Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Love Bunny's Organizing

Enjoy the eye candy here because it gets ugly from here on out.

This is Love Bunny's side of our bedroom armoire.

This is my side of our armoire. Not as neat, but not bad really.

Did you happen to notice in the first photo that his is organized and labeled? Yessssss, labeled. Check closely the red Dyno Labels on each shelf.

Now, I wondered why he did that, and he never really answered my question. But he thought it would make it easier for me. What?! I'm still trying to figure out the drawers for socks. One drawer is for brown; one drawer is for black; one drawer is for blue. So, where do I put the gray and pink socks? *Sigh*…

Chandeliers - because every life should have a little sparkle.

Today at lunch time:

He: You have your t-shirt on wrong side out.

She: Why didn't you tell me earlier?

He: I guess I didn't notice til now.

She: Sigh... Does he look at me at all before noon?

One thing I love about people is their ability to be lifted so high by the smallest drafts of hope.

The flavor of the peel does not reliably predict the taste of the pulp.

Hubs is lucky I even get the shirts in the armoire!


  1. wow love bunny is organized..or at least he thinks you your closing comments..they always make me giggle..;)

  2. Lets hear it for the "Lucky to get the cloths in the Armoire"!!!!
    xoxo~Kathy @
    Sweet Up-North Mornings...

  3. ha it. I could never imagine my husband labeling ANYTHING!

  4. You are cracking me up! Love the labels....Love Bunny is really organized, isn't he? Unfortunately, my husband is not. At all.

    Have a great day, Connie!

  5. That is too funny! My husband's side would read - "Holes" and "No Holes"! Thanks for making me smile.

  6. Funny!! My Sweet-Patootie is one of those organized fellows too...very lovably anal. We joke about it and his routines...every night he announces, "Well, I'm going to start my process now." Getting ready for bed is a 30 minute "process" for him. He's a hoot! After our 12 years together, he's finally admitting that the world will not come crashing down if he occasionally eliminates a step!! Was Love Bunny by chance in the Navy also?

  7. You know how to 'lift' from the dullest of a day ... for everyone, Connie! What a kick you are ... it makes a day so much more fun to visit you ...

    I used to label everything for DH & he appreciated that ... momentarily, & he went back to messy. Hmmm!

    Have a beautiful eve, sweet friend!
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  8. Oh now, you've GOT to be kidding!! He's trying to help YOU? This is just too hysterical, Connie. Get him some "happy pills"!! Oh, btw, don't let him read this! Too cute!

    Love you,
    Angelic Accents

  9. Yes, the labels were the FIRST thing I noticed!! YIKES!! LOL!!

    Good luck sweetie!!


  10. Connie, I could not help but laugh. I could just see Al trying to organize his drawers. When I'm here in Crowley, I ususally try to do that, but it's impossible. He lives like a bachelor now, but does do the dishes and if his clothers leave the utility room, I would faint-lol.
    Love your parfum and the bottle will be gorgeous once emptied. I got scrapbook storage from my children and not cheap either, so that's how I get all the cubes and things that I have collected for 10 years now. All I need is the shop extension and I'll be one happy crafter. Love the sexy eyelashes-oohlala! I could live in the house with all the stairs-want fun it would be to get my exercise just going from one floor to another, but then stairway lift would be needed sooner than I would want. Beautiful homes. There is a decoraters trick I learned. Every room should have one small piece of Red. Not sure why, but I heard it from Christopher Lowell himself. I do miss seeing him. I've learned a lot over the years. Bunny hugs, Pat

  11. Oh now you are really cracking me up this morning.

    I should send you a picture of my closet. Think throwing things in there for 4 months to "Tidy Up" ie hide while I've been in school.
    I'm not sure but I think someone might be living in there. :)

  12. lol, that is so funny and cute!!!! Rachaelxo

  13. I'm lovin' your pinks my friend...but those EYELASHES are 2die4. You crack me up.

    Are my knees safe? Tee Hee!



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