Friday, December 18, 2009

Season of My Heart

Merry Christmas. For this post I decided to simply post things that are close to my heart this season.

Anything under a glass cloche. White pumpkins are the best outside of pink pumpkins. ;-)

Sterling silver with red accoutrements.

Our Home Teacher from our church gifted us with a huge canister of pistachios—my favorite nut.

Gift giving is not on our list anymore. I have every single thing I need and very few wants. But the beautiful wrapping on presents sends my heart aloft to heaven. *Sigh*...

Coconut cookies are my favorite ones outside of snickerdoodles. I loooooove coconut. Plus polka dots are one of my favorite patterns.

Little sugar cookies in pretty or unusual shapes set my heart aflutter. Plus having them pass my lips is a sense beyond description!

Family and snow scenes.

Hydrangeas are one of my top 3 favorite flowers.

Bright candy apple red pottery vases set me aglow also.

Silver glittered pine cones. Pink ones are beautiful, but the silver ones remind me mostly of the reason for this season—the Savior of mankind.


  1. My Mom used to make Snickeerdoodles... They were the best!! Every once in a while I make a batch & give them to my brother. He always remembers how she made them too!!
    We too do not buy "things" for Christmas. After 41+ years of marriage what else could we want??? Oh yeah, good health & happiness!!
    Merry, Merry Christmas!!

  2. We have so many beautiful things to meditate on. Your photos are, as always, lovely.

  3. I LOVE THE SLED PICTURE!!! May I borrow it to share? Jenny

  4. Good Morning,Miss Connie...
    You have such a delightful way with decorating...nice pics and so pretty...
    Season's Greetings,
    Miss Glenda~

  5. I love your blog, the pictures are beautiful, the thought behind the pictures even more so. I'm so glad you visited junkblossoms! so that I could find you. I will be back soon, hope you will too. Merry Christmas. Pat.

  6. the photo's are so pretty, I, too, love the sled picture. is that from your house?

  7. Hi Connie~
    So glad I wandered over to your Blog. I love all these pictures of things that are close to your heart. How lovely!
    Wishing you a wonderful holiday season,
    LuLu Kellogg

  8. I love all the pictures and loved all the things listed too..merry christmas Chick!!!:)

  9. Connie, I LOVE all the same things as you! Much like you...I dont NEED anything, but beautifully wrapped gifts are such a special treat that warms my heart also. I LOVE the snow, farm & sled scene! Total picturesque! Thank you for visiting me. :) Holiday Hugs!! XO,Jenn

  10. Connie, what a beautiful post this today. We too are not gifting this year except for our children and grandchildren. I have so much to be thankful for and I've been Blessed by my Lord and Savior to even think of shopping. My Christmas gift would be Peace and Love for our World, so I am sending you the gift of Love and Good Health for your family and friends. Love and Hugs, Pat

  11. Loved all of these thoughts, Connie. What a great shot of those sleds, too, and it appears we like the same things. So if those pistachio nuts go missing, you won't have to travel far! ;-)


    Sheila (the pistachio thief)

  12. Hello, Connie,
    Beautiful post!! Loved everything you have shown, especially those delicious coconut cookies! Merry Christmas! Vicki

  13. Hi Connie

    Beautiful post, loved your photos!

    Merry Christmas to you and your family Connies


  14. All your photos are beautiful, Connie! The cookies look wonderful, the glittery pinecones are right up my alley, the cloche and white pumpkin is so pretty, and those hydrangeas are divine - my favorites too!
    Merry Christmas...Kathy


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