Monday, July 12, 2010

For My Great Granddaughter

I told my granddaughter that she'd better name my new great granddaughter soon because I wanted to make something for her with her initial. I got a "C" so if they didn't name her Caroline, which was on the short list for names, I could use it for me. (I had a 40% off coupon and it was burning a hole in my purse!) So they ended up naming her Caroline. She has already received this, and it is now in her own room.

I want her to be a froufrou girly-girl and will do my best to make it happen. So I made this for her room.

This is actually a bit blurry but I loved the effect as seen through the leaves of our quaking aspen tree in the backyard.



  1. love the fro- that letter C and for such a darling baby too.:)

  2. That little honey will be a girly-girl if you have anything to do with it! I bet her room is adorable. When do you get to see her again?


  3. Caroline is a beautiful baby girl!! I, too, hope you will be able to influence her to be a frou-frou, pink girl.

    The gifts you made for her are beautiful. I love that letter "C."

    Have a wonderful day,

  4. Hi Connie, I have not visited for a few days and I see you have returned from a visit with Caroline. I adore the name and your gift of the 'C' is so sweet. I also love the tassel. With you as Caroline's great grandma, there is no way she can be anything but all girl. Smile. I am off to check out your PS. We have company AGAIN and I am always catching up. Such is my life. HA!

    Hugs, Jeanne

  5. She will have no choice, but to be frou frou, when she meets her great grandma!!! Beautiful frou frou things you made!

  6. They must adore all the great stuff you can make!

  7. Wow, I've been unable to read blogs for the past several days and I can't believe all you have been up to! So many cute and wonderful things. You really should open up your own store or teach classes.

    Your umbrella is just darling! The letters are so sweet and your chandler is beautiful.


  8. Lovley room accents Connie. How could Caroline not be a fro-fro girl with a GG like you.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  9. Such fun frou frouing for a little girl. The C is so cute

  10. Connie, I hope baby Caroline inherits your talent. I am still hoping I can get my Theresa away from DX and start crafting with me again. She is hyper, so she gets bored very easily. Love the letter C and the little cone thing you made for her. Hugs, Pat

  11. Adorable! C for cute and C for gorgeous (well, it's a G without the tail...). Love what you do!


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