email me the past several weeks complaining about losing their old templates. I've told you to save it before doing anything with the new "Design" element. And I've had to save a couple of bloggers bacon. So if you want your old templates back, you can get them. But you need to check out my blogging tutorial for the information at the top of my blog above. The info is there and yes, I'm going to make you work for it, but a good idea would be to check on my post from Wednesday, June 30. That might cause you to not waste so much time. AND next time, be very careful and heedful when I tell you something!

Please join Beverly of How Sweet The Sound for Pink Saturday by going to her website and checking out all the chicks. You won't be sorry.

The bloggers I visited last week for the first time were: Christi of A Southern Life, Jenn of The Red Bulletin Board, Sonia of Miss Bloomers and Jen of jnichelle. Visit with them! Cute blogs.
I finally got to cover this vintage suitcase, but I'm not sure now if I'll put it on the plant shelf. Hmmmm...

Oh, why not! It looks good up there.

Random Thoughts:

The other day I got home from buying gas for my car and hubs asked me what I paid for it. I said, "$2.72 a gallon." He raised his eyes and said, "Ooooh, that's good!" I never, ever in my life thought I'd live to see the day when he said that about $2.72 gasoline!

Look, can we talk about self-esteem for a minute? I am so sick and tired of people talking about the self-esteem of children and teens. I don't think they worry about it half as much as their moms worry about if their child was prettier, too fat or smarter. That has nothing to do with self-esteem. It has to do with confidence and truly knowing who they are. I know who I am. I have no problem with self-esteem. I'm confident in my ability to be...what(?)...a nice person, a child of God, not a raving beauty (In fact, if homely was a disease and had an organized charity, I could be their poster child.-!) I guess someone in my life—parents, grandparents, hubby—has made me realize how special I am, as each person can feel by just realizing their own abilities and working to the very best of their ability. And don't even get me started on plastic surgery for 12 year olds. That's absurd! When we are resurrected, we'll be just as we are now without all the plastic surgery and gender changes. (And for me that means, no gray hair (and I love it!), no wrinkles, no age spots on my hands, no know, and an ideal weight. I can promise you that! So, get a life, live it to the fullest and thank God you are here at this particular time in the history of this earth.

And speaking of that, the other day I got out of bed and looked in my mirror while hubs was shaving and asked him how he could love somebody that looked that I did in the morning. He looked over at me, closed his eyes and gave me a kiss. Then he said, "Like this, that's how." I knew at that moment how much he loves me.

I was at Sephora in the mall the other day to buy a face brush for cleansing my face. I paid for it and the saleswoman asked me if I wanted a sample of some face cream or something like that and I said, "No." She kept at me until I finally said NO rather emphatically. I didn't want or need it so why take it when I know perfectly well I wasn't going to be enticed to buy it. So, what is it with people when they simply can't take NO for an answer?

Why liters instead of ounces? We live in America and don't do liters and yet on every bottle of soft drinks it has liters and I have to guess what ounces they are.

I'll leave you with these today. I have lots more I can assure you. :-)


  1. Hello!! Yep, I am barging in on you just to say hi...
    I clicked on your profile image when you left a comment at Sherry's blog Country Wings in Phoenix....after I read your comment about America being the best country in the world, how could anyone just skip over it and not agree?!!!

    Happy 4th of July weekend.

    My 'Ninja' Turtle

  2. Couldn't agree more... and thank goodness for your tutorial!
    Happy P.S. and 4th!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Hi Connie,
    I really appreciate your blogger tutorials. I read them over and over hoping something will stick. One thing I am having problems with is loading a video. We just got the Flip video camera and I tried to insert a video (I'm using the New Editor and a new Designer Template). It just won't do it. It appears to go through the steps but the end result is it won't load. I read that blogger isn't supporting videos so I'm not sure if that is the problem. I didn't want to have to post a personal video on YouTube and not sure if that is the way it has to be done. I'm confused why if photos are downloaded from my computer I can't understand why videos can't be downloaded from my computer file. I was wondering if you could do a tutorial to show options on how to load videos on blogger for bloggers like me that are struggling. Thanks again for any help you can provide. Oh, I forgot I have an Apple MAC laptop and I also use hubby's PC sometimes too.

  4. HPS!!
    Love how you suitcase came out. I have a few that I want to redo and I was thinking of painting them but now I might try covering them with fabric which is actually the basis of the Victorian style crafts I do. Using the fabric , I mean.
    Thanks for the tutorial about the new version of blogger. I have not changed my header again for awhile but will most likely be doing it soon.
    As far as the metric system, The health care profession has used it ever since I am a nurse (32 years). Wounds and body measurements are in centimeters and liquids are based on liters and medications are milligrams.

    Have a great weekend!!


  5. HAPPY PINK SATURDAY AND 4TH WEEKEND...wonderful post..esp getting older and self esteem....

  6. Good Morning my Friend

    I am so enjoying this PS with a great cup of coffee and you all. I love your ramblings and your suitcase turned out terrific.

    Happy PS and 4th!

  7. oh you're on fire today Connie!

    I wanted to say thanks for stopping by and giving your input re the text size on my blog. I've found out about another program, Live Writer, that allows me more flexibility, which is just great!

  8. Your suitcase is pretty and I love your post. Self esteem is a "worn out" term in America today, isn't it? When we realize that God made us all who we are, the way we are, and in HIS perfect design for us.... then we can rest in HIM! Great post!

  9. Ah, Connie, I always love hearing what you have to say! Your suitcase looks fabulous. And why didn't fellow bloggers heed your advice??? They should have!


