Sunday, May 9, 2010

Winner of Gift Certificate

I apologize profusely for not posting friday night for the gift certificate for CSN stores but we have been on the go since 7 am on thursday. I mean we've eaten...uhhhhhh, I mean driven through 4 states since then and as most of you know California is a very, very long state to drive through. So without further ado, the winner is:

Stephanie of Angelic Accents

Congratulations, my sweet friend!!!


  1. Congratulations Stephanie.
    Connie,what have you been up to---busy with something beautiful I would imagine. Love and Hugs, Pat

  2. Connie, I'm just T.H.R.I.L.L.E.D.!!!! I've already received the gift certificate code, so I'm all ready to go shopping! Will let you know what I decide to purchase soon!

    Wowsers on your eyelashes, girlfriend! Bet LB is loving it, too!

    Big Hugs,
    Angelic Accents


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