Thursday, December 24, 2009

Gifts for The Pink Chick!

My eBay group spoils me rotten as I've said before. Here is more proof. Truly, I am ever astounded by their generosity to me.

A Christmas Swap brought this little beauty to my door. When Love Bunny and I arrived home one evening after an exhausting day running around there were 5 packages on our front porch. I had no idea what any of them were. I was sooooo surprised to have that many packages in one day!

The lid.

One of the gifts was wrapped in this delightful little paper. I'm going to figure out a way to incorporate into the pink tree. The unveiling of the pink tree will probably precede this post so I'm showing you an up close view of it. Isn't it darling?!?!?!

And this sweet little vintage looking card. How cute!

A cross stitch made with love from my PRH sister in Texas plus this sign. Squeeeeeal. She and I share a mum, but I'm adopted. I think she loves me more though! ;-)

And this absolutely adorable "so-like-me" sign...

...and I added the roses because

I painted a little chick with a rose and this is similar to that painting: roses and chicks.

Do not be fooled; this is not an edible cupcake. It's a "bath bomb" that smells exactly like a chocolate cherry cupcake. I'll not be using it in the tub. I plan on elevating its status to "mantel"! The Godiva chocolates? They no longer exist. I did, however, share them with Love Bunny. ;-)

The sister that made this is one of the cleverest designers I know. She makes a lot of Victorian things out of vintage wedding gowns. She does exquisite things. The next 3 photos are things she made me.

Pinch me because I'm in a dream! A pink watch I received from a sweet sister who lost her daughter earlier this year, just before we lost our son-in-law. There have been many tragedies in our little group this past year but none of them have broken our spirits or gotten us down for long. We're a very strong, loving, giving, charitable group.


  1. Oh my goodness. How blessed you must have felt finding all that at your door step. Isn't that fairy in the jar too sweet. I have to wonder if that's the poodle paper that I sold on ebay. I bought all I found few years in a row, a couple of years ago and have sold it on ebay for at least 2 years. Isn't it cool.

    I hope all your Christmas dreams come true. Hugs, Tracy

  2. Merry Christmas Connie,

    You got some wonderful gifts from your friends! I'd keep them around if I were you :)

    Kindredly, Lynne Laura

  3. Can't sleep so here I am at 2:20 a.m. and commenting on your post. I love that wrapping paper, saw the watch in your tree the other day, it's so pretty and looks great in the tree! That faux cupcake looks good enough to eat! I bet it smeels awesome. Have a wonderful Christmas, Connie. You've given much cheer throughout the year, and a strong chic you are! Many Blessings, dear lady.


  4. What gorgeous gifts.

    Wishing you and your family a tres joyeux noel.

    Leeann x

  5. Hi Connie,

    Thank you for stopping by. What wonderful treasures you have received- can i say gorgeous?

    Have a merry Christmas dear Connie.
    What a year but He got us through.

    Big hugs,

  6. Very nice Chickie. Wish you all the best and I know you will have it. You give so much it will all come back. Blessings

  7. All those lovely are blessed to have so many sweet friends...So this be Christmas Eve, honey and I are married 51 The wind is howling here today, and we are gonna have icy roads today. We were hoping for a white Christmas, but as usual, we have an icy one. I pray that it won't be as bad as the one last year...
    Merry Christmas, and a happy new year...
    hugs, glenda

  8. Oh what a lovely post full of Christmas spirit and beauty. The hanger is my favorite.

    May the peace of the season be yours.

  9. You are very blessed! What beautiful gifts... I love the pink watch... love the victorian clothes the little decorative jar. You are a sweet PINK lady and deserve all those beautiful things!

  10. Connie, wishing you a Joyous and Wonderful Merry Christmas!

    Cathy ♥

  11. What great friends you have! Merry Christmas, Connie!

  12. Merry Christmas, Connie! You have some wonderful gifts there! And you deserve them! Have a wonderful day with your loved ones!


  13. How blesses you are with such sweet family and friends. Have anjoyful Christmas.

  14. What fabulous gifts and what a treat to come home to so many sweet poackages after a long day! Merry Christmas Connie! May your new Year be blessed:>)

  15. Connie,

    Oh my! Squeeel is right. Merry Christmas Eve. I'm picking what items I want from the wonderful treasures you received this week.

    Hmm, I'm really diggin that "Chick" sign. It made me laugh out loud. So YOU!!!! And the angel in a jar. You are a lucky lady and a sweet one too.

    Have a great evening and go to bed early Santa's coming.

    Love you! Cathy

  16. wow you cleaned up sister with all that pink...your head should be hurting..;) have a very merry christmas Chick!!!

  17. Hello Connie,
    I see your picture all of the time on other blogs as I'm writing comments.

    Let me introduce myself....I'm Andrea from the Midwest. I have been reading blogs like yours for many months and then decided to jump in a start my own less than 2 weeks ago. I would love for you to visit me there and see some pictures of my home and my furry babies. You were very blessed to receive those lovely gifts. It's so nice to meet new ladies who share so many things in common. I'm a thrifting, repurposing NUT!

    I have so much fun doing it....Hope that we can become blogging sissies too.


    ANDREA at My Feathered Nest

  18. What beautiful gifts you received. I love the watch.
    The chocolates (box) looked inviting too. Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas! the other Connie

  19. You are blessed and you are loved, Connie! You sweet chickie, you!!
    A very Merry Christmas to you and yours as we celebrate our Savior's birth!

  20. Hi Connie; OH my,,,, how exciting to come home to such a sight.... To have such friends is such a Blessing, and you dear one are surely blessed... I love the Jar so cute,, as well as the rest of them... Have a joyous Christmas Day...


  21. Connie what lovely gifts. I was too late to post the answer on the giveaway, but we used to do that in our craft group. Post secrets in our emails that showed up when you moved the mouse over it.
    I wish you and Honey Bunny a very Blessed and Merry Christmas, Hugs, Pat
    ps. I was in bed all day so that's my excuse for missing the 3 Surprises---I had my epidural done and had to stay in bed.

  22. oh gosh.. what lovely gifts you got.. all so beautiful that cant pick one as fave..

    Thanks for sharing and Merry Christmas dear Connie and Happy holidays!

  23. What sweet gifts, Chickee !! Wishing you and Love Bunny the Most Blessed Christmas ever !!!! :) hugs and smootches :):):)

  24. Wow! You made out! Good for you, you deserve it.

    Merry Christmas.



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