  10. More good thoughts today, Connie! I don't know what it is about the word NO, it must come out as maybe to the ears of these people!!!! :0)

    Have a happy 4th...and yes, I will be praying for our country!

    Bella Rosa Antiques

  11. Happy 4th Connie~~annnd Happy Pink Saturday:)))

    Kay Ellen

  12. The little suitcase is adorable!Happy Pink Saturday and Happy 4th of July:)

  13. Happy Pink Saturday Connie Sweetie...
    I love your suitcase, and oh my gosh it could be put into so many places and brighten so many corners and cubbies. You did an excellent job on it sweetie. LOVE it.

    Your thoughts are always so fun to read. I am so thrilled that Annie has found you, and I hope you pop over and see her too. You two are a perfect match. Yeah, isn't it great to meet new friends?

    Have a wonderful safe 4th of July sweetie. Country hugs...Sherry

  14. Well, first of all YOU ARE NOT UGLY! I think you have a very pretty, intelligent and loving face. You have the face of a nice person, one you could easily be friends with and know you would not be judged or gossiped about! don't be so hard on yourself!

    I agree 100% on your self esteem feelings...confidence is where it is!!! I think parents that push their children in the wrong directions are trying to live their lives over and make up for theirown poor self images....and surgery, plastic surgery for children and teens? Well, I have thought the world and this country has been on "tilt" for some time now.
    When are we going to get our Christian values going again????

    OK, I am off my soap box, but your post hit on things that truly trouble me!

    Thank you, thank you, for the help you give us poor gals. Thank you for the time you take to do the tuturials!
    And last, but far from lease....America is the best country! Hope we can keep her that way!

  15. Well, hello, Mz Connieness! You're just full of them this morning, arent' you?
    You know, you're just the smartest one when it comes to these puters and blogging! I'm afraid of the new "Design" thingy. I made the mistake of just clicking on it and it stayed! I could never find a place to take it off. Took me a while to learn how to maneuver around my blog after that! Agh!
    Have a wonderful 4th and I will come back and read what you've written to our troops!
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  16. Hi Connie,
    I love what you wrote about your Sweetie and how much he loves you. Nothin' as good as being loved, eh? I really mean it.
    Happy 4th of July and Pink Saturday~

    p.s. I remember when my dear Aunt Aileen said to me "I think we're gonna see $1 per gallon (of gas) this summer, Mary.". And I was astonished. I also remember Gas Wars where on one corner the gas would be 17 cents a gallon and on another corner it was 19 cents!!

  17. Connie! LOL! You are asking some of the same things I want to know.

    And you are faaaaaaaar from homely, honey. You are BEAUTIFUL! Inside and out.

    Whereas I am tired. Completely enervated... depleted, void. We just got back from a harrowing trip to WalMart where I couldn't find what I need. It seems to me that they should let you know that items aren't available online (they put it in teeeeeeeny tinnnnny letters that they last updated a week ago). If that's the case, then why have that option online??? Another question for you to ponder.

    It's hot here, and I hope it's nice there.

    Happy Fourth!


    Sheila :-)

  18. Cute suitcase! Canada changed to the metric system back in the early eighties and I still don't get it all. I still don't like it! I know the younger crowd is growing up on it which is good for them but I still don't like it! I still use miles and cups and inches and feet and I will until I go home to heaven. It's hard to teach this old pup new tricks! Happy Pink~Fourth of July weekend.


  19. Just popping in to sat Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. Oh, Connie, you are SPOT ON re the self-esteem ... I am glad you said it all.

    Your little 'suitcase' it adorable & a spot of blue for today would have been gorgeous, too ... kidding! I love it the way it is ...

    May she fly high & wide, forever our freedoms protected ... our troops defend her fiercely ... we show our love & respect.
    Happy & safe 4th.
    TTFN ~ Marydon

  21. Hi Connie,
    Thank you so much for your sweet comments on my blog about my Son, it means alot. I am wishing you and your family a safe and happy holiday weekend!

  22. Came over from Glenda's. First visit...Will be back to check out tutorials..Cute suitcase... I love red!


  23. Hi Connie ~ Your blog always makes me smile. That's probably because I usually always agree with you : )

    Have a safe and fun July 4th!


  24. Lots of fun thoughts there. But I just want to say that you married yourself one amazing, wonderful guy!! I know you know that. What a wonderfully sweet, kind thing to say. Keep hangin' onto that guy!!

    The suitcase makeover is lovely...looks great on that shelf.

    Finally, I'm not sure why you call yourself homely. You might be insane (said with love, you know that?), but you are not homely. I think you are a dear and beautiful lady.

    Have a wonderful 4th!!


  25. Happy Pink Saturday! I am with you girl! The greatest joy anyone can know is that God loves them - and what He did to have a relationship with us.
    We do have to keep praying for our country and teaching the young ones! At the rate of things with education - they won't have a clue!
    God Bless you!

  26. Good morning Connie. You are right on about our country. Wouldn't it be great if everyone realized this. So many people come here to find a better life and we end up supporting them. No other country in the world would do such a thing. Let Freedom Ring.

    I just read your post for today and I posted the same thing. Great minds...

    Love the suitcase Connie. Please stay off of ladders. Use zoom!!! HA!

    I just scrolled down to catch up with your posts I missed. The chandy story is a hoot. Everything is subject to negotiation they say.
    Love the way you did yours.

    Happy fourth of July and pink Saturday.
    Hugs, Jeanne


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.