Monday, December 28, 2009

A Little Bird Told Me.....

Are these not beautiful? Thinking today of the ultimate sacrifice these bring to mind.

I do not cast my pearls before swine.

Not an olive branch but a fir tree to remind us of the season and the Sacrifice.

Home—no matter how small and humble it is— is my celestial place on earth, free from the storms of life.

The crown of thorns Someone once wore for me. My glass is always full!

Someday will life be a peppermint stick and cherries?

And sing your sweet little song of grace.

So little snowbird take me with you when you go
To that land of gentle breezes
where the peaceful waters flow...


  1. Hi Connie

    What a delightful Post - I loved the adorable

    Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!

    Gail ~ xo

  2. Oh Connie.... That was so pretty & so appropriate!!
    Have a Wonderful Day!!

  3. Good Morning Connie,
    What a wonderful post to wake up to.
    I'm sitting here drinking my first cup of coffee and reading your post. I'm feeling very uplifted and I thank you.


  4. What cute birds and nests. I just love birds and nests. Hope you have a wonderful New Years, T

  5. oh I love those bird pics. I have to ask where you found your couch slipcover? I am searching for a couch and overstuffed chair slipcover with a shabby chic feel.
    Thanks and Happy New Year (soon)

  6. Lovely birds, I really like them.

    How you doing, Chick. Missed you yesterday.


  7. Hey Connie,
    I sure do like those bird pictures, do you mind sharing where you got them...grin!!!
    I hope you are off to a good start toward the new year.
    Hugs and Happy New Year...

  8. Oh, are these beautiful and thought provoking! What wonderful inspiration!

    Thanks for sharing.

    Aunt May's Cottage

  9. loved your entry and photos too..have a wonderful day chick!! how was your christmas..and what part of utah are you know all my family lives there.:)

  10. Hi Connie, those pics were so awesome. The birds with all the different perches were sooooo sweet. Very unusual and the text so meaningful. I do love your post today. Well, I usually do love your posts. HA! I mean it!

    Have a wonderful day.
    Love ya, Jeanne

  11. Beautiful, enjoyed the old time photo's as well.


  12. Oh Miss Connie this is such a beautiful post!
    You know I am loving the humming birds with the cherries and the chickadee and cherries!
    I may have to borrow those pictures from you!
    Hope you and your family had a wonderful Christmas!

    Hugz, Dolly
    P.S. come visit I am hosting my 3rd annual vintage valentine swap!


Comments are so nice and I thank all of you that leave one for me.