Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Dew Is Still on the Roses

This morning I went out to the rose garden while the dew was still on the roses and snipped a bunch for another bouquet in the house today. I also seemed to have brought a few bugs in with me. But I thought I'd share them with you along with some random thoughts.

Aren't they just lovely? Nothing can make the human heart soar like beautiful roses fresh from the garden.

And here is where they went in the house today.


Random Thoughts:

Vulgarity is often the first step down the road to indulgence. To be vulgar is to give offense to good taste or refined feelings. It is only a step from vulgarity to obscenity.

French fries are the vehicle I use to get my fix of catsup.

Can someone tell me where the terms yada, yada, yada and blah, blah, blah came from? Terrible grammar. I usually say "and so forth" but never, ever blah or yada.

Does anyone know how they determine fiber in fruits? This inquiring and inquisitive mind would like to know.

Wouldn't you hate to be the model for a Life Lock ad for a predator?! Yikes...

Though it would be comforting to think that galaxies revolve around me; I am NOT the center of the universe. Hubby told me this once a very long time ago and it absolutely stunned me! I am NOT kidding. It was a very real eye opener. I wonder if he takes delight in bursting my bubbles. Hmmmmmm.....

I saw this ad on a news site the other day and just stared in wonder at it. Truthfully, I'm not sure I "get" it!



  1. Lovely! I really can't tell the difference between your flowers and the read deal!

  2. Connie ~
    Those roses are just gorgeous !! I wish I could grow them like that ~

  3. That ad is cracking me up! Good to know if I want to chat with an inmate...


  4. Beautful....for sure! :) Love your random thoughts too! LOL....Come say hi.... :)

  5. Connie, Your roses are just gorgeous. Mine didn't do very well this year and that was with lots of rain. Hope you have a great day my friend.

  6. Connie, now you have me wondering about such matters as fiber.
    Your roses are beautiful and I love seeing them.
    I can't believe my eyes that anyone would want to call an inmate. Happy to know I won't have to ever do that. Bunches of love and hugs, Pat

  7. Those are such beautiful roses. Love the peach ones--I dug all my roses up a few years ago and I had lucious ones; they just took too much care. Now I have some carpet roses which don't require anything!But they are not as lucious either. So you are thinking of covering sofas white. I have already changed mine since posting! ha so fickle I am!! and I do love to say blah, blah , blah--my hubby's Uncle would say "and so forth and so on"

  8. Love your random thoughts. The roses are beautiful! The pictures show the freshness and texture, all but the fragrance!

  9. OK, I don't get the Cons Call Home thing either. *shrug*

    Your roses are so lovely and have inspired me to create something soft and pretty today.


  10. oh you make me giggle..always love!!! your random thoughts and that ad is interesting...yada yada yada..personally I love charlie browns teacher...waahhh waahhh wahhh waahhh..;) have a good one;)

  11. Connie, your roses are gorgeous, and I, too, love to have some fresh ones in my home. I enjoyed reading your random thoughts very much, and I hope you have a lovely rest of the week, sweet friend. Love and hugs to you~ Vicki

  12. Hi Connie,
    I'm new to your blog and just wanted to say hello (I saw you over at Penny's Lavender Hill Studio).
    Your roses are gorgeous, I love pink. Great random thoughts too!


  13. Well, aren't these just darling! I got your beautiful flowers and oh la la they are to die for! I am saving them for part of my pink Saturday. I have not had any probs with my chandy, but a primer would probably make it last alot longer. I was really surprised at how pretty it turned out. Thank you for stopping by you are a such a bright light in my world.

  14. Random thoughts are always so deep, aren't they?

  15. Love your flowers and your thoughts.
    Curious about the fiber in fruits too!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  16. Those roses with the dew drops are soooo gorgeous!! I can almost smell them!

    Did yada yada come from Jerry Steinfeld's show?


  17. Your roses are so beautiful! I can can almost smell their perfume. I have never had any luck with roses, but you obviously have the magic touch for them. So beautiful!

  18. Hmmm...well, I see I could spend days and days on your blog and still not see everything! It's all so very pretty...and I would give anything to have a rose garden that gave me some like yours!

    The random thoughts were great...I think I'll have some fries with my ketchup too!

    I hope I wasn't the newbie with the blog problem but it wouldn't surprise me at all if I were! Story of my life:)

    So happy to "meet" you!

  19. How fortunate to have so many lovely roses!

    Stopped by to check out the details for Frou Frou Friday!!!!! I guess I just take the button and use it on my post and link back, eh?

    THe inmate phone calls... I guess someone decided they would cash in on someone else's troublee?

  20. Hey Connie; I love your gorgeous Roses.... I bet they smell so lovely.... and as always I enjoy reading your random thoughts....



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