Sunday, March 14, 2010

Another Giveaway for You!

First of all let me tell you that with many inquiries from fellow bloggers lately I've updated my tutorial on templates and photos. Please click on my sidebar "Blogging, Photo and Watermark Tutorial" to view some help with those issues on your blog. It's definitely worth your time.

Didn't I tell you there would be a giveaway? Yesssss, I did and here it is. Now, to be eligible you must be a follower of mine. It's that simple, truly. I'll draw the name on 3/17/10 in the evening and will announce it, but please leave me a way to get in touch with you. I wanted it to be short, chicks.

So that being said you have the chance to win the tassel pictured below by just commenting here on this post. The winner will receive this tassel I made. It's my first attempt so don't expect a perfect tassel. ;-)


  1. Lovely tassel,and it sure looks perfect to me. ♥

    Hugs from Marian

  2. Count me in, my friend. I am, of course, a devoted follower. The tassel is beautiful.


  3. Connie, that looks like a very pretty tassel to me, I'd say you did a great job.

  4. Hey, I'm first.
    That doesn't happen very often due to the time difference between the US & France.
    Love your tassel & would be proud to display it in this old Normandy house. It can't really be the first one you've made?? Looks too good for that.

  5. Connie,
    you amaze me, you are so talented and do such clever ideas. Good Luck, Pretty Lady.


  6. If it's your first, it is fabulous. I have always wanted to make tassels but never did, this is beautiful.
    The combination of pink and black is so wonderful.
    I would love to be entered to win!
    Margaret B

  7. Connie, things haven't been the same since I began following your blog.
    You've opened my eyes in a number of ways.
    I'd be pleased to have your creation.

  8. Please put me in the hopper, I love the tassel. And your little ribbon roses are so darling. Ill have to try that. Thanks for stopping by my blog from Rebeccas. So glad you like my porch, I really enjoy it.
    Im a follower!!


  9. Connie...Such a darling little tassel! Sooo cute:)
    Count me in!

  10. Ooooooooooooooo!!!

    Thanks for including all of your Followers in this give-away!!


  11. Looks like a perfect tassel to me. Connie I know you can do anything you put your mind to. I love the black and pink. I been decoupaging up a storm. found a bunch of gourds I had and decoed them for Easter. You can see them on my blog on Monday. I am a follower, don't know if my pictue is still on your list or not, cause I got Google problems.

  12. I'd love to have the tassel that you made, it's so pretty. You did a wonderful job on it. I love the pink & black combination. Please put my name in the hat! Thanks so much for sharing.

  13. Oh, Connie, it is gorgeous! TY for accepting my entry.

    You may wish to enter my giveaway that also ends on the same day as your.

    Hope you are having a wonderful eve.

    Hugs, Marydon

  14. HI Connieness! I love the tassel! You're good.
    Now tell your hubby "Buck Ownens". But I'm a good Christian gal and have to tell the truth - I googled it to find out! :)
    Be a sweetie,
    Shelia ;)

  15. Oh toots! That would be PERFECT in my pink office!


  16. Do please count me in on this great giveaway. I bet it's perfectly perfect!

  17. Pretty tassel! Please enter me.

  18. Hi Connie, I am so glad to take a few minutes to catch up with your posts. I do enjoy your blog so much. I have been working so hard to get ready for company from Canada. do you know Claudie? She and her friend Julie are arriving today. I am excited that they are coming and I want everything to be just right. My house is spring cleaned and even painted in the great room. I just started supper and I want to bake next. I'm tired but it is a good tired.

    I enjoyed the tour of that beautiful home and the young mom with 4 children is darling. Your porch looks fun and pretty too. Now the ribbon roses are fab. Good job Connie. Your camera is doing you proud. However, I know you must read the book to learn all you are doing.

    I would love to win the tassel. It is very pretty. I want to try to make one some time. My Thank you for a lovely giveaway op.

    Gotta get baking and cooking. If I hurry I might get a well needed nap too. sigh. I'm afraid I won't get much time to visit with company.

    Have a wonderful week.

    Hugs, Jeanne

    Oh, your church is Latter Day Saints right? They also donated 1200. dollars to the cause. Such lovely people, just as you said. Smile.

  19. Well CRACK me up.

    To the MOON with you! Is that better????


    Love, Rebecca

  20. Hi Connie,
    You did a great job on your first tassel. I love it! Please enter my name.
    Big hugs,

  21. Well, I'd love to win this wonderful Connie Original. It's so you and of course so me too!
    I've been a follower for a long time my friend, so count me in!


  22. What a beautiful giveaway, I just found your beautiful blog. Thank you for the opportunity to win. I just became a follower. Have a wonderful week. Terri

  23. I don't care if it is your first tassel, it is beautiful! LOVE THE COLORS!!!
    I'm a follower.

  24. The tassel is pretty!!! count me in for your giveaway....I am a follower of your blog too...I will be back the look of your blog!! Take care and many hugs,Chris

  25. Oh Connie what a cute tassel! I have been wanting to make one for the longest- love the pink!

    Have been so busy and out of town - am hoping to catch up on my blogging.- does one ever catch up?

    bee blessed

  26. What a cute, cute tassel!!!


  27. Please put me in your giveaway, the tassell is so pretty. I am now a follower too. Hug Theory

  28. Please put me in your giveaway, the tassell is so pretty. I am now a follower too. Hug Theory

  29. Sweet give away! If I am too late it is not a problem. Just wanted you to know I love it!


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.