Monday, October 5, 2009

White Linens #3

Again, I love white linens. And I decorate with them lavishly. I don't have a huge collection—far smaller than most collectors but I don't need that much and I put them to use. They don't just decorate the insides of drawers! I use them. I'm not especially a matchy-matchy type of person. I use different kinds on different shelves. (The shelves below are not mine, but alike in what I do with snippets of lace or old pillowcases that have become thread-bare for using on beds anymore.
I've bought shelves at Home Depot and put them up in my family room, office and in the bathroom, but I covered them with lace on the edges to soften the "contemporary" look and feel of them and give them a more romantic feminine appeal. Love Bunny loves it, or at least he doesn't care enough to fight me on it. Actually, he wouldn't dare because we all know who would win that battle. ;-)

Yes, indeed, I actually have ribbons around some of my linens and towels. It just gives them a feeling of luxury in my guest bathroom.

You can even cover up a cheap or abused table with a cloth and make it look glorious, beautiful and majestic with only that small elegance.

Nothing need be said about white covers on sofas, love seats or chairs. They wash beautifully, no ironing and stains bleach right out when little children are involved in making the messes. :-)

This picture just makes me feel good: roses shedding their divine, glorious petals.


  1. I Love white decorating. It always looks so fresh and clean.
    Congrats Connie on reaching the 700th post.
    Hugs ~ Kerryanne

  2. So pretty and full of beauty.
    Enjoyed your pics,
    d from homehaven

  3. Hi Connie. I love those laces pictured. They're so intricate and delicate. Lots of cute ideas. Thanks for sharing.
    Have a great day...Tracy

  4. I love your shelves!

    BTW, I didn't get a response to your email about the giveaway, so I wasn't sure what you wanted me to do. :)

  5. What pretty pictures! One day I will have white, but for now we need to be versatile and comfy. I love lace-lined shelves. I want to do a variation of that in my kitchen.

    Hope you're having a great day! Have you received my envelope yet?

  6. Gogeous post! You know I love "not matchy", and these pics are breathtaking. I think you need to take your linens camping with you. You know, add some here and there! Maybe that would help. Loved this post, so inspiring!

  7. Hi Connie, love white linens too very fresh looking. I can't use to many though, I have cats and they tend to like to lay on them and then they don't look so nice with hair... :-( I'm going to have to put some ribbon around the towels in my guest bath as well... what a nice are very talented and I love seeing what your going to come up with next...Have a nice week! hugs, Jennifer

  8. There's something so elegant about white.

    Your feature is next Saturday!

  9. Linens are so beautiful...I used to decorate a lot more with them than I do now, but I still like them. Thanks for stopping by...have a great week!

  10. Beautiful white decoration. Your linens are gorgeous!!!

  11. Hi Connie,
    Such beautiful images in your post today girl. Love,love,love the lacy details.

  12. Some beautiful whites and laces!! I loved everything you showed us today, very romantic and charming!! Vicki

  13. I love the white - I'm trying to bring more and more of into my house and it's fun to find this and that! Thanks for sharing...jennsthreegraces = Jennifer

  14. I agree! I also love white linens & slipcovered my sofas for the same reasons you mention....wash, bleach out stains....look FabuLouS!! Congratulations of your 700th post~amazing....I am new to this so I think I've posted maybe 20???


  15. Thanks Connie! You totally cracked me up! I was born in Clarkston WA, & have family still in Lewistion ID...are you from around there?? You are so fun! Thanks for coming by my blog!


  16. hi connie
    am back from a long hiatus and feeling better so am enjoying getting caught up with my old blogging buddies.
    I love your aprons and the linens
    all the eye candy is great

  17. I soooo love the fresh, crisp, white linens, too! (Well, any vintage linens!) LOL!

    Thanks for stopping by...

  18. Wow the shelves look gorgeous! Love the laces. So feminine.


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