Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Why Are You Photographing My Salad?

This is one of those "I hate t' tell ya" posts. Couple of conversations around the house lately...

He: I want lima beans with our meatloaf tonight.
She: Nope.
He: Why not?
She: Remember 2 weeks ago when I fed them to you how you kept me awake all night? (No explanation is needed here!)
He: I still want them.
Bringing food to table:
He: Those don't look like limas; why are they orange?
She: They're not; they're carrots. Eat them anyway.

She: Make us a salad for lunch so I can finish this project.
He: Okay.
After a few minutes he walks into craft room:
He: Why are we out of lettuce?
She: I don't know. Are you sure? (Her duh moment, silly question)
She walks into kitchen to check fridge crisper.
She: Looks like we're out, but you have a tiny bit of lettuce there.
She chops up about a cup of lettuce, adds tomatoes he's cut up already, adds cucumbers, carrots, onion for his plate, beets for her plate, sunflowers seeds for his plate, pecans for her plate, craisins for both plates and then artfully arranges it on plates like a chef would do.
She: Remember the slogan about "lemons"?
He: Huh?
She: Making lemonade from lemons?
She: Thank you for doing the salads for lunch.
He: Blank stare!

Salads don't have to be just about "lettuce", ya know! Tasted wonderful!!! Notice the "artfully arranged" ingredients... ;-)


  1. Beautiful salads! Hubby did a great job, wink! ☺

  2. Delightful salads Connie, men just dont understand do they?!

  3. Oh my goodness,

    That is so cute, and so very true.

    Who says that a salad has to be mainly about the lettuce. I just saw on the food channel yesterday in fact, a fabulous salad that was nothing but Pink grapefruits, red onions, black olives, fresh chopped parsley and basil, then it was topped off with a little bit of balsamic vinegar, and a little olive oil......oooo wweee....that looked yummy.

    Sounds like y'all had a wonderfully yummy and healthy lunch to me.

    Have a fab day sweetie.

    Love & Prayers,

  4. Connie, I love this type of salad. They look wonderful. Cute post!

  5. THe salads look beautiful! You have the touch in EVERYTHING you do!

  6. Both of those salads look wonderful and colorful (which is important).

  7. Hi Connie,
    Love this post...too cute. And those salads look good. Your right, just because it's a salad doesn't mean it has to have lettuce. :-D Have a great day.

    Blessings and Smiles,
    ♥Ana~A Petite Cottage

  8. Yum, those look great! When I visit salad bars, the least thing on my plate is lettuce. :o)

  9. Your salads are awesome! I eat all the delicious stuff, rather than the lettuce, anyway.

  10. Too cute! Your husband makes a beautiful salad...haha. Loved the part about the lima beans.

  11. Both look wonderful. And I love lemonade:D


  12. Now thats funny.......and typical guy stuff hehehehe

  13. A beautiful salad indeed. In fact I think I will go put together one.
    I don't have salad either.


  14. oh you are making me crave a salad..they look so yummy..;)a nice cobb salad would totally hit the spot right now.;)

  15. I was so busy putting the Willow Manor's ball together, I did not have time to visit all my favorite sites. You are so funny. I just realized I hadn't had a dose of your uniqueness for a few days. You always perk me up.

  16. Connie, I would love either salad!! Looks just delish and hubby did a nice job!!!!!LOL!Men think lettuce IS salad! gotta love it. Once again, you make everything look good.
    Hugs, Celestina Marie

  17. Wow what an amazing salad. I could eat that.

    Thanks for sharing

  18. Hi, Connie,
    Love the conversations with your husband! Beautiful presentation of your salads, too! Vicki

  19. I could live on salads! I would much rather have a good salad than meat any day!

    My DH has gotten use to the Mary loves salad thing and eats them very sweetly for me- I do try to "beef" his up just a bit.


  20. It's not even lunch time as I look at this but it sure looks good! I could live on salads every day!

  21. Love it! Sounds like my DH.

    Beautiful created salads.

    May your day be full & warm ... TTFN ~Marydon

  22. Looks wonderful,and the dialog is too cute!Im going back for more.

  23. Good morning Connie!

    MEN!....Can't live with 'em....can't live without 'em.... :-) Isn't it fun??

    My hubby makes salads that look like that pretty. Mine are too....yeah, not so much.

    Have a wonderful day!


  24. Good morning Connie!

    MEN!....Can't live with 'em....can't live without 'em.... :-) Isn't it fun??

    My hubby makes salads that look like that pretty. Mine are too....yeah, not so much.

    Have a wonderful day!


  25. so pretty... and I have those same dishes!!

  26. You certainly did make lemonade!! I hope the salads were as good as they looked!! : )

    ~ Wendy

  27. didn't he do well - ha ha:) Rachaelxo

  28. Girl you are too funny...Now I love me some salads of any kind...I think I live off that and junk food..Hope all is well on your side of the mountain my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria

  29. now THAT'S a salad! I like the beets! great job "HE"! lol

  30. Girl, those looked fantastic. Makes me hungry.
    Stacey SMEK

  31. aw geez...that is so true. When I was on my little get-away, the first night I was gone I got a phone photo of the dinner he had cooked for himself. I never serve steaks so he had gone out and bought a steak....looked up on the internet how to cook it and did so after smoking up the kitchen. Called me to find out how to bake a potato! His phone photo of his supper actually looked pretty good. MEN!

  32. hi connie
    catching up on my blog reading
    love the wonderful salads It is not all about 'a salad is only a salad IF" that men tend to only see....
    great job hubby


